653 research outputs found

    The transient performance of a hydraulic turbine driven inducer - Computer predictions and test verification Final report

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    Analog and digital computer programs for predicting transient performance of inducer driven by hydraulic turbin

    Germanium Detector with Internal Amplification for Investigation of Rare Processes

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    Device of new type is suggested - germanium detector with internal amplification. Such detector having effective threshold about 10 eV opens up fresh opportunity for investigation of dark matter, measurement of neutrino magnetic moment, of neutrino coherent scattering at nuclei and for study of solar neutrino problem. Construction of germanium detector with internal amplification and perspectives of its use are described.Comment: 13 pages, latex, 3 figures, report at NANP-99, International Conference on Non-Accelerator Physics, Dubna, Russia, June 29- July 3, 1999. To be published in the Proceeding

    Performance of AAOmega: the AAT multi-purpose fibre-fed spectrograph

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    AAOmega is the new spectrograph for the 2dF fibre-positioning system on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. It is a bench-mounted, double-beamed design, using volume phase holographic (VPH) gratings and articulating cameras. It is fed by 392 fibres from either of the two 2dF field plates, or by the 512 fibre SPIRAL integral field unit (IFU) at Cassegrain focus. Wavelength coverage is 370 to 950nm and spectral resolution 1,000-8,000 in multi-Object mode, or 1,500-10,000 in IFU mode. Multi-object mode was commissioned in January 2006 and the IFU system will be commissioned in June 2006. The spectrograph is located off the telescope in a thermally isolated room and the 2dF fibres have been replaced by new 38m broadband fibres. Despite the increased fibre length, we have achieved a large increase in throughput by use of VPH gratings, more efficient coatings and new detectors - amounting to a factor of at least 2 in the red. The number of spectral resolution elements and the maximum resolution are both more than doubled, and the stability is an order of magnitude better. The spectrograph comprises: an f/3.15 Schmidt collimator, incorporating a dichroic beam-splitter; interchangeable VPH gratings; and articulating red and blue f/1.3 Schmidt cameras. Pupil size is 190mm, determined by the competing demands of cost, obstruction losses, and maximum resolution. A full suite of VPH gratings has been provided to cover resolutions 1,000 to 7,500, and up to 10,000 at particular wavelengths.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; presented at SPIE, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, 24 - 31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida US

    Konversi Lumpur Aktif Menjadi Biodiesel dengan Proses Subkritis tanpa Katalis secara Insitu

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    Nowadays, biodiesel has been produced commercially for partial supporting energy demmand in Indonesia. However, high price feedstock and need of catalyst appear as the problem. In this research, activated sludge which is available as large scale waste and comprises significant ammount of lipid fraction (direct adsorption of industrial waste water and microbial lipid), was converted into biodiesel using subcritical process (without catalyst). The potential of the feedstock and process in producing biodiesel were studied. The optimum condition of the production is 215oC, 65 bar, and 5:1 of methanol to lipid mass ratio and the biodiesel meets the SNI-04-7182-2006 spesification

    Model for nucleation in GaAs homoepitaxy derived from first principles

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    The initial steps of MBE growth of GaAs on beta 2-reconstructed GaAs(001) are investigated by performing total energy and electronic structure calculations using density functional theory and a repeated slab model of the surface. We study the interaction and clustering of adsorbed Ga atoms and the adsorption of As_2 molecules onto Ga atom clusters adsorbed on the surface. The stable nuclei consist of bound pairs of Ga adatoms, which originate either from dimerization or from an indirect interaction mediated through the substrate reconstruction. As_2 adsorption is found to be strongly exothermic on sites with a square array of four Ga dangling bonds. Comparing two scenarios where the first As_2 gets incorporated in the incomplete surface layer, or alternatively in a new added layer, we find the first scenario to be preferable. In summary, the calculations suggest that nucleation of a new atomic layer is most likely on top of those surface regions where a partial filling of trenches in the surface has occurred before.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. B (December 15, 1998). Other related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm


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      Research of mussel attachment, Septiver billocularis was carried out on the intertidal zone of coastal Tiwoho, north Sulawesi. The objectives of this study were 1) to identify type of substrates (organic and inorganic) to be attached by box mussel Septifer bilocularis, 2) to identify substrate preferences of Septifer bilocularis settlement. 3) to know the favorite position of settlement in mussel aggregation. The PVC plate has 16 holes, each with diameter of 1.8 cm, which had been filled randomly with organic substrate of coconut fibers and palm fibers, and mussel shell with byssus threads, then inorganic with plastic rope. Each substrate had 4 replicates. The PVC plate, four replications, each was placed at edge and middle of large aggregation, the PVC plate with substrates was also placed in isolated aggregation. All PVC plates were placed in intertidal Tiwoho for 1.5 months. The settlement data were analyzed using a Two-Way ANOVA with substrata and position in patch as the main factor. Before running the test, data were transformed using arcsin. The results showed that the settlement of box mussel (< 1 mm) attached to organic substrata such as coconut and palm fibers, as well as inorganic substrates, plastic rope. Settlement of box mussels on shells with byssus threads had sizes ranging from > 1 mm to - < 3 mm. A Two-way ANOVA test shows that settlement was not affected by substrata (P > 0.05), the settlement of box mussel was affected by position in aggregation (P < 0.05). Factors such as the effect of physical, chemical, and biological on box mussel settlement are discussed. Keywords: Aggregation, Attachment, Shellfish, Substrate, Tiwoho Coast ABSTRAK `           Penelitian penempelan kerang Septiver bilocularis pada substrat telah dilakukan di zona intertidal di pesisir Tiwoho, Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis substrat organik dan non organik yang menjadi substrat penempelan kerang Septifer bilocularis, 2) untuk mengidentifikasi substrat preferensi (favorit) pada penempelan kerang Septifer bilocularis. 3) untuk mengetahui posisi favorit penempelan dalam agregasi kerang. Plat PVC memiliki 16 lubang dengan diameter masing-masing 1,8 cm yang telah diisi secara acak dengan substrat organik serabut kelapa, serabut pohon seho, dan cangkan dengan byssus, serta substrat inorganik tali plastic. Setiap substrat memiliki 4 ulangan. Plat PVC dengan substrat ditempatkan di posisi pinggir dan tengah agregasi besar, serta agregasi kecil. Penempatan plat PVC dilakukan secara terpisah (4 kali ulangan) baik di posisi pinggir dan tengah untuk agregasi besar, serta 4 ulangan secara terpisah untuk masing- masing agregasi kecil. Semua plat PVC ditempatkan di intertidal Tiwoho selama 1,5 bulan. Data penempelan kerang dianalisa dengan menggunakan 2 Arah-ANOVA dengan substrat dan posisi dalam agregasi sebagai faktor utama. Sebelum menjalankan pengujian, data ditransformasikan menggunakan arcsinh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penempelan larva kerang yang menempel pada substrat organik, yaitu serabut kelapa dan seho, serta inorganic tali plastic memiliki ukuran < 1 mm, serta substrat organik cangkang induk dengan byssus, yang memiliki ukuran antara > 1 mm sampai - < 3 mm. Uji ANOVA dua arah menunjukkan bahwa penempelan tidak dipengaruhi oleh substrat (P > 0,05), penempelan kerang dipengaruhi oleh posisi dalam agregasi (P < 0,05). Faktor-faktor seperti fisik, kimia, dan biologis yang mempengaruhi penempelan kerang kotak dibahas dalam diskusi. Kata kunci: Agregasi, Penempelan, Kerang, Substrat, Pesisir Tiwoh

    Combined Computational Intelligence Approach for the Power System Optimization Problem

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    This paper presents an adoption of a natural phenomenon as Thunderstorm Algorithm (TA) which is applied to solve a problem of the power production composition under various constraints. This work also introduces artificial salmon tracking algorithm (ASTA) for defining the optimal strategy of the power system on the power consumption. Both algorithms are tested on the IEEE-62 bus system as a selected structure for the mathematical cased model. By considering all parameters, results show that ASTA can be applied to predict the power consumption and TA also has good performances while searching the optimal solution. Moreover, the power production can be presented throughout an economic dispatch problem. Technically, this computation demonstrates the optimal solution with fast convergence and short time consumption. These processes also perform smooth and stable characteristics for the searching completion

    Eigenvector statistics in non-Hermitian random matrix ensembles

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    We study statistical properties of the eigenvectors of non-Hermitian random matrices, concentrating on Ginibre's complex Gaussian ensemble, in which the real and imaginary parts of each element of an N x N matrix, J, are independent random variables. Calculating ensemble averages based on the quantity <Lα∣Lβ>< L_\alpha | L_\beta > , where <Lα∣< L_\alpha | and ∣Rβ>| R_\beta > are left and right eigenvectors of J, we show for large N that eigenvectors associated with a pair of eigenvalues are highly correlated if the two eigenvalues lie close in the complex plane. We examine consequences of these correlations that are likely to be important in physical applications.Comment: 4 pages, no figure
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