1,523 research outputs found

    Fractional spinon excitations in the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain

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    Assemblies of interacting quantum particles often surprise us with properties that are difficult to predict. One of the simplest quantum many-body systems is the spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain, a linear array of interacting magnetic moments. Its exact ground state is a macroscopic singlet entangling all spins in the chain. Its elementary excitations, called spinons, are fractional spin 1/2 quasiparticles; they are created and detected in pairs by neutron scattering. Theoretical predictions show that two-spinon states exhaust only 71% of the spectral weight while higher-order spinon states, yet to be experimentally located, are predicted to participate in the remaining. Here, by accurate absolute normalization of our inelastic neutron scattering data on a compound realizing the model, we account for the full spectral weight to within 99(8)%. Our data thus establish and quantify the existence of higher-order spinon states. The observation that within error bars, the entire weight is confined within the boundaries of the two-spinon continuum, and that the lineshape resembles a rescaled two-spinon one, allow us to develop a simple physical picture for understanding multi-spinon excitations.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary material

    Spin reorientation transition in the incommensurate stripe-ordered phase of La3/2Sr1/2NiO4

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    The spin ordering of La3/2Sr1/2NiO4 was investigated by magnetization measurements, and by unpolarized- and polarized-neutron diffraction. Spin ordering with an incommensurability epsilon ~ 0.445 is observed below T_so ~ 80 K. On cooling, a spin reorientation is observed at 57 +/- 1 K, with the spin axes rotating from 52 +/- 4 degrees to 78 +/- 3 degrees. This is the first time a spin reorientation has been observed in a La2-xSrxNiO4+delta compound having incommensurate stripe order.Comment: REVTex 4. 4 pages including 4 figures. Minor changes to text. Accepted to be published in Physical Review

    Evidence of a bond-nematic phase in LiCuVO4

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    Polarized and unpolarized neutron scattering experiments on the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain LiCuVO4 show that the phase transition at HQ of 8 Tesla is driven by quadrupolar fluctuations and that dipolar correlations are short-range with moments parallel to the applied magnetic field in the high-field phase. Heat-capacity measurements evidence a phase transition into this high-field phase, with an anomaly clearly different from that at low magnetic fields. Our experimental data are consistent with a picture where the ground state above HQ has a next-nearest neighbour bond-nematic order along the chains with a fluid-like coherence between weakly coupled chains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Haydeeite: a spin-1/2 kagome ferromagnet

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    The mineral haydeeite, alpha-MgCu3(OD)6Cl2, is a S=1/2 kagome ferromagnet that displays long-range magnetic order below TC=4.2 K with a strongly reduced moment. Our inelastic neutron scattering data show clear spin-wave excitations that are well described by a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange J1=-38 K and antiferromagnetic exchange Jd=+11 K across the hexagons of the kagome lattice. These values place haydeeite very close to the quantum phase transition between ferromagnetic order and non-coplanar twelve-sublattice cuboc2 antiferromagnetic order. Diffuse dynamic short-range ferromagnetic correlations observed above TC persist well into the ferromagnetically ordered phase with a behavior distinct from critical scattering

    Field-induced commensurate long-range order in the Haldane-gap system NDMAZ

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    High-field neutron diffraction studies of the new quantum-disordered S=1 linear-chain antiferromagnet Ni(C5_5H14_{14}N2_2)2_2N3_3(ClO4_4) (NDMAZ) are reported. At T=70 mK, at a critical field Hc=13.4H_c=13.4 T applied along the (013) direction, a phase transition to a commensurate N\'{e}el-like ordered state is observed. The results are discussed in the context of existing theories of quantum phase transitions in Haldane-gap antiferromagnets, and in comparions with previous studies of the related system Ni(C5_5H14_{14}N2_2)2_2N3_3(PF6_6)

    Magnetic excitations in coupled Haldane spin chains near the quantum critical point

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    Two quasi-1-dimensional S=1 quantum antiferromagnetic materials, PbNi2V2O8 and SrNi2V2O8, are studied by inelastic neutron scattering on powder samples. While magnetic interactions in the two systems are found to be very similar, subtle differences in inter-chain interaction strengths and magnetic anisotropy are detected. The latter are shown to be responsible for qualitatively different ground state properties: magnetic long-range order in SrNi2V2O8 and disordered ``spin liquid'' Haldane-gap state in PbNi2V2O8.Comment: 15 figures, Figs. 5,9, and 10 in color. Some figures in JPEG format. Complete PostScript and PDF available from http://papillon.phy.bnl.gov/publicat.ht

    Spin correlations among the charge carriers in an ordered stripe phase

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    We have observed a diffuse component to the low-energy magnetic excitation spectrum of stripe-ordered La5/3Sr1/3NiO4 probed by neutron inelastic scattering. The diffuse scattering forms a square pattern with sides parallel and perpendicular to the stripe directions. The signal is dispersive, with a maximum energy of ~10 meV. Probed at 2 meV the scattering decreases in strength with increasing temperature, and is barely visible at 100 K. We argue that the signal originates from dynamic, quasi- one-dimensional, antiferromagnetic correlations among the stripe electrons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Using a Geographical Information System to Evaluate Contributing Factors to Deer-Vehicle Collisions

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    An expanding human population combined with a growing white-tailed deer (Odocoifeus virginianus) population has resulted in an increase of deer-vehicle collisions in Arkansas. In response to this increase, we are using spatially explicit datasets integrated within a geographic information system (GIS) to identify county-level and site-specific factors contributing to deer-vehicle collisions. County-level information, such as human population densities /urbanization, deer density indices, and road densities, is being evaluated for use in identifying potential aggregations of deer-vehicle collisions. Site-specific information being evaluated includes physical factors such as landcover composition and arrangement, topography, and road characteristics. By incorporating these multi-scale data sets in a GIS, spatial intersections of variables indicating potential current or future hotspots of deer-vehicle collisions can be identified and mapped. This information can then be used to aid administrators and natural resource managers in identifying locations where deer-vehicle collisions may be concentrated

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg system CuSe2O5

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    A microscopic magnetic model for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain compound CuSe2O5 is developed based on the results of a joint experimental and theoretical study. Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data give evidence for quasi-1D magnetism with leading antiferromagnetic (AFM) couplings and an AFM ordering temperature of 17 K. For microscopic insight, full-potential DFT calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) were performed. Using the resulting band structure, a consistent set of transfer integrals for an effective one-band tight-binding model was obtained. Electronic correlations were treated on a mean-field level starting from LDA (LSDA+U method) and on a model level (Hubbard model). In excellent agreement of experiment and theory, we find that only two couplings in CuSe2O5 are relevant: the nearest-neighbour intra-chain interaction of 165 K and a non-frustrated inter-chain coupling of 20 K. From a comparison with structurally related systems (Sr2Cu(PO4)2, Bi2CuO4), general implications for a magnetic ordering in presence of inter-chain frustration are made.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Magnetic-field-induced spin excitations and renormalized spin gap of the underdoped superconductor La1.895_{1.895}Sr0.105_{0.105}CuO4_{4}

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    High-resolution neutron inelastic scattering experiments in applied magnetic fields have been performed on La1.895_{1.895}Sr0.105_{0.105}CuO4_{4} (LSCO). In zero field, the temperature dependence of the low-energy peak intensity at the incommensurate momentum-transfer $\mathbf{Q}^{\ }_{\mathrm{IC}}=(0.5,0.5\pm\delta,0),(0.5\pm\delta,0.5,0)exhibitsananomalyatthesuperconducting exhibits an anomaly at the superconducting T^{\}_{c}$ which broadens and shifts to lower temperature upon the application of a magnetic field along the c-axis. A field-induced enhancement of the spectral weight is observed, but only at finite energy transfers and in an intermediate temperature range. These observations establish the opening of a strongly downward renormalized spin gap in the underdoped regime of LSCO. This behavior contrasts with the observed doping dependence of most electronic energy features.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
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