56 research outputs found

    Pengaturan Subsidi Perikanan dalam WTO dan Dampaknya Bagi Indonesia

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    Fisheries subsidies have been practiced by many states in the world. Such actions are considered as one of the causes of over-fishing. Its also endanger sustainable fisheries management. There is no specific regulation on fisheries subsidies in the WTO. To date, negotiation over fisheries subsidies came out with the draft and it would be attach as Annexes VIII of SCM Agreement. The draft of fisheries subsidies specifically regulates prohibited subsidies, general exception and special and different treatment. The impact of the WTO fisheries subsidies draft will be negative to the Indonesian fisheries market, fishery resources and employment. Subsidi perikanan telah dipraktikkan oleh negara-negara di dunia. Tindakan tersebut dianggap sebagai salah satu penyebab terjadinya eksploitasi sumber daya perikanan sehingga membahayakan pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan. Terkait dengan perdagangan dan subsidi perikanan, belum ada regulasi khusus tentang subsidi perikanan di WTO. Negosiasi di WTO hingga saat ini baru pada rancangan yang akan menjadi lampiran VIII SCM Agreement. Rancangan subsidi perikanan di WTO mengatur secara khusus tentang subsidi perikanan yang dilarang dan pengecualian secara umum. Dampak dari rancangan subsidi perikanan WTO tersebut apabila berhasil disahkan akan memberikan dampak negatif kepada Indonesia terkait dengan pasar perikanan, sumber daya perikanan dan lapangan pekerjaan


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    The purpose of this study is first, analyzing the soybean marketing system through the marketing and institutional function approach, marketing channels, market structure, and market behavior in Jember Regency. Second, analyzing the efficiency of soybean marketing channels in Jember Regency on each marketing channel with marketing margin approach, farmer's share, and profit ratio. Marketing institutions involved in the soybean marketing channel are collectors and wholesalers. The marketing functions carried out by these institutions are the exchange function, physical function, and facility function. The soybean marketing channel consists of three channels, namely the marketing channel

    Inovasi Praktikum Kimia Bahan Alam dengan Memanfaatkan Kearifan Lokal Suku Sasambo

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    Praktikum Kimia Bahan Alam (KBA) dengan memanfaatkan kearifan lokal suku SASAMBO berupa berbagai jenis tumbuhan obat. Studi literatur yang terdiri atas tahapan data display, data reduction, dan conclusion telah dilakukan dalam menyusun praktikum bahan alam ini. Data tersebut berupa hasil isolasi senyawa metabolit sekunder dari tanaman obat tradisional SASAMBO dan data efektivitas metode praktikum kimia. Metode isolasi yang digunakan terdiri atas ekstraksi, fraksinasi dan pemurnian. Prosedur isolasi menekankan pada praktikum skala laboratorium dan cocok untuk perkuliahan KBA. Pembelajaran KBA lebih efektif jika menggunakan metode praktikum yang dapat mengembangkan keterampilan pengambilan keputusan peserta didik melalui berbagai alternatif pilihan dalam proses isolasi metabolit sekunder. Hal ini disebabkan konsep praktikum KBA menuntut mahasiswa dapat menentukan prosedur isolasinya secara mandiri dengan rujukan artikel-artikel penelitian

    Studi Evaluasi Kesiapan SD Negeri 2 Gianyar Menjadi Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional

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    This study aimed at finding out (1) description of the SD Negeri 2 Gianyar readiness to be Precursor of International Standard School from context point of view, (2) description of the SD Negeri 2 Gianyar readiness to be Precursor of International Standard School from input point of view, (3) description of the SD Negeri 2 Gianyar readiness to be Precursor of International Standard School from process point of view, (4) description of obstacles encountered in preparing SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School. This study belonged to an evaluative research that adopted the CIPP evaluation model. The context variable was measured by an instrument in the form of context variable questionnaire, the input variable by an instrument in the form of input variable questionnaire, and the process variable by process variable questionnaire. The sample consisted of 12 teachers,1 headmaster, 3 administration officers, 4 school committees, and 132 students parents in SD 2 Gianyar derived purposive sampling technique. The data in the form of scores related to the context, input and process variables were analyzed by converting them into t-scores. The result showed that (1) the readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School was 58,13.It showed that SD 2 Gianyar was ready to be the Precursor of International Standard School from context point of view, (2) the readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School was 56,46.It showed that SD 2 Gianyar was ready to be the Precursor of International Standard School from input point of view,(3) the readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar to be Precursor of International Standard School was 42,29.It showed that SD 2 Gianyar was ready to be the Precursor of International Standard School from process point of view, (4) The main obstacle encountered in preparing SD 2 Gianyar to be precursor of International Standard School is that the existed shool development system to be Precursor of International Standard School has not maximized by the implementation of various strategies especially process strategies yet. Having been interpreted into Glickman's Quadrant readiness level criteria, It found that readiness level of SD 2 Gianyar was in ready quadrant with various obstacle in process variable. Thus, it could be concluded that SD Negeri 2 Gianyar was less ready to be Precursor of International Standard School from the proses points of view

    Analisis Industri Pangan Sub Sektor Industri Makanan Ringan Kue Bangkit dan Bolu (dengan Menggunakan Strukture Conduct Performance/scp)

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    This research aim is to determine the market structure, market behavior and market performance sponge cake industry. The data used is secondary data and primary data. This secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Pekanbaru City Department of Industry and Trade of the City of Pekanbaru. Primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed to 14 respondents in Pekanbaru. Methods of data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis through theoretical approach-Product Structure-Performance. In this model, the variable used is the market share, concentration ratio, IHH, CLR, and PCM. The results revealed snack food industry and sponge cake rise in Pekanbaru city has its share of the market (market share) the highest of 15.2%. While businesses with market share (market share) that is equal to the lowest of 2.54%. Cake Industry in Pekanbaru city has a monopolistic market structure. Judging from the analysis of the capital-labor ratio (CLR), industry and sponge cake rise in Pekanbaru city included in labor intensive industries. Industry performance and sponge cake rise in Pekanbaru city based on the calculation of PCM that profit is not affected by the strength of the market share. The average value of 47.39% PCM where PCM highest value of 60% and the lowest rate of 28%

    Analisis Industri Pangan Sub Sektor Industri Makanan Ringan Kue Bangkit dan Bolu (dengan Menggunakan Strukture Conduct Performance/scp)

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    This research aim is to determine the market structure, market behavior and market performance sponge cake industry. The data used is secondary data and primary data. This secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Pekanbaru City Department of Industry and Trade of the City of Pekanbaru. Primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed to 14 respondents in Pekanbaru. Methods of data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis through theoretical approach-Product Structure-Performance. In this model, the variable used is the market share, concentration ratio, IHH, CLR, and PCM. The results revealed snack food industry and sponge cake rise in Pekanbaru city has its share of the market (market share) the highest of 15.2%. While businesses with market share (market share) that is equal to the lowest of 2.54%. Cake Industry in Pekanbaru city has a monopolistic market structure. Judging from the analysis of the capital-labor ratio (CLR), industry and sponge cake rise in Pekanbaru city included in labor intensive industries. Industry performance and sponge cake rise in Pekanbaru city based on the calculation of PCM that profit is not affected by the strength of the market share. The average value of 47.39% PCM where PCM highest value of 60% and the lowest rate of 28%

    Wahana Olahraga Panjat Tebing di Kota Makassar

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    Olahraga kini menjadi gaya hidup bagi kalangan masyarakat kota (urban). Gaya hidup menggambarkan seluruh pola seseorang dalam beraksi dan berinteraksi didunia. Dalam maksud memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat kota dalam aspek butuhan jasmani (olahraga), selain memilih olahraga sebagai gaya hidup, masyarakat modern juga memilih olahraga yang bersifat praktis dan efisien

    Analisis Break Even Point (Bep) Pada Industri Percetakan (Digital Printing) Di Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    This research was conductedin on printing industry (digital printing) in Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Analysis of the break even point is a situation where the company does not suffer losses also didn't get the profit. Commonly, this analysis gives information about margin of safety to the management of how much the decrease of the selling can be reckoned so that the company will not having a loss.The purpose of this research is to know the amount and value of sales which must be achieved at the point of BEP, the margin of safety of the sale and obstacles encountered. The analysis method used is descriptive quantitative dan qualitative.quantitative analysis wa conducted by using formula break even point (BEP) ang margin of safety than discussed with qualitative methods on the obstacles faced.According to the research result, the level of BEP that is accomplished by printing industy (digital printing) in Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir is 327,43 m2 (Rp.9.823.034,237). Margin of safety printing industry (digital printing) worked with the level of safety is 70,89 %. It can be concluded that the decrease of the organic fertilizer selling could not be more than 70,89 % (Rp.23.925.375) from the planning. Printing industry (digital printing) in Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir has successfully produced above the BEP value. Aside from that, there are some obstacles such as damage to the machine, digital printing technology, , bad debts, availability of raw materials from the other region and frequent power outage
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