448 research outputs found

    Religious Moderation and Family Resilience in the City of Malang, Indonesia: The Historical Perspectives of the Islamic Law

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    Religious moderation is a moderate attitude or perspective in religion that is fair and balanced. A moderate mindset and behavior in the family is very significant for married couples to avoid things that can damage the honor and dignity of the family. The research method used is an empirical legal study with an approach to the history of Islamic law. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with a number of informants namely, academics, housewives, teachers and self-employed people. While document studies are carried out by analyzing journal articles, books and various references related to the discussion. The research found that a moderate religious perspective and attitude are critical for family life. Family resilience strategies include belief systems, organizational processes, communication processes, and problem solvers. Among the materials that are very important for strengthening religious moderation in the family are tolerance, leadership in the family, division of roles in the family, equal relations between a husband and a wife, respect for the existence and quality communication of all family members, and cultivating negotiation in decision-making, And no less important is a moderate religious understanding. In terms of the Islamic law history, several families, such as the Prophet Ibrahim’s family, the Imran family (Alu Imran), and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, can be used as examples of cultivating the true values of monotheism, humanity, social solidarity, and even purity and self-respect. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the family of Hadaratus Sheikh KH. Hasyim Asyari, the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama can be used as an example who gives birth to children and grandchildren and even families who have a sense of nationalism, religion, humanism, pluralism and social solidarity.                                  

    Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran dan Antrian Pasien pada Klinik Dokter Menggunakan Komunikasi Data Internet

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    Penerapan Teknologi Informasi sudah masuk ke berbagai bidang dan mulai dirasakan manfaatnya. Hal ini mendorong beberapa pengembang teknologi Informasi untuk mengembangkan proses yang ada diperusahaan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Salah satu bidang yang memanfaatkan teknologi ini adalah Perusahaan di bidang Rumah Sakit/Klinik. Teknologi informasi digunakan dari berbagai sektor diantaranya administrasi rumah sakit, antrian pasien rumah sakit, manajemen pengelolaan rawat inap dan lain-lain. Pada Penelitian ini penerapan penggunaan teknologi informasi dilakukan dengan membuat suatu aplikasi tentang pendaftaran dan antrian pasien. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu administrasi bagian pendaftaran Rumah Sakit Umum Pakuwon sehingga diharapkan dengan adanya teknologi ini pasien dapat terbantu dalam segi waktu ketika berobat ke poli yang terdapat di Rumah Sakit Pakuwon. Karena Sistem yang sedang berjalan sekarang ini menemui berbagai kendala dan permasalahan. Adapun dari tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan sebuah aplikasi pendaftaran dan antrian pasien sehingga pasien yang akan berobat ketika datang ke poli sudah langsung mendapatkan nomor antrian. Hal ini akan berdampak terhadap waktu tunggu masyarakat juga dalam mendapatkan nomor antrian. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan teknologi komputer berbasis internet dan mobile. Aplikasi Pendaftaran dan antrian pasien ini dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework code igniter dengan didukung basisdata MySQL. Pengguna dapat mengakses aplikasi ini dengan menggunakan launcher aplkasi pada android. Aplikasi ini dibagi menjadi 3 jenis aplikasi yaitu aplikasi dengan hak akses sebagai pasien, aplikasi dengan hak akses sebagai bag. Pendaftaran, aplikasi dengan hak akses sebagai Assisten Dokter. Ketiga aplikasi ini memiliki keterhubungan dalam aliran datan

    Peran Kelompok Nelayan dalam Kegiatan Pariwisata terhadap Peluang Usaha dan Kerja

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of fishermen in the tourism activities of the business and employment opportunities. This study also examines the relationship between the characteristics of the group members and group elements with the role of fishermen, where the research was conducted on a group cruise boat belonging to the Organization of Boat Cruise Pangandaran (OBCP) Pangandaran Village. On testing the characteristics of group members to the role of fishermen, there was a real relationship. In the test group elements with the role of fishermen, there was a real relationship unless the relationship norms/rules of the group with the group supporting service units were not real relationships. Finally, in testing the role of fishermen and businesses and employment opportunities, there was a real relationship, this was evidenced by the presence of several members of the group who has other business other than as a fisherman or a boat cruise as homestays, restaurants and stalls


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    Background: Evaluation of dental arches is of great importance for definitive diagnosis and optimal craniofacial treatment. The circumference or perimeter is the most important dimension of the dental arch and it changes according to age and gender. This issue hasn't been conducted yet in sulaimani city;Aims: aim of the present study was to assess the dimensional changes in the dental arches occurring during the transitional period from mixed to permanent dentition in individuals with normal dentition.Methods: A group of fifty children with normal dentition aged 8-9 years were selected according to specific criteria in sulaimani city in kurdistan of iraq, dental arch dimensions were measured. Five years later, a second examination and measurement was performed to record the changes in dental arches. The data was analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS, version 15) program for obtaining the descriptive statistics including the mean, and standard deviation, also the inferential statistics (t-test) was applied to test the significance difference between the dimensions.Results: The study showed an increase in the arch perimeter of the maxilla in the transition from mixed to permanent dentition for both males and females whereas in the lower arch it was the reverse. The arch perimeter differences between maxillary and mandibular arches show high significancy in both mixed and permanent dentitions P(0.00), P(0.00). There was asymmetry in the ach length between right and left side for both mixed and permanent dentition and most of the measurements of the permanent dentition showed high significant differences between right and left sides. There was a significant difference P(0.00) in maxillary and mandibular left and right incisor- canine distance (I-C) between males and females.Conclusion: Controlling the reduction of total arch length in the transition period from mixed dentition to permanent dentition may help in the early treatment of crowding of the teeth


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify the effects of two independent treatments, soft tissue mobilization and a localized heat pack, upon iliotibial band syndrome injured runner. Iliotibial band injured runners (n=5) who were actively seeking soft tissue mobilization as a treatment were recruited. These runners received one of three randomized treatments during three consecutive visits - (1) soft tissue mobilization (2) an iliotibial band isolating heat pack (3) rest. Iliotibial band flexibility and functional abductor strength measures were taken before and after each treatment. Flexibility was quantified by determining the hip and knee abduction moments generated during the iliotibial band stretch. Each active treatment resulted in significant changes when compared to the treatment of rest. Soft tissue mobilization increased flexibility at the hip and knee while the heat pack increased functional abductor strength

    Analisis Margin Pemasaran Telur Ayam Ras pada USAha Peternakan “Cahaya Aris Manis” di Desa Langaleso Kecamatan Dolo Kabupaten Sigi

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the marketing channels, marketing margin, part of the price received by farmers and marketing efficiency. Determination of the respondents to the farm was done intentionally (purposive). Total respondents two people consisting of 1 leader and 1 employee with the consideration that the respondents have to know the flow of the marketing of the products produced. Respondent traders used assessment method (Tracing Method), in order to obtain each 2 collectors and 1 retailers. The results showed that there are two channels of marketing eggs in the effort "breeder laying hens on the farm" Aris Light Sweet "as follows: 1). Breeders - Traders Gatherer - Retailer - Consumer. 2). Breeders - Traders Gatherer/retailer - Consumer. Margin on the first channel of IDR.9,600 and a second channel IDR.5,400. Section prices received by farmers in the first marketing channel by 91% and the second channel by 93%. Section prices received by farmers on the second channel ar greater, with the efficiency of 4,5%. Compared with the first channel with the efficiency of 4,7%. The results also showed that the efficiency of the marketing channels more efficiently

    Analysis of an Inverse Problem Arising in Photolithography

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    We consider the inverse problem of determining an optical mask that produces a desired circuit pattern in photolithography. We set the problem as a shape design problem in which the unknown is a two-dimensional domain. The relationship between the target shape and the unknown is modeled through diffractive optics. We develop a variational formulation that is well-posed and propose an approximation that can be shown to have convergence properties. The approximate problem can serve as a foundation to numerical methods.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    The Polarized Redistribution of the Contractile Vacuole to the Rear of the Cell is Critical for Streaming and is Regulated by PI(4,5)P2-Mediated Exocytosis

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    Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae align in a head to tail manner during the process of streaming during fruiting body formation. The chemoattractant cAMP is the chemoattractant regulating cell migration during this process and is released from the rear of cells. The process by which this cAMP release occurs has eluded investigators for many decades, but new findings suggest that this release can occur through expulsion during contractile vacuole (CV) ejection. The CV is an organelle that performs several functions inside the cell including the regulation of osmolarity, and discharges its content via exocytosis. The CV localizes to the rear of the cell and appears to be part of the polarity network, with the localization under the influence of the plasma membrane (PM) lipids, including the phosphoinositides (PIs), among those is PI(4,5)P2, the most abundant PI on the PM. Research on D. discoideum and neutrophils have shown that PI(4,5)P2 is enriched at the rear of migrating cells. In several systems, it has been shown that the essential regulator of exocytosis is through the exocyst complex, mediated in part by PI(4,5)P2-binding. This review features the role of the CV complex in D. discoideum signaling with a focus on the role of PI(4,5)P2 in regulating CV exocytosis and localization. Many of the regulators of these processes are conserved during evolution, so the mechanisms controlling exocytosis and membrane trafficking in D. discoideum and mammalian cells will be discussed, highlighting their important functions in membrane trafficking and signaling in health and disease