383 research outputs found

    Extreme ultraviolet emission lines of Ni xii in laboratory and solar spectra

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    A linear force-free field solution is presented in cylindrical coordinates, formulated in terms of trigonometric and Bessel functions. A numerical exploration has revealed that this solution describes magnetic field lines that meander in Cartesian space, as well as field lines that lie on toroidal flux surfaces. These tori are in (or close to) the plane perpendicular to the cylindrical axis. Nested tori, as well as tori with shells that have finite thickness, were found. The parameter space of the solution shows that the tori exist within a bounded range of values

    A new family of solutions of the force-free field equation

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    A new family of solutions has been found for force-free magnetic fields and Beltrami flows, which admits a complete classification in terms of the eigenvalues of the problem. In the absence of boundary values to determine them uniquely, the eigenvalues correspond to the entire set of real numbers, except for zero. The eigenvalues are degenerate in that each eigenvalue has many eigensolutions associated with it. For each eigensolution we have been able to identify sets of equilibrium or null points and lines. The linear mappings of these null points and lines are all unstable. Finally, we derive the first integral of energy associated with this family of solutions

    The structure of force-free magnetic fields

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    Incontrovertible evidence is presented that the force-free magnetic fields exhibit strong stochastic behavior. Arnold’s solution is given with the associated first integral of energy. A subset of the solution is shown to be non-ergodic whereas the full solution is shown to be ergodic. The first integral of energy is applied to the study of these fields to prove that the equilibrium points of such magnetic configurations are saddle points. Finally, the potential function of the first integral of energy is shown to be a member of the Helmholtz family of solutions. Numerical results corroborate the theoretical conclusions and demonstrate the robustness of the energy integral, which remains constant for arbitrarily long computing time

    Relativistic Landau resonances

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    The possible interactions between plasma waves and relativistic charged particles are considered. An electromagnetic perturbation in the plasma is formulated as an elliptically polarized wave, and the collisionless plasma is described by a distribution in phase space, which is realized in cylindrical coordinates. The linearized Vlasov equation is solved in the semi-relativistic limit, to obtain the distribution function in the rest frame of the observer. The perturbed currents supported by the ionized medium are then calculated, so that an expression can be written for the total amount of energy available for transfer through the Landau mechanism. It is found that only certain modes of the perturbed current are available for this energy transfer. The final expressions are presented in terms of Stokes parameters, and applied to the special cases of a thermal as well as a nonthermal plasma. The thermal plasma is described by a Maxwellian distribution, while two nonthermal distributions are considered: the kappa distribution and a generalized Weibull distribution

    Differential rotation and angular momentum

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    Differential rotation not only occurs in astrophysical plasmas like accretion disks, it is also measured in laboratory plasmas as manifested in the toroidal rotation of tokamak plasmas. A re-examination of the Lagrangian of the system shows that the inclusion of the angular momentum’s radial variation in the derivation of the equations of motion produces a force term that couples the angular velocity gradient with the angular momentum. This force term is a property of the angular velocity field, so that the results are valid wherever differential rotation is present

    Challenges in the delivery of e-government through kiosks

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    Kiosks are increasingly being heralded as a technology through which governments, government departments and local authorities or municipalities can engage with citizens. In particular, they have attractions in their potential to bridge the digital divide. There is some evidence to suggest that the citizen uptake of kiosks and indeed other channels for e-government, such as web sites, is slow, although studies on the use of kiosks for health information provision offer some interesting perspectives on user behaviour with kiosk technology. This article argues that the delivery of e-government through kiosks presents a number of strategic challenges, which will need to be negotiated over the next few years in order that kiosk applications are successful in enhancing accessibility to and engagement with e-government. The article suggests that this involves consideration of: the applications to be delivered through a kiosk; one stop shop service and knowledge architectures; mechanisms for citizen identification; and, the integration of kiosks within the total interface between public bodies and their communities. The article concludes by outlining development and research agendas in each of these areas.</p


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    Concurrent accesses to shared data structures must be synchronized to avoid data races. Coarse-grained synchronization, which locks the entire data structure, is easy to implement but does not scale. Fine-grained synchronization can scale well, but can be hard to reason about. Hand-over-hand locking, in which operations are pipelined as they traverse the data structure, combines fine-grained synchronization with ease of use. However, the traditional implementation suffers from inherent overheads. This paper introduces snapshot-based synchronization (SBS), a novel hand-over-hand locking mechanism. SBS decouples the synchronization state from the data, significantly improving cache utilization. Further, it relies on guarantees provided by pipelining to minimize synchronization that requires cross-thread communication. Snapshot-based synchronization thus scales much better than traditional hand-over-hand locking, while maintaining the same ease of use

    Patient and caregiver perspectives on blood pressure in children with chronic kidney disease

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    Background: More than 50% of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have uncontrolled hypertension, increasing their long-term risk of cardiovascular disease and progression to kidney failure. Children receiving medications or dialysis may also experience acute blood pressure fluctuations accompanied by debilitating symptoms. We aimed to describe the perspectives of children with CKD and their parental caregivers on blood pressure to inform patient-centered care. / Methods: Secondary thematic analysis was conducted on qualitative data from the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents initiative, encompassing 16 focus groups, an international Delphi survey and two consensus workshops. We analyzed responses from children with CKD (ages 8–21 years) and caregivers (of children ages 0–21 years) pertaining to blood pressure. / Results: Overall, 120 patients and 250 caregivers from 22 countries participated. We identified five themes: invisibility and normalization (reassured by apparent normotension, absence of symptoms and expected links with CKD), confused by ambiguity (hypertension indistinguishable from cardiovascular disease, questioning the need for prophylactic intervention, frustrated by inconsistent messages and struggling with technical skills in measurement), enabling monitoring and maintaining health (gaging well-being and preventing vascular complications), debilitating and constraining daily living (provoking anxiety and agitation, helpless and powerless and limiting life activities) and burden of medications (overwhelmed by the quantity of tablets and distress from unexpected side effects). / Conclusions: For children with CKD and their caregivers, blood pressure was an important heath indicator, but uncertainty around its implications and treatment hampered management. Providing educational resources to track blood pressure and minimizing symptoms and treatment burden may improve outcomes in children with CKD