32 research outputs found

    DNA cruciform arms nucleate through a correlated but non-synchronous cooperative mechanism

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    Inverted repeat (IR) sequences in DNA can form non-canonical cruciform structures to relieve torsional stress. We use Monte Carlo simulations of a recently developed coarse-grained model of DNA to demonstrate that the nucleation of a cruciform can proceed through a cooperative mechanism. Firstly, a twist-induced denaturation bubble must diffuse so that its midpoint is near the centre of symmetry of the IR sequence. Secondly, bubble fluctuations must be large enough to allow one of the arms to form a small number of hairpin bonds. Once the first arm is partially formed, the second arm can rapidly grow to a similar size. Because bubbles can twist back on themselves, they need considerably fewer bases to resolve torsional stress than the final cruciform state does. The initially stabilised cruciform therefore continues to grow, which typically proceeds synchronously, reminiscent of the S-type mechanism of cruciform formation. By using umbrella sampling techniques we calculate, for different temperatures and superhelical densities, the free energy as a function of the number of bonds in each cruciform along the correlated but non-synchronous nucleation pathways we observed in direct simulations.Comment: 12 pages main paper + 11 pages supplementary dat

    Non-B DB: a database of predicted non-B DNA-forming motifs in mammalian genomes

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    Although the capability of DNA to form a variety of non-canonical (non-B) structures has long been recognized, the overall significance of these alternate conformations in biology has only recently become accepted en masse. In order to provide access to genome-wide locations of these classes of predicted structures, we have developed non-B DB, a database integrating annotations and analysis of non-B DNA-forming sequence motifs. The database provides the most complete list of alternative DNA structure predictions available, including Z-DNA motifs, quadruplex-forming motifs, inverted repeats, mirror repeats and direct repeats and their associated subsets of cruciforms, triplex and slipped structures, respectively. The database also contains motifs predicted to form static DNA bends, short tandem repeats and homo(purine•pyrimidine) tracts that have been associated with disease. The database has been built using the latest releases of the human, chimp, dog, macaque and mouse genomes, so that the results can be compared directly with other data sources. In order to make the data interpretable in a genomic context, features such as genes, single-nucleotide polymorphisms and repetitive elements (SINE, LINE, etc.) have also been incorporated. The database is accessed through query pages that produce results with links to the UCSC browser and a GBrowse-based genomic viewer. It is freely accessible at http://nonb.abcc.ncifcrf.gov

    A perfect palindrome in the Escherichia coli chromosome forms DNA hairpins on both leading- and lagging-strands

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    DNA palindromes are hotspots for DNA double strand breaks, inverted duplications and intra-chromosomal translocations in a wide spectrum of organisms from bacteria to humans. These reactions are mediated by DNA secondary structures such as hairpins and cruciforms. In order to further investigate the pathways of formation and cleavage of these structures, we have compared the processing of a 460 base pair (bp) perfect palindrome in the Escherichia coli chromosome with the same construct interrupted by a 20 bp spacer to form a 480 bp interrupted palindrome. We show here that the perfect palindrome can form hairpin DNA structures on the templates of the leading- and lagging-strands in a replication-dependent reaction. In the presence of the hairpin endonuclease SbcCD, both copies of the replicated chromosome containing the perfect palindrome are cleaved, resulting in the formation of an unrepairable DNA double-strand break and cell death. This contrasts with the interrupted palindrome, which forms a hairpin on the lagging-strand template that is processed to form breaks, which can be repaired by homologous recombination

    DNA word analysis based on the distribution of the distances between symmetric words

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    We address the problem of discovering pairs of symmetric genomic words (i.e., words and the corresponding reversed complements) occurring at distances that are overrepresented. For this purpose, we developed new procedures to identify symmetric word pairs with uncommon empirical distance distribution and with clusters of overrepresented short distances. We speculate that patterns of overrepresentation of short distances between symmetric word pairs may allow the occurrence of non-standard DNA conformations, such as hairpin/cruciform structures. We focused on the human genome, and analysed both the complete genome as well as a version with known repetitive sequences masked out. We reported several well-defined features in the distributions of distances, which can be classified into three different profiles, showing enrichment in distinct distance ranges. We analysed in greater detail certain pairs of symmetric words of length seven, found by our procedure, characterised by the surprising fact that they occur at single distances more frequently than expecte

    The distribution of inverted repeat sequences in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome

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    Although a variety of possible functions have been proposed for inverted repeat sequences (IRs), it is not known which of them might occur in vivo. We investigate this question by assessing the distributions and properties of IRs in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) genome. Using the IRFinder algorithm we detect 100,514 IRs having copy length greater than 6 bp and spacer length less than 77 bp. To assess statistical significance we also determine the IR distributions in two types of randomization of the S. cerevisiae genome. We find that the S. cerevisiae genome is significantly enriched in IRs relative to random. The S. cerevisiae IRs are significantly longer and contain fewer imperfections than those from the randomized genomes, suggesting that processes to lengthen and/or correct errors in IRs may be operative in vivo. The S. cerevisiae IRs are highly clustered in intergenic regions, while their occurrence in coding sequences is consistent with random. Clustering is stronger in the 3′ flanks of genes than in their 5′ flanks. However, the S. cerevisiae genome is not enriched in those IRs that would extrude cruciforms, suggesting that this is not a common event. Various explanations for these results are considered

    Transcriptionally driven cruciform formation in vivo.

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    We studied the formation of d(A-T)n cruciforms in E.coli cells by probing intracellular plasmid DNA with chloroacetaldehyde followed by fine analysis of modified DNA bases. d(A-T)16 sequences were inserted into specifically designed plasmids either upstream of a single trc promoter, or between two divergent trc promoters. We found that in both cases, induction of transcription by IPTG leads to the transition of the d(A-T)16 stretch into a cruciform state. In the case of two divergent promoters, we observed cruciform formation even without IPTG. Enhanced cruciform formation correlates with the elevation in promoter activity as defined by the opening of the promoter at the -10 to +2 positions. We conclude that transcriptionally driven negative supercoiling provokes cruciform formation in vivo

    Intramolecular DNA triplexes: unusual sequence requirements and influence on DNA polymerization.

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