504 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan (Studi Pada Indeks Sri-kehati Yang Listing Di Bei Periode 2010-2012)

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    The objective of research is to explain the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on company profitability as represented by Return On Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Earning Per Share (EPS). Research type is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The population of research is 33 companies registered within SRI-KEHATI Index which lists on Indonesia Stock Exchange in period 2010-2012. Sample is 14 companies. Sampling method is purposive sampling. Analysis technique is simple linear regression. In the practice, statistic test is preceded by classical assumption test. Result of research indicates that CSR has significant influence on ROA and ROE, but CSR it does not have significant influence on EPS

    Telaah Kritis Nilai-nilai Kebudayaan Islam “Studi Kasus Tradisi Ramadhan & Idul Fitri di Desa Pageraji Kabupaten Banyumas”

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    In doing good deeds, each region in the world has its own characteristics. The custom then experienced a mix with Islamic traditions which ultimately created a harmony without leaving the applicable Shari\u27a. Acculturation of local culture with Islamic culture also occurred in Pageraji Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The Pageraji village community has a number of customs related to Islam that are still enduring today. The tradition is that the tarawih prayer time is slightly different from other regions, which is between 22:00 - 23:00, and the tradition of eating together and grave pilgrimage after the Eid prayer

    Perbedaan Tingkat Religiusitas dan Sikap terhadap Seks Pranikah antara Pelajar yang Bersekolah di SMA Umum dan SMA Berbasis Agama

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    Fenomena seks pranikah yang terjadi di masyarakat sekarang sudah menjalar di kalangan pelajar SMP dan SMA. Minimnya pendidikan agama di sekolah dinilai menjadi salah satu faktor pemicu tingginya angka praktik seks pranikah pada remaja di Indonesia karena pendidikan agama dapat meningkatkan tingkat religiusitas pada remaja. Tingkat religiusitas dapat memunculkan sikap mendukung atau tidak mendukung terhadap seks pranikah Daradjat (dalam Ritandiyono & Andisti, 2008). Praktik pendidikan agama di Indonesia saat ini hanya mengutamakan aspek kognitif dan mengabaikan aspek afektif dan konatif-volitif yaitu kemauan untuk mengamalkan, sehingga terjadi kesenjangan antara pengetahuan tentang agama yang dimiliki dengan pengamalan ajaran agama yang telah diterima (Bukhori, dalam Lobud 2007). Di Indonesia, terdapat dua tipe sekolah yaitu sekolah umum dan sekolah berbasis agama. Perbedaan dari dua sekolah ini adalah pada sekolah berbasis agama tidak hanya menitikberatkan pada pengetahuan namun juga menitikberatkan pada peningkatan keimanan serta ketaqwaan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan tingkat religiusitas dan sikap terhadap seks pranikah pada pelajar yang bersekolah di SMA umum dan SMA berbasis agama.Penelitian dilakukan pada 396 pelajar, yang terdiri dari 198 pelajar yang SMA umum dan 198 pelajar SMA berbasis agama. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tingkat religiusitas dan angket sikap terhadap seks pranikah. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan statistik non parametrik U Mann Whitney.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan tingkat religiusitas antara pelajar di SMA umum dan SMA berbasis agama dengan nilai p=0,257 (> 0,05). Sedangkan pengujian hipotesis kedua menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan sikap terhadap seks pranikah antara pelajar SMA umum dan SMA berbasis agama dengan p = 0,000 (< 0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlunya pendidikan seksual yang tidak hanya berdasarkan pendidikan agama, namun juga dengan memberikan muatan-muatan informasi seputar seksualitas yang akurat serta pemberian pendidikan agama yang dapat menyelaraskan aspek kognitif dan afektif pelajar dengan metode pembelajaran yang menuntut pelajar untuk aktif, kreatif, mandiri dan menyenangka

    Student Perceptions of Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy University of Indonesia in Facing Disaster as Efforts to Enhance Resilience in University 2017

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    University is one of the institutions that may have to face disaster events. For two decades, there have been a number of disasters that have negatively impacted the university. Resilience is an important concept that has been developed in the field of disaster management. This concept emphasizes on building adaptive capacitythrough social development, community competences, and strong communication and information systems. Students as a community often stay in campus for their activities such as study, research, and organization activities and are therefore prone to risks and dangers. It is important for students to be prepared in facing possible disasters so as to increase the resilience in the event of a disaster in the university. This research will show the perception of students in facing disaster, and furthermore will develop comprehensive disaster mitigation at the university, not only structural resilience, but also human resource to prepare in facing disasters. The purpose of this study is to describe the preparedness and awareness of the students of theFaculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Nursing, and Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Indonesia in facing disasters in an effort to increase disaster resilience in the university. This is a quantitative cross-sectional study performed on 388 respondents. Results show that generally the respondents are resilient enough in facing disasters. It showed from their answers with a percentage > 50%, there are: awareness of potentials for disaster on campus, respondents need to prepare in facing disasters, they got information from valid sources, they have been trained in disaster, appropriate answers regarding to emergency response during disaster, and knowledge regarding nearest health services. However, improvements are still needed for several variables, including disaster preparedness on campus, knowledge of early warning system in campus, ownership of catastrophe insurance, level of preparedness (which is still low at 30.9%), valid information sources, and participation in disaster response training should be increased. Keywords: disaster, disaster management, awareness, preparedness, resilience, universit

    Pelaksanaan Pengawasan terhadap Kewajiban Perusahaan untuk Mengikutsertakan Pekerja dalam Program Jaminan Kecelakaam Kerja (Studi di Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Probolinggo)

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    Dalam penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pembahasan tentang pelaksanaan pengawasan terhadap kewajiban Perusahaan untuk mengikutsertakan pekerja dalam program jaminan kecelakaan kerja. Belum terpenuhinya hak pekerja/buruh untuk mendapatkan jaminan kecelakaan kerja, dan masih terdapat beberapa Perusahaan yang tidak mengikutsertakan pekerja/buruhnya pada jaminan sosial tenaga kerja khususnya jaminan kecelakaan kerja. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Probolinggo terdapat 301 Perusahaan dan hanya 151 Perusahaan yang mengikutsertakan pekerja dalam program jaminan sosial tenaga kerja serta terdapat 24.516 pekerja/buruh dan hanya 11.221 pekerja/buruh di Kota Probolinggo yang menjadi peserta jaminan sosial tenaga kerja. Dalam berlakunya ketentuan tersebut terdapat pengawas yang bertugas untuk mengawasi Perusahaan yang tidak menjalankan aturan Perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan, namun sementara itu pegawai pengawas Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Probolinggo hanya berjumlah lima orang dan harus mengawasi sebanyak tiga ratus satu Perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Pengawasan, Kewajiban Perusahaan, Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja

    Caspase Inhibitor Diminishes Caffeic Acid-induced Apoptosis in Osteosarcoma Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Caffeic acid has been shown to induce apoptosis in MG63 osteosarcoma cells. Along with the apoptotic induction, caffeic acid was shown to activate caspase-8, -9 and -3. However, the role of caspase in mediating caffeic acid-induced apoptosis in MG63 cells are not clear yet. In this study, caspase role was further investigated by inhibiting caspase activity in the caffeic acid-induced apoptosis system in the MG63 cells.METHODS: MG63 cells were cultured, starved, pretreated with/without Z-VAD FMK and treated with/without 10 µg/mL caffeic acid. To quantify the number of apoptotic MG63 cells, Sub-G1 method was performed. The caffeic acid-induced apoptotic morphology was confirmed with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining and Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. Meanwhile, to detect apoptotic underlying mechanism, immunoblotting was performed to detect caspase-8, -9 and -3.RESULTS: MG63 cells were significantly induced into apoptosis with the treatment of 10 µg/mL caffeic acid for 48 hours. However, pretreatment of 100 µM Z-VAD-FMK, a pan caspase inhibitor, for 2 hours, the percentage of apoptotic MG63 cells was significantly diminished. The apoptotic phenomenon induced by caffeic acid as well as the inhibition of Z-VAD-FMK were confirmed by DAPI staining and TUNEL assay. Cleaved caspase-8, -9 and -3 were formed markedly upon the treatment of caffeic acid. Pretreatment of 100 µM Z-VAD-FMK could inhibit the cleaved caspase-8, -9 and -3.CONCLUSION: Taken together, caffeic acid has the potential to induce apoptosis in MG63 cells, specifically through the caspase signaling pathway

    Pemantauan Intake Output Cairan Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Dapat Mencegah Overload Cairan

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    Fluid Intake Output Monitoring of Chronic Renal Failure Patients can Prevent Fluid Overload. Unhealthy diet in urban society as one of risk factor noncommunicable disease, such as Diabetes and Hypertension. Both of them is leading causes of kidney disease and it can be End Stage Renal Disease stage (ESRS). ESRD patient often experience fluid overload state, that can cause another health problem even it can be cause of death. That\u27s way, it is important to make effective and efficient fluid restriction program to prevent the complication, one other thing is fluid intake output monitoring. This scientific paper use case study method to describe analysis of clinical practice in fluid intake output monitoring by using fluid intake output chart. Monitoring is proven effective to treat fluid overload, it is shown by decreasing of patient\u27s fluid overload clinical manifestatio

    Pеngaruh Sеrvicеscapе(lingkungan Layanan) Tеrhadap Kеpuasan dan Dampaknya pada Loyalitas (Survеi pada Pеlanggan Madam Wang Sеcrеt Gardеn Cafе Malang)

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    Thе typе of rеsеarch usеd in this rеsеarch is еxplanatory rеsеarch. Thе population in this study i.е., all customеrs in Madam Wang Sеcrеt Gardеn Cafе was unfortunatе with a samplе numbеr of 116 pеoplе rеspondеnts. Sampling tеchniquе usеd is a non probability sampling by using purposivе sampling tеchniquе. Thе analysis of thе data usеd is dеscriptivе and path analysis using SPSS softwarе analisys for windows. Thе rеsults of this rеsеarch indicatе that thе variablе Conditions around, Spatial Layout and functionality, signs, Symbols and artеfacts and еmployееs a positivе and significant еffеct against thе customеr satisfaction and its impact on customеr loyalty. Thеrеforе, should madam wang sеcrеt gardеn cafе poor improving thе variablе thе layout spatial and functionality , as adjust again thе layout intеrior , improvе thе quality of еquipmеnt sеrvicеs and addеd innovation dеsign architеcturе morе intеrеsting. Kеyword : Sеrvicеscapе, thе condition of thе Surrounding Spatial layout and functionality, thе sign Symbols and artеfacts, satisfaction and loyalt