953 research outputs found

    Does Goal Setting with Elementary Students Impact Reading Growth

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    A capstone submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the College of Education at Morehead State University by Ronnie A. Dotson on February 1, 2016


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    Decreased respiratory functioning is a common symptom of spinal cord injury (SCI) and can impact individuals’ personal, professional, and social lives. In spite of this, researchers have not explored the use of music in the lives of individuals with SCIs or music’s role in their healthcare professionals’ treatment plans to improve respiratory functioning. The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand how decreased respiratory functioning affects individuals with SCIs and healthcare professionals through a multiple case study design. Participants were two individuals with SCIs and three healthcare professionals (physical therapist, recreational therapist, and music therapist) who worked with individuals with SCIs. Findings showed that decreased respiratory functioning affected many aspects of life for participants living with SCIs and multiple factors of treatment goals for healthcare professionals. Anxiety, stress, sexual functioning, and trouble sleeping were among the factors affecting participants with SCIs, while decreased treatment times and lightheadedness/loss of consciousness were included in considerations for healthcare professionals. Most participants only used music for entertainment, but some noted the value of singing with preferred music and music for anxiety reduction. Individuals with SCIs may benefit from music therapy interventions to decrease anxiety and improve their quality of life

    Building the Spirit of St Louis

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    Charles Lindbergh’s, “Spirit of St Louis” is one of the world’s most famous airplanes. Hear the inside story of how it was built from Oce Dotson. His father-in-law was a foreman on the project in 1927 and Oce became fascinated by what he learned, including some widely accepted myths about it

    Strong Angels of Comfort: Middle Class Managing Daughters in Victorian Literature

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    This dissertation joins a vibrant conversation in the social sciences about the challenging nature of care labor as well as feminist discussions about the role of the daughter in Victorian culture. It explores the literary presence of the middle class managing daughter in the Victorian home. Collectively, the novels in this study articulate social anxieties about the unclear and unstable role of daughters in the family, the physically and emotionally challenging work they, and all women, do, and the struggle for daughters to find a place in a family hierarchy, which is often structured not by effort or affection, but by proscribed traditional roles, which do not easily adapt to managing daughters, even if they are the ones holding the family together. The managing daughter is a problem not accounted for in any conventional domestic structure or ideology so there is no role, no clear set of responsibilities and no boundaries that could, and arguably should, define her obligations, offer her opportunities for empowerment, or set necessary limits on the broad cultural mandate she has to comfort and care others. The extremes she is often pushed to reveals the stresses and hidden conflicts for authority and autonomy inherent in domestic labor without the iconic angel in the house rhetoric that so often masks the difficulties of domestic life for women. She gains no authority or stability no matter how loving or even how necessary she is to a family because there simply is no position in the parental family structure for her. The managing daughter thus reveals a deep crack in the structure of the traditional Victorian family by showing that it often cannot accommodate, protect, or validate a loving non-traditional family member because it values traditional hierarchies over emotion or effort. Yet, in doing so, it also suggests that if it is position not passion that matters, then as long as a woman assumes the right position in the family then deep emotional connections to others are not necessary for her to care competently for others

    Voice control of the space shuttle video system

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    A pilot voice control system developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to test and evaluate the feasibility of controlling the shuttle TV cameras and monitors by voice commands utilizes a commercially available discrete word speech recognizer which can be trained to the individual utterances of each operator. Successful ground tests were conducted using a simulated full-scale space shuttle manipulator. The test configuration involved the berthing, maneuvering and deploying a simulated science payload in the shuttle bay. The handling task typically required 15 to 20 minutes and 60 to 80 commands to 4 TV cameras and 2 TV monitors. The best test runs show 96 to 100 percent voice recognition accuracy

    Compliant rolling-contact architected materials for shape reconfigurability.

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    Architected materials can achieve impressive shape-changing capabilities according to how their microarchitecture is engineered. Here we introduce an approach for dramatically advancing such capabilities by utilizing wrapped flexure straps to guide the rolling motions of tightly packed micro-cams that constitute the material's microarchitecture. This approach enables high shape-morphing versatility and extreme ranges of deformation without accruing appreciable increases in strain energy or internal stress. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional macroscale prototypes are demonstrated, and the analytical theory necessary to design the proposed materials is provided and packaged as a software tool. An approach that combines two-photon stereolithography and scanning holographic optical tweezers is demonstrated to enable the fabrication of the proposed materials at their intended microscale

    Mapping the Kinematical Regimes of Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We construct a language for identifying kinematical regions of transversely differential semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering cross sections with particular underlying partonic pictures, especially in regions of moderate to low QQ where sensitivity to kinematical effects outside the usual very high energy limit becomes non-trivial. The partonic pictures map to power law expansions whose leading contributions ultimately lead to well-known QCD factorization theorems. We propose methods for estimating the consistency of any particular region of overall hadronic kinematics with the kinematics of a given underlying partonic picture. The basic setup of kinematics of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is also reviewed in some detail.Comment: 37 pages, 11 Figure

    Tetrahymena thermophila and Candida albicans Group I intron-derived ribozymes can catalyze the trans-excision-splicing reaction

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    Group I intron-derived ribozymes can catalyze a variety of non-native reactions. For the trans-excision-splicing (TES) reaction, an intron-derived ribozyme from the opportunistic pathogen Pneumocystis carinii catalyzes the excision of a predefined region from within an RNA substrate with subsequent ligation of the flanking regions. To establish TES as a general ribozyme-mediated reaction, intron-derived ribozymes from Tetrahymena thermophila and Candida albicans, which are similar to but not the same as that from Pneumocystis, were investigated for their propensity to catalyze the TES reaction. We now report that the Tetrahymena and Candida ribozymes can catalyze the excision of a single nucleotide from within their ribozyme-specific substrates. Under the conditions studied, the Tetrahymena and Candida ribozymes, however, catalyze the TES reaction with lower yields and rates [Tetrahymena (kobs) = 0.14/min and Candida (kobs) = 0.34/min] than the Pneumocystis ribozyme (kobs = 3.2/min). The lower yields are likely partially due to the fact that the Tetrahymena and Candida catalyze additional reactions, separate from TES. The differences in rates are likely partially due to the individual ribozymes ability to effectively bind their 3′ terminal guanosines as intramolecular nucleophiles. Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that group I intron-derived ribozymes are inherently able to catalyze the TES reaction