307 research outputs found

    Principles for the Design of Business Dictionaries on Mobile Applications

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    The rapid growth of mobile applications for smartphones in the past few years has encouraged dictionary publishers to offer mobile dictionaries. One of the most prominent target markets of mobile dictionary applications is business people, especially those who are non-native speakers of English. These business people often need a dictionary to help them understand the international news they are reading. However, as shown in the review of the current mobile business dictionaries, the dictionary applications have not taken into account the needs of the users and the technological features of smartphones. The current mobile dictionaries still resemble either their electronic versions or even worse their printed versions. This can be due to the lack of research and emphasis on the theoretical aspects of mobile lexicography. Therefore, this paper tries to formulate principles for the design of business dictionaries for mobile applications. The discussion considers the implementation of the modern theory of lexicographical functions in order to create mobile dictionaries which can better satisfy the needs of the users. The principles created are organized into two parts, they are, business news with a built-in dictionary and a dictionary with updated business news

    The Evolution of Dictionaries of Economics: from a Glossary to a

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    Dictionaries of economics have evolved over time. In the past, most dictionaries were similar to glossaries and were in printed form. In this Internet era, some printed dictionaries have evolved into online dictionaries with various number of technological features. However, the evolution of these dictionaries has not taken into account the evolving needs and situations of the users. Consequently, as we can see from the review of the current online dictionaries of economics, these dictionaries have failed to satisfy the needs of the users, particularly the spoken text reception needs. This paper presents some principles in creating a future dictionary of economics that can satisfy the needs related to the situation when a non-native English speaker is listening to business news in the English language. The future dictionary or the proposed dictionary in this paper takes the concept of a lexicographical information system (LIS) that integrates several components into the dictionary. The four components discussed are a voice recognition function, a tooltip, an auto-summarize function, and a definition-finder. This paper shows why these four components are needed and how they can solve the users’ lexicographical problems correctly, promptly, and conveniently

    Model Hubungan Hujan dan Runoff (Studi Lapangan)

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    This research present the model study on the relation between rainfall pattern and surface run off flows of a small catchment area. The influences of catchment area characteristics such as land use, soil behavior, topography condition and other related physical condition was investigated. Surface runoff flow and peak discharge assessment was done at each sub catchment area by using Rasional method. Application of this model was to make predictions about the large pattern and surface runoff flow discharge on the channel modeling that occurs due to rain. Results of studies that have been done on modeling the river flow showed that the variables that most influence was the runoff coefficient based on land use and rainfall patterns will affect other parameters such as the time the water flows from the catchment area to the drainage chanel modeling and drainage characteristic. Close agreement between model result and rasional method is shown on surface run off flow and peak discharge. This inaccuracy could be minimized not only by improving the model but also using a better data calibration, such as highly correlated rainfall and river discharge data with catchment area land use condition

    Students’ achievement and opinions on the implementation of e-learning for phonetics and phonology lectures at Airlangga University

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    The demand of e-learning at higher education has increased significantly in the past several years. In Indonesia, the implementation of e-learning has been encouraged by the government since 2011. However, universities are still looking for the most appropriate e-learning system, and unsure of the effectiveness of e-learning program. This paper discusses the implementation of e-learning system at Airlangga University, one of the top five state-owned universities in Indonesia. The e-learning system implemented in this university follows the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, i.e. encourage contacts between student and faculty; develop reciprocity and cooperation among students; use active learning techniques; give prompt feedback; emphasize time on task; communicate high expectations; and respect diverse talents and ways of learning. The e-learning platform at this university is called AULA (Airlangga University e-Learning Application). The respondents of this study were the students who took the General Linguistics course, particularly for the lectures on Phonetics and Phonology. Based on the t-test calculation of the exam scores, we conclude that there is no significant difference between the results of the e-learning and those of the classroom learning. The results of questionnaires show that 85% of the students are satisfied with the implementation of e-learning as they think that the e-learning makes it easier for them to understand the materials, it is fun, and is convenient to access. For further implementation, the students suggested the additions of podcasts and games, more time for the quizzes, and improvement of the e-learning platform.A demanda por ensino a distância no ensino superior tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos. Na Indonésia, sua implantação vem sendo estimulada pelo governo desde 2011. No entanto, as universidades ainda buscam o sistema mais apropriado e permanecem inseguras sobre a eficácia do programa. Este artigo discute a implantação do sistema de ensino a distância na Universidade Airlangga, uma das cinco principais universidades estatais na Indonésia. O sistema implantado nessa universidade segue os Sete Princípios de Boas Práticas em Educação de Graduação, isto é, incentivar os contatos entre estudantes e professores, desenvolver a reciprocidade e a cooperação entre estudantes, utilizar técnicas ativas de aprendizagem, oferecer devolutivas imediatas, enfatizar o tempo nas tarefas, comunicar aos estudantes o que deles se espera, respeitar os diversos talentos e as várias formas de aprender. A plataforma de ensino a distância nessa universidade é chamada de AULA (Airlangga University e-Learning Application). Os entrevistados do estudo foram os alunos que cursaram Linguística Geral, particularmente as aulas de Fonética e Fonologia. Com base no cálculo de teste-t dos resultados em provas, concluímos não ter havido diferença significativa entre os resultados da educação a distância e os de ensino presencial. Os resultados dos questionários mostram que 85% dos alunos estão satisfeitos com a implantação do ensino a distância, por acreditarem que o sistema facilita a compreensão dos materiais, é divertido e de acesso conveniente. Para novas implantações, os alunos sugeriram podcasts e jogos, além de um tempo maior para responder aos questionários e melhorias na plataforma

    Perubahan Status Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Pengungsi Desa Kepuharjo Di Shelter Desa Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman, D. I YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perubahan status sosial ekonomi dan perbedaan kondisi status sosial ekonomi rumah tangga korban sebelum dan setelah bencana bencana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan populasi penduduk Desa Kepuharjo yang bertempat tinggal di shelter Desa Wukirsari, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode skoring . Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan deskripsi frekuensi dan uji beda (Paired Sampel T-test dan Chi-Square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya Perubahan status sosial ekonomi rumah tangga setelah bencana yaitu (1) perpindahan sektor pekerjaan, (2) penurunan pendapatan, pengeluaran, kekayaan rumah tangga, pola konsumsi. Hasil uji T-test seluruh indikator status sosial ekonomi setelah bencana berbeda secara signifikan (P<0,05)

    Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Arang Tempurung Kelapa dan Gas Elpiji 3 Kg untuk Bahan Bakar Memasak Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Enok Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    The research was done because people dilemma will used coconut shell charcoaland 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel in Enok subdistrict Indragiri Hilir.So the purpose of this study is to find out which one is more efficient use ofcoconut shell charcoal or 3 kg LPG gas for household cooking fuel.This study used non-probability sampling technique in which members of theselected sample, taked base on rashness discover respondents who needed, suchas easy to find or reach and obtained 100 respondents from the samplingtechnique Slovin formula. The analysis method used is descriptive research thatdiscuss set of problems research with describing and explain based on that resultby the interpreted with the relevant theoriessoacanadescribeatheasituation. Fromresult of the research had done concluded that more efficient use of 3 kg LPGgas for household cooking fuel compared with using coconut shell charcoalbecause people in Enok subdistrict Indragiri Hilir felt the price of coconut shellcharcoal more enough expensive. However, there are a lot of people who still usecoconut shell charcoal for several reasons of descend culture.Kata Kunci : coconut shell charcoal, efficiency, 3 kg LPG


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, prices, and infectiousness to the purchasing decision at PD Pesagi jaya farmers in West Lampung Sekincau. In this study the population used is a customer who once bought at a PD Pesagi glorious farmer. Based on the results of questionnaire data analysis of 60 customer respondents who once bought at a PD Pesagi glorious farmer using techniques non probability sampling which is a technique that does not provide opportunities or equal opportunity for each element or member of the population to be elected be sampled using purposive sampling, test instruments use validity and reliability test analysis, analysis tools with using multiple regression, hypothesis testing through t test and F test, as well as analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2). Hypothesis testing using the t test shows that three variables independent studied are the variables of product quality, price, and infectiousness proven to have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable, i.e buying decision. Then through the F test can be seen that the third independent variables are feasible to test the dependent variable decision the purchase
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