1,329 research outputs found

    Learning-Related Values in Young Children’s Storybooks: An Investigation in the United States, China, and Mexico

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    This research examined the prevalence of learning-related values in children’s storybooks in the United States, China, and Mexico. Storybooks ( N = 157) were randomly selected from government-recommended booklists in each country. Trained coders assessed the prevalence of learning-related beliefs (e.g., malleability of ability), motivated cognitions (e.g., achievement orientation), and behaviors (e.g., effort) in the storybooks. A set of MANOVAs revealed that Chinese (vs. American and Mexican) storybooks contained more instances of learning-related beliefs and behaviors. For example, Chinese storybooks included more instances of achievement-related goals and behaviors, relative to storybooks in the United States and Mexico. With the exception of achievement goals and helplessness, the prevalence of learning-related qualities was largely similar in the United States and Mexico

    Human papillomavirus infection and disease in men: Impact of HIV

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    There is growing evidence of a significant burden of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and associated disease in men. High rates of HPV infection have been observed in men from sub-Saharan Africa where HIV prevalence is high. HIV infection increases HPV prevalence, incidence and persistence and is strongly associated with the development of anogenital warts and anal, penile and head and neck cancers in men. Despite increasing access to antiretroviral therapy, there appears to be little benefit in preventing the development of these cancers in HIV-positive men, making prevention of infection a priority. New prevention options that are being introduced in many African countries include male circumcision and HPV vaccination. However, more data are needed on the burden of HPV disease in men before boys are included in HPV vaccination programmes

    The impact of prescription pain reliever misuse and heroin use on morbidity and mortality by level of urbanicity: 2002-2014

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    Non-medical use of prescription pain relievers (PPRs), heroin, and more recently fentanyl, continue to have major public health consequences in the United States. This article analyzes trends in PPR and heroin use, emergency department and hospital stays, substance use treatment services, and mortality to assess the relative impact of the opioid crisis on rural versus more urbanized counties in the United States. Our findings suggest that while more urbanized counties have had greater increases in opioid use, rural and less urbanized counties tended to be more negatively impacted than larger and non-rural counties. Disparities in service availability highlight the need for a serious discussion on how resources are allocated in counties that have lower tax bases. Based on these results, we conclude that rural and less urbanized counties can benefit from real increases in resources for substance use prevention and treatment services, including the expansion of prescribers trained to screen and treat opioid use. Understanding the unique challenges of rural and less urbanized counties may help decrease the disparity in consequences found in this study

    In vivo manipulation of the extracellular matrix induces vascular regression in a basal chordate.

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    We investigated the physical role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in vascular homeostasis in the basal chordate Botryllus schlosseri, which has a large, transparent, extracorporeal vascular network encompassing an area >100 cm2 We found that the collagen cross-linking enzyme lysyl oxidase is expressed in all vascular cells and that in vivo inhibition using β-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) caused a rapid, global regression of the entire network, with some vessels regressing >10 mm within 16 h. BAPN treatment changed the ultrastructure of collagen fibers in the vessel basement membrane, and the kinetics of regression were dose dependent. Pharmacological inhibition of both focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and Raf also induced regression, and levels of phosphorylated FAK in vascular cells decreased during BAPN treatment and FAK inhibition but not Raf inhibition, suggesting that physical changes in the vessel ECM are detected via canonical integrin signaling pathways. Regression is driven by apoptosis and extrusion of cells through the basal lamina, which are then engulfed by blood-borne phagocytes. Extrusion and regression occurred in a coordinated manner that maintained vessel integrity, with no loss of barrier function. This suggests the presence of regulatory mechanisms linking physical changes to a homeostatic, tissue-level response

    Estimating the public health impact of the effect of herpes simplex virus suppressive therapy on plasma HIV-1 viral load.

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    OBJECTIVE: Trials of herpes simplex virus (HSV) suppressive therapy among HSV-2/HIV-1-infected individuals have reported an impact on plasma HIV-1 viral loads (PVLs). Our aim was to estimate the population-level impact of suppressive therapy on female-to-male HIV-1 sexual transmission. DESIGN AND METHODS: By comparing prerandomization and postrandomization individual-level PVL data from the first two HSV suppressive therapy randomized controlled trials in sub-Saharan Africa, we estimated the effect of treatment on duration of asymptomatic infection and number of HIV-1 transmission events for each trial. RESULTS: Assuming that a reduction in PVL is accompanied by an increased duration of HIV-1 asymptomatic infection, 4-6 years of HSV suppressive therapy produce a 1-year increase in the duration of this stage. To avert one HIV-1 transmission requires 8.8 [95% confidence interval (CI), 5.9-14.9] and 11.4 (95% CI, 7.8-27.5) women to be treated from halfway through their HIV-1 asymptomatic period, using results from Burkina Faso and South African trials, respectively. Regardless of the timing of treatment initiation, 51.6 (95% CI, 30.4-137.0) and 66.5 (95% CI, 36.7-222.6) treatment-years are required to avert one HIV-1 infection. Distributions of set-point PVL values from sub-Saharan African populations suggest that unintended adverse consequences of therapy at the population level (i.e. increased HIV-1 transmission due to increased duration of infection) are unlikely to occur in these settings. CONCLUSION: HSV suppressive therapy may avert relatively few HIV-1 transmission events per person-year of treatment. Its use as a prevention intervention may be limited; however, further research into its effect on rate of CD4 cell count decline and the impact of higher dosing schedules is warranted

    Population overlap and habitat segregation in wintering Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa

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    Distinct breeding populations of migratory species may overlap both spatially and temporally, but differ in patterns of habitat use. This has important implications for population monitoring and conservation. To quantify the extent to which two distinct breeding populations of a migratory shorebird, the Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, overlap spatially, temporally and in their use of different habitats during winter. We use mid-winter counts between 1990 and 2001 to identify the most important sites in Iberia for Black-tailed Godwits. Monthly surveys of estuarine mudflats and rice-fields at one major site, the Tejo estuary in Portugal in 2005-2007, together with detailed tracking of colour-ringed individuals, are used to explore patterns of habitat use and segregation of the Icelandic subspecies L. l. islandica and the nominate continental subspecies L. l. limosa. In the period 1990-2001, over 66 000 Black-tailed Godwits were counted on average in Iberia during mid-winter (January), of which 80% occurred at just four sites: Tejo and Sado lower basins in Portugal, and Coto Dontildeana and Ebro Delta in Spain. Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits are present throughout the winter and forage primarily in estuarine habitats. Continental Black-tailed Godwits are present from December to March and primarily use rice-fields. Iberia supports about 30% of the Icelandic population in winter and most of the continental population during spring passage. While the Icelandic population is currently increasing, the continental population is declining rapidly. Although the estuarine habitats used by Icelandic godwits are largely protected as Natura 2000 sites, the habitat segregation means that conservation actions for the decreasing numbers of continental godwits should focus on protection of rice-fields and re-establishment of freshwater wetlands

    Multilayer Regulation of Neisseria meningitidis NHBA at Physiologically Relevant Temperatures

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    Neisseria meningitidis colonizes the nasopharynx of humans, and pathogenic strains can disseminate into the bloodstream, causing septicemia and meningitis. NHBA is a surface-exposed lipoprotein expressed by all N. meningitidis strains in different isoforms. Diverse roles have been reported for NHBA in heparin-mediated serum resistance, biofilm formation, and adherence to host tissues. We determined that temperature controls the expression of NHBA in all strains tested, with increased levels at 30–32◦C compared to 37◦C. Higher NHBA expression at lower temperatures was measurable both at mRNA and protein levels, resulting in higher surface exposure. Detailed molecular analysis indicated that multiple molecular mechanisms are responsible for the thermoregulated NHBA expression. The comparison of mRNA steady-state levels and half-lives at 30◦C and 37◦C demonstrated an increased mRNA stability/translatability at lower temperatures. Protein stability was also impacted, resulting in higher NHBA stability at lower temperatures. Ultimately, increased NHBA expression resulted in higher susceptibility to complement-mediated killing. We propose that NHBA regulation in response to temperature downshift might be physiologically relevant during transmission and the initial step(s) of interaction within the host nasopharynx. Together these data describe the importance of NHBA both as a virulence factor and as a vaccine antigen during neisserial colonization and invasion

    Genetic variation exists for telomeric array organization within and among the genomes of normal, immortalized, and transformed chicken systems

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    This study investigated telomeric array organization of diverse chicken genotypes utilizing in vivo and in vitro cells having phenotypes with different proliferation potencies. Our experimental objective was to characterize the extent and nature of array variation present to explore the hypothesis that mega-telomeres are a universal and fixed feature of chicken genotypes. Four different genotypes were studied including normal (UCD 001, USDA-ADOL Line 0), immortalized (DF-1), and transformed (DT40) cells. Both cytogenetic and molecular approaches were utilized to develop an integrated view of telomeric array organization. It was determined that significant variation exists within and among chicken genotypes for chromosome-specific telomeric array organization and total genomic-telomeric sequence content. Although there was variation for mega-telomere number and distribution, two mega-telomere loci were in common among chicken genetic lines (GGA 9 and GGA W). The DF-1 cell line was discovered to maintain a complex derivative karyotype involving chromosome fusions in the homozygous and heterozygous condition. Also, the DF-1 cell line was found to contain the greatest amount of telomeric sequence per genome (17%) as compared to UCD 001 (5%) and DT40 (1.2%). The chicken is an excellent model for studying unique and universal features of vertebrate telomere biology, and characterization of the telomere length variation among genotypes will be useful in the exploration of mechanisms controlling telomere length maintenance in different cell types having unique phenotypes