21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perilaku Islami terhadap Kondisi Emosi Positif Remaja yang Tinggal di Lapas Kutoarjo Jawa Tengah

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    A number of researchers have found that adolescents who score high on measures of spirituality or religiosity are less likely than their peers to engage in violent or other antisocial behaviour. This research explores selected spiritual factors (Islamic behavior) that research has indicated may play an important protective role in strengthening resilience in young people and minimizing at-risk behavior that may be associated with school violence in Indonesia. Islamic behavior and manners are supposed to be derived from the Qur'an and sunnah. In this research, we review the professional literature regarding selected Islamic tenet as they pertain to adolescents and at-risk behavior and consider these factors might be useful in the prevention of youth violence in Indonesia. We use these factors to treat the adolescents from, who were sentenced more than 3 months in Kutoarjo adolescents' prison. The subjects were 30 adolescents who were approximately at the same age. Result: there was the important role of Islamic behavior toward youth emotion in prison

    Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak Sistem Auto Tracking Satellite Antenna Mobile Menggunakan Metode Azimut-elevasi Dan Koreksi Modem

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    Software Design of Mobile Antenna for Auto Satellite Tracking using Modem Correction and Elevation AzimuthMethod. Pointing accuracy is an important thing in satellite communication. Because the satellite’s distance to thesurface of the earth\u27s satellite is so huge, thus 1 degree of pointing error will make the antenna can not send data tosatellites. To overcome this, the auto-tracking satellite controller is made. This system uses a microcontroller as thecontroller, with the GPS as the indicator location of the antenna, digital compass as the beginning of antenna pointingdirection, rotary encoder as sensor azimuth and elevation, and modem to see Eb/No signal. The microcontroller useserial communication to read the input. Thus the programming should be focused on in the UART and serialcommunication software UART. This controller use 2 phase in the process of tracking satellites. Early stages is themethod Elevation-Azimuth, where at this stage with input from GPS, Digital Compass, and the position of satellites(both coordinates, and height) that are stored in microcontroller. Controller will calculate the elevation and azimuthangle, then move the antenna according to the antenna azimuth and elevation angle. Next stages is correction modem,where in this stage controller only use modem as the input, and antenna movement is set up to obtain the largest valueof Eb/No signal. From the results of the controller operation, there is a change in the value of the original input levelfrom -81.7 dB to -30.2 dB with end of Eb/No value, reaching 5.7 dB

    Pembuatan Unit Cetakan Gula Tumbu Menjadi Gula Butiran

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    Gula tumbu merupakan hasil industri yang berbasis pertanian, dilakukan secara tradisional setiap musim panen tebu. Hasilnya dicetak dalam tumbu sehingga disebut gula tumbu. Gula tumbu merupakan produk unggulan bagi Kabupaten Kudus. Kendalanya dalam menembus pasar ekspor adalah selain faktor mutu, juga karena gula tumbu berbentuk bongkahan besar (100 – 125) kg tidak praktis dalam pengangkutan, dan tidak tahan lama simpan, mudah lembek/meleleh karena sifatnya yang higroskopis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pembuatan atau rancang bangun unit cetakan yang dapat menghasikan gula butiran berbentuk silindris tirus, diameter atas 20 mm, diameter bawah 18 mm x tinggi 20 mm = (20;18 x 20) mm. Setiap kali pencetakan diperoleh hasil 4 x 7 x 7 = 196 butir.  Metode pembuatan unit cetakan gula butiran meliputi langkah-langkah: (1) menentukan ukuran produk gula butiran yang akan dicetak, (2) menentukan  desain ukuran alat cetak sesuai kapasitas produksi tiap kali cetak, (3) menentukan bahan untuk masing-masing komponen dan ukuran cetakan yang digunakan, disesuaikan dengan kapasitas produksi, (4) unit cetakan di disain, dibuat gambar kerja, (5) pembuatan komponen atau bagian-utama alat cetak sesuai fungsinya, (6) merakit satu unit alat pencetak, (7) diuji coba, perbaikan dan modifikasi, hingga diperoleh gula butiran yang baik. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh, (1) unit cetakan gula tumbu  dan (2) produk gula tumbu berbentuk butiran. Kapasitas produksi196 butir atau 1,5 kg,  produk gula butiran yang berhasil 86 % dan gagal 14%tiap kali melakukan pencetakan.Kata Kunci : “cetakan gula”, “gula tumbu”, “gula butiran”, “TTG”

    Pengembangan Pembuatan Gula Tumbu Mutu I Melalui Metode Fosfatasi Dalam Skala Usaha Mikro

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    Tumbu sugar (brown sugar cane) is sugar produced from sugar cane moulding tumbu done traditionally by small scala industrty of brown sugar cane. Because there is no touch technology, the brown sugar cane low quality (second grade). Improving the quality of brown sugar cane be first quality have done through sulfitation method, but the main obstacle is sulphurous acid (H2SO3) is not available on the market, should produce in the laboratory. Then do the upgrading through fosfatation or method, used phosphoricacid that is readily availablein the market. In this first year MP3EI research, to develop a method of making brown sugar cane through fosfatation and analyze financial feasibility tobe implemented in small scala industry of brown sugar cane, but on this occasion no financial studies. The procedure is as follows: (1) the results ofthe milling of sugar cane juice is filtered dirty, discarded fiber(2) clean juice is heated in the open pan large capacity of 80-100 kg at a temperature of 55o–65oC, (3) mixed with calcium oxide to be pH8.0 then added phosphoric acid to neutral pH7.0 and boiled, (4) put a separator vessel and stirred until the dirt settles, (5) clean juice then matured or heated in a open  pan until at 100o C, (6) mature juice or liguor is poured into the mold, to solidify into brown sugar (tumbu sugar). The resulting brown sugar quality was analyzed by: (1) water content, (2) the sucrose content, (3) glucose content, (4) color, and (5) the weight of brown sugar cane and sugar cane juice ratio. The first year research obtained brown sugar cane first quality that feasible produced in small scale bisnis.Keywords: mould sugar, brown sugar cane, granulated sugar, vacuum packaging, apropriate technolog

    Pengaruh Perilaku Islami terhadap Kondisi Emosi Remaja yang Tinggal di Lapas Kutoarjo Jawa Tengah

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    A number of researchers have found that adolescents who score high on measures of spirituality or religiosity are less likely than their peers to engage in violent or other antisocial behavior (Benda & Corwyn, 2002). This research explores selected spiritual factors (Islamic behavior) that research has indicated may play an important protective role in strengthening resilience in young people and minimizing at-risk behavior that may be associated with school violence in Indonesia. Islamic behavior and manners are supposed to be derived from the Quran and sunnah. In this research, we review the professional literature regarding selected Islamic tenet as they pertain to adolescents and at-risk behavior and consider these factors might be useful in the prevention of youth violence in Indonesia. We use these factors to treat the adolescents from, who were sentenced more than 3 months in Kutoarjo adolescents prison. The subjects were 30 adolescents who were approximately at the same age. Result: there was the important role of Islamic behavior toward youth emotion in prison

    Motivasi Intrinsik dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Mahasiswa Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI)

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    Intrinsic Motivation with Student Academic Procrastination at the Islamic Student Association (HMI)The background of this research is the high academic procrastination of students at the Islamic Student Association (HMI). This study aims to determine the relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Procrastination. This research is a quantitative research with a correlational research design. The research population was 64 students, the sample was taken using a saturated sampling technique. Collecting data using a Likert scale method based on aspects of intrinsic motivation and the characteristics of academic procrastination. The data analysis technique used simple regression with the help of the SPSS version 21 application. The results of the analysis showed the value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.413 with (p) = 0.001 <0.05. This shows that intrinsic motivation has a significant relationship with academic procrastination in the Islamic Student Association (HMI). The value of r square of 0.171 indicates that the intrinsic motivation variable has an influence on the academic procrastination variable of 17.1%

    The Eudaimonic Well Being Among Indonesia's Scriptural Learners During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study is to describe in depth the eudaimonic happiness of al-Qur'an students in the Covid 19 pandemic era. This study uses a qualitative interpretive approach. The research design used a phenomenological research design. The subjects of this study were students of the Qur'an who live in the city of Yogyakarta. Data collection tools in this study were in-depth interviews and qualitative questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this research is thematic analysis technique. The method of validating the initial results of the preliminary research was carried out through the data triangulation process. The results showed that the eudaimonic happiness of the students of the Islamic scriptures was strong, as was the self-development of the students and their contribution to the welfare of others and the wider community. Keywords: happiness, eudaimonics, al quran students, covid pandemic era 1