2,083 research outputs found

    Constraining auto-interaction terms in α-attractor supergravity models of inflation

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    The inflationary mechanism has become the paradigm of modern cosmology over the last thirty years. However, there are several aspects of inflationary physics that are still to be addressed, like the shape of the inflationary potential. Regarding this, the so-called α-attractor models show interesting properties. In this work, the reconstruction of the effective potential around the global minimum of these particular potentials is provided, assuming a detection of permille-order for the tensor-to-scalar-ratio by forthcoming cosmic microwave background or gravitational waves experiments

    Reconstruction of α\alpha-attractor supergravity models of inflation

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    In this paper, we apply reconstruction techniques to recover the potential parameters for a particular class of single-field models, the α\alpha-attractor (supergravity) models of inflation. This also allows to derive the inflaton vacuum expectation value at horizon crossing. We show how to use this value as one of the input variables to constrain the postaccelerated inflationary phase. We assume that the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr is of the order of 10310^{-3} , a level reachable by the expected sensitivity of the next-generation CMB experiments.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, some typos correcte

    Cerebral venous hemodynamic abnormalities in episodic and chronic migraine

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    Alterations of cerebral venous drainage have been demonstrated in chronic migraine (CM), suggesting that cerebral venous hemodynamic abnormalities (CVHAs) play a role in this condition. The aim of the present study was to look for a correlation between CM and CVHAs. We recruited 33 subjects suffering from CM with or without analgesic overuse, 29 episodic migraine (EM) patients with or without aura, and 21 healthy subjects as controls (HCs). CVHAs were evaluated by transcranial and extracranial echo-color Doppler evaluation of five venous hemodynamic parameters. CVHAs were significantly more frequent in the CM and EM patients than in the HCs. In the migraine patients, CVHAs were not correlated with clinical features. Cerebral venous hemodynamic abnormalities in episodic and chronic migraine The significantly greater frequency of CVHAs observed in the migraineurs may reflect a possible relationship between migraine and these abnormalities. Prospective longitudinal studies are needed to investigate whether CVHAs have a role in the processes of migraine chronification

    Less Empathic and More Reactive: The Different Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Facial Mimicry and Vagal Regulation

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    Facial mimicry and vagal regulation represent two crucial physiological responses to others' facial expressions of emotions. Facial mimicry, defined as the automatic, rapid and congruent electromyographic activation to others' facial expressions, is implicated in empathy, emotional reciprocity and emotions recognition. Vagal regulation, quantified by the computation of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA), exemplifies the autonomic adaptation to contingent social cues. Although it has been demonstrated that childhood maltreatment induces alterations in the processing of the facial expression of emotions, both at an explicit and implicit level, the effects of maltreatment on children's facial mimicry and vagal regulation in response to facial expressions of emotions remain unknown. The purpose of the present study was to fill this gap, involving 24 street-children (maltreated group) and 20 age-matched controls (control group). We recorded their spontaneous facial electromyographic activations of corrugator and zygomaticus muscles and RSA responses during the visualization of the facial expressions of anger, fear, joy and sadness. Results demonstrated a different impact of childhood maltreatment on facial mimicry and vagal regulation. Maltreated children did not show the typical positive-negative modulation of corrugator mimicry. Furthermore, when only negative facial expressions were considered, maltreated children demonstrated lower corrugator mimicry than controls. With respect to vagal regulation, whereas maltreated children manifested the expected and functional inverse correlation between RSA value at rest and RSA response to angry facial expressions, controls did not. These results describe an early and divergent functional adaptation to hostile environment of the two investigated physiological mechanisms. On the one side, maltreatment leads to the suppression of the spontaneous facial mimicry normally concurring to empathic understanding of others' emotions. On the other side, maltreatment forces the precocious development of the functional synchronization between vagal regulation and threatening social cues facilitating the recruitment of fight-or-flight defensive behavioral strategies

    Swallowing evaluation with videofluoroscopy in the paediatric population

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    Paediatric swallowing disorders can have several causes, from prematurity and congenital anomalies to gastro-oesophageal reflux and infective or inflammatory pathologies of the upper digestive tract. In neonates, the swallowing process is reflexive and involuntary. Later in infancy, the oral phase comes under voluntary control, while the pharyngeal phase and oesophageal phases remain involuntary. Swallowing difficulties can severely compromise pulmonary health and nutritional intake of paediatric patients. Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS) is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic view of the swallowing process and is frequently considered to be definitive evaluation for objective assessment of dysphagia in paediatric patients. This review focuses on the different possible aetiologies of paediatric swallowing disorders and related videofluoroscopic swallowing study procedures and appearances

    Theoretical interpretation of a pronounced permeability scale effect in unsaturated fractured tuff

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    Numerous single‐hole and cross‐hole pneumatic injection tests have been conducted in unsaturated fractured tuff at the Apache Leap Research Site (ALRS) near Superior, Arizona. Single‐hole tests have yielded values of air permeability at various locations throughout the tested rock volume on a nominal scale of ∼1 m. Cross‐hole tests have yielded equivalent air permeabilities (and air‐filled porosities) for a rock volume characterized by a length scale of several tens of meters. Cross‐hole tests have also provided high‐resolution tomographic estimates of how air permeability (and air‐filled porosity), defined over grid blocks having a length scale of 1 m, vary throughout a similar rock volume. The results have revealed a highly pronounced scale effect in permeability (and porosity) at the ALRS. We examine the extent to which the permeability scale effect is amenable to interpretation by a recent stochastic scaling theory, which treats the rock as a truncated random fractal

    Biogeography and Character Evolution of the Ciliate Genus Euplotes (Spirotrichea, Euplotia), with Description of Euplotes curdsi sp. nov.

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    Ciliates comprise a diverse and ecologically important phylum of unicellular protists. One of the most specious and best-defined genera is Euplotes, which constitutes more than 70 morphospecies, many of which have never been molecularly tested. The increasing number of described Euplotes taxa emphasizes the importance for detailed characterizations of new ones, requiring standardized morphological observations, sequencing of molecular markers and careful comparison with previous literature. Here we describe Euplotes curdsi sp. nov., distinguishable by the combination of the following features: 45±65 μm length, oval or elongated shape with both ends rounded, narrow peristome with 25±34 adoral membranelles, conspicuous paroral membrane, double-eurystomus dorsal argyrome type, 6±7 dorsolateral kineties and 10 frontoventral cirri. Three populations of the novel species have been found in brackish and marine samples in the Mediterranean and the White Sea. We provide the SSU rRNA gene sequences of these populations, and an updated phylogeny of the genus Euplotes. Using the molecular phylogenetic tree, we inferred aspects of the biogeographical history of the genus and the evolution of its most important taxonomic characters in order to provide a frame for future descriptions. Ultimately, these data reveal recurrent trends of freshwater invasion and highlight the dynamic, yet convergent, morphological evolution of Euplotes

    Enzo Frateili, un protagonista della cultura del design e dell'architettura

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    Artista, architetto, storico e studioso del design e dell’architettura, Enzo Frateili è stato un protagonista della cultura del progetto della seconda metà del Novecento. Il volume, che prende le mosse dal convegno tenutosi nel 2014 al Politecnico di Milano in occasione del centenario della nascita, mette in evidenza l’attualità delle sue idee e la vastità dei suoi interessi, dagli esordi come sensibile artista, fino alla sua predilezione per gli aspetti più innovativi e tecnologici della professione di architetto e designer

    Frontal Functional Connectivity of Electrocorticographic Delta and Theta Rhythms during Action Execution Versus Action Observation in Humans

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    We have previously shown that in seven drug-resistant epilepsy patients, both reaching-grasping of objects and the mere observation of those actions did desynchronize subdural electrocorticographic (ECoG) alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (14–30) rhythms as a sign of cortical activation in primary somatosensory-motor, lateral premotor and ventral prefrontal areas (Babiloni et al., 2016a). Furthermore, that desynchronization was greater during action execution than during its observation. In the present exploratory study, we reanalyzed those ECoG data to evaluate the proof-of-concept that lagged linear connectivity (LLC) between primary somatosensory-motor, lateral premotor and ventral prefrontal areas would be enhanced during the action execution compared to the mere observation due to a greater flow of visual and somatomotor information. Results showed that the delta-theta (<8 Hz) LLC between lateral premotor and ventral prefrontal areas was higher during action execution than during action observation. Furthermore, the phase of these delta-theta rhythms entrained the local event-related connectivity of alpha and beta rhythms. It was speculated the existence of a multi-oscillatory functional network between high-order frontal motor areas which should be more involved during the actual reaching-grasping of objects compared to its mere observation. Future studies in a larger population should cross-validate these preliminary results