516 research outputs found

    Identifying the lights position in photometric stereo under unknown lighting

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    Reconstructing the 3D shape of an object from a set of images is a classical problem in Computer Vision. Photometric stereo is one of the possible approaches. It stands on the assumption that the object is observed from a fixed point of view under different lighting conditions. The traditional approach requires that the position of the light sources is accurately known. It has been proved that the lights position can be estimated directly from the data, when at least 6 images of the observed object are available. In this paper, we give a Matlab implementation of the algorithm for solving the photometric stereo problem under unknown lighting, and propose a simple shooting technique to solve the bas-relief ambiguity.Comment: new versio


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    Abstract. The growing interest in recent years in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) by the scientific community, software developers, and geomatics professionals, has led these systems to be used more and more widely, in different fields of engineering and architecture. This is thanks, above all, to their flexibility of use and low cost compared to traditional photogrammetric flights using expensive metric digital cameras or LiDAR sensors. In recent years, UAVs have also been used in the field of monitoring and inspection of public or private buildings that are remarkable in terms of size and architecture. This is mainly due to the focus a sustainability and resource efficiency in the building and infrastructure sector, which aims to extend their lifetimes. Through the use of remote checking using UAVs, the monitoring and inspection of buildings can be brought to a new level of quality and saving. This paper focuses on the processing and study of 3D models obtained from images captured by an UAV. In particular, the authors wanted to study the accuracy gains achieved in the building 3D model obtained with both nadir and oblique UAV flights. The images from the flights were processed using Structure-for Motion-based approach for point cloud generation using dense image-matching algorithms implemented in an open source software. We used the open source software VisualSfM, developed by Chanchang Wu in collaboration with the University of Washington and Google. The dense matching plug-in integrated in its interface, PMVS/CMVS, made by Yasutaka Furukawa, was employed to generate the dense cloud. The achieved results were compare with those gained by Photoscan software by Agisoft and with 3D model from the Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) survey.</p

    Characterization of extreme weather events on Italian roads

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    According to climate modellers, probability, frequency, duration, intensity (seriousness) of extreme weather events (extreme temperatures and rainfall) are increasing and will be more frequent in future. The former will lead to higher surface runoff and flood events while the latter will cause landslides phenomena and a break of roads network. The impact of such events depends greatly on the physical hydraulic and mechanical properties of soils. Increasing numbers of extreme events in winter time in recent years have demonstrated the paramount importance of effective and integrated management of land resources in the protection of the environment and of the road network. In Italy more than 10% of the territory has been classified as having a high or very high hydro-geological risk, affecting 80% of the Italian municipalities. The impacts on population and the economic damages are relevant. In Italy over the last 20 years, floods and landslides had an impact on more than 70 000 people and caused economic damage of at least 11 billion euro. Since 2000, the Italian Ministry for the Environment entrusted ISPRA the task of monitoring the programmes of emergency measures toreduce hydrogeological risk. (ReNDiS project, database of mitigation measures against floods and landslides)

    Tracing the boundaries of Cenozoic volcanic edifices from Sardinia (Italy): a geomorphometric contribution

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    Unequivocal delimitation of landforms is an important issue for different purposes, from sciencedriven morphometric analysis to legal issues related to land conservation. This study is aimed at giving a new contribution to the morphometric approach for the delineation of the boundaries of volcanic edifices, applied to 13 monogenetic volcanoes (scoria cones) related to the Pliocene–Pleistocene volcanic cycle in Sardinia (Italy). External boundary delimitation of the edifices is discussed based on an integrated methodology using automatic elaboration of digital elevation models together with geomorphological and geological observations. Different elaborations of surface slope and profile curvature have been proposed and discussed; among them, two algorithms based on simple mathematical functions combining slope and profile curvature well fit the requirements of this study. One of theses algorithms is a modification of a function introduced by Grosse et al. (2011), which better performs for recognizing and tracing the boundary between the volcanic scoria cone and its basement. Although the geological constraints still drive the final decision, the proposed method improves the existing tools for a semi-automatic tracing of the boundaries

    Il rischio idrogeologico e la rete viaria nazionale minore

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    Il rischio definisce la possibilità che un fenomeno naturale o antropico possa causare effetti dannosi sulla popolazione, sugli insediamenti, sulle infrastrutture o in generale su quelli che vengono definiti elementi esposti. Il concetto di rischio è legato non solo alla capacità di calcolare la probabilità che un evento pericoloso accada, ma anche alla capacità di definire e quantificarne il danno provocato. Il territorio nazionale italiano, data la sua conformazione orografica, geologica e geomorfologica caratterizzata da un???orografia giovane e da rilievi in sollevamento, è sempre stato interessato da fenomeni idraulici e geologici (fenomeno impropriamente chiamato, anche se ormai di uso corrente, (dissesto idrogeologico) di notevole intensità. Il caso di studio adottato fa riferimento alla Provincia di Lucca, data la particolare rilevanza di fenomeni di dissesto idrogeologico in questa area


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    Deosai plateau, in the Gilgit-Baltistan Province of Pakistan, for its average elevation of 4,114 meters, is the second highest plateau in the world after Changtang Tibetan Plateau. Two biogeographically important mountain ranges merge in Deosai: the Himalayan and Karakorum–Pamir highlands. The Deosai National Park, with its first recognition in 1993, encompasses an area of about 1620 km2, with the altitude ranging from 3500 to 5200 meters a.s.l. It is known and visited by tourists for the presence of brown bear, but a large number of species of fauna and flora leave, and can be seen during the summer season. This high-altitude ecosystem is particularly fragile and can be considered a sentinel for the effects of climate changes. Due to its geographic position and high altitude, the area of Deosai has never been studied in all its ecosystem components, producing high resolution maps. The first land cover map of Deosai with 10 meters of resolution is discussed in this study. This map has been obtained from Sentinel-2 imagery and improved through the new tool developed in this study: the GBGEOApp. This application for mobile has been done with three main ambitions: the validation of the new land cover map, its improvement with land use information, and the collection of new data in the field. On the basis of the results, the use of the GBGEOApp, as a tool for validation and increasing of environmental data collection, seems to be completely applicable involving the local technicians in a process of data sharing

    Effect of storage conditions on seed germination of eigTyrrhenian endemic vascular plant species of conservation interest

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    The conservation of endemic and endangered plant species is of great interest to the scientific and research community. In this frame, seed banks play a crucial role when biodiversity preservation and climate change are considered. The study of seed viability and germination during storage conditions provides basic and useful information to ensure successful ex situ conservation. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether storage time and conditions (i.e., base collection at -25°C and active collection at +5°C) affect seed germination in the long term. For these purposes, eight Tyrrhenian endemic vascular plant species (mostly endangered) with orthodox seeds were studied: Brassica insularis, Centranthus amazonum, Dianthus morisianus, Digitalis purpurea var. gyspergerae, Ferula arrigonii, Helicodiceros muscivorus, Iberis integerrima and Verbascum plantagineum. These species were stored in the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR) at -25°C and at +5°C for a time ranging from 2 to 12 years. Germination tests were carried out following the optimal conditions reported in the literature for each species. The results showed, in general terms, the high seed germination capacity of all species stored at both conditions; regarding the time of seed storage, germination in some tested species (such as B. insularis and C. amazonum) slightly decreased over time. We argued that seed dehydration, low seed moisture content during storage and the use of hermetic glass containers can be considered key factors for long-term conservation of these orthodox seeds. In conclusion, this study showed that the conservation of these endemic species is ensured by seed bank storage, according to the general assumption that seed longevity depends on seed lot quality, on well-sealed storage containers and conditions before and during storage

    RNA analysis of consensus sequence splicing mutations: implications for thediagnosis of Wilson disease

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    Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a defective function of the copper-transporting ATP7B protein. This results in progressive copper overload and consequent liver, brain, and kidney damage. Approximately 300 WD-causing mutations have been described to date. Missense mutations are largely prevalent, while splice-site mutations are rarer. Of these, only a minority are detected in splicing consensus sequences. Further, few splicing mutations have been studied at the RNA level. In this study we report the RNA molecular characterization of three consensus splice-site mutations identified by DNA analysis in WD patients. One of them, c.51 + 4 A --> T, resides in the consensus sequence of the donor splice site of intron 1; the second, c. 2121 + 3 A --> G, occurred in position + 3 of intron 7; and the c.2447 + 5 G --> A is localized in the consensus sequence of the donor splice site of intron 9. Analysis revealed predominantly abnormal splicing in the samples carrying mutations compared to the normal controls. These results strongly suggest that consensus sequence splice-site mutations result in disease by interfering with the production of the normal WD protein. Our data contribute to understanding the mutational spectrum that affect splicing and improve our capability in WD diagnosis

    Chronic treatment with statins increases the availability of selenium in the antioxidant defence systems of hemodialysis patients.

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    Project. Oxidative stress (OS) is enhanced in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage to glycids, proteins and nucleic acids are main consequences of OS and are associated to increased cardiovascular risk. Vitamin E and Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-Px) represent main antioxidant systems in human cells. Selenium (Se), bound to the active sites of GSH-Px, plays a critical role in this antioxidant defense system. Statins are widely used and extensively investigated in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, notably in high-risk subjects. Several studies suggest that statins show antioxidant effects, protecting low-density lipoproteins from oxidation. Aim of our study was to compare serum Se concentration in ESRD patients on maintenance HD and in homogeneous healthy subjects and to investigate whether chronic assumption of statins may interfere with serum Se concentration in HD patients. Procedure. A total of 103 HD patients and 69 healthy subjects were enrolled; HD patients were then divided into patients who were not treated with statins (group A) and patients who assumed statins since six months at least (group B). Serum Se was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results. Serum Se was significantly lower in HD patients of group A compared to healthy subjects (81.65±19.66mcg/L Vs. 96.47±15.62mcg/L, p<0.0040). However, in HD patients who assumed statins serum Se was significantly higher than in HD patients who did not. (111.83±18.82mcg/L Vs. 81.65±19.66mcg/L, p<0.0001). Conclusions. our results suggest that in HD patients chronic assumption of statins is related to a higher availability of active antioxidant agents and to reduced oxidative stress
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