892 research outputs found

    Development of a CFD methodology for fuel-air mixing and combustion modeling of GDI Engines

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    Simulation of GDI engines represents a very challenging task for CFD modeling. In particular, many sub-models are involved since the evolution of the fuel spray and liquid film formation should be modeled. Furthermore, it is necessary to account for both the influence of mixture and flow conditions close to the spark plug to correctly predict the flame propagation process. In this work, the authors developed a CFD methodology to study the air-fuel mixing and combustion processes in direct-injection, spark-ignition engines. A set of sub-models was developed to describe injection, atomization, breakup and wall impingement for sprays emerging from multi-hole atomizers. Furthermore, the complete evolution of the liquid fuel film was described by solving its mass, energy and momentum equations on the cylinderw wall boundaries. To model combustion, the Extended Coherent Flamelet Model (ECFM) was used in combination with a Lagrangian ignition model, describing the evolution of the flame kernel and accounting for both for flow, mixture composition and properties of the electrical circuit. The proposed approach has been implemented into the Lib-ICE code, which is based on the OpenFOAMR technology. In this paper, examples of application are provided, including the simulation of the fuel-air mixing process in a real GDI engine and the prediction of the premixed turbulent combustion process in a constant-volume vessel for different operating conditions

    Heavy Superheated Droplet Detectors as a Probe of Spin-independent WIMP Dark Matter Existence

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    At present, application of Superheated Droplet Detectors (SDDs) in WIMP dark matter searches has been limited to the spin-dependent sector, owing to the general use of fluorinated refrigerants which have high spin sensitivity. Given their recent demonstration of a significant constraint capability with relatively small exposures and the relative economy of the technique, we consider the potential impact of heavy versions of such devices on the spin-independent sector. Limits obtainable from a CF3I\mathrm{CF_{3}I}-loaded SDD are estimated on the basis of the radiopurity levels and backgrounds already achieved by the SIMPLE and PICASSO experiments. With 34 kgd exposure, equivalent to the current CDMS, such a device may already probe to below 10−6^{-6} pb in the spin-independent cross section.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted Phys. Rev.

    An international prospective general population-based study of respiratory work disability

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    Background: Previous cross-sectional studies have shown that job change due to breathing problems at the workplace (respiratory work disability) is common among adults of working age. That research indicated that occupational exposure to gases, dust and fumes was associated with job change due to breathing problems, although causal inferences have been tempered by the cross-sectional nature of previously available data. There is a need for general population-based prospective studies to assess the incidence of respiratory work disability and to delineate better the roles of potential predictors of respiratory work disability.Methods: A prospective general population cohort study was performed in 25 centres in 11 European countries and one centre in the USA. A longitudinal analysis was undertaken of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey including all participants employed at any point since the baseline survey, 6659 subjects randomly sampled and 779 subjects comprising all subjects reporting physician-diagnosed asthma. The main outcome measure was new-onset respiratory work disability, defined as a reported job change during follow-up attributed to breathing problems. Exposure to dusts (biological or mineral), gases or fumes during follow-up was recorded using a job-exposure matrix. Cox proportional hazard regression modelling was used to analyse such exposure as a predictor of time until job change due to breathing problems.Results: The incidence rate of respiratory work disability was 1.2/1000 person-years of observation in the random sample (95% CI 1.0 to 1.5) and 5.7/1000 person-years in the asthma cohort (95% CI 4.1 to 7.8). In the random population sample, as well as in the asthma cohort, high occupational exposure to biological dust, mineral dust or gases or fumes predicted increased risk of respiratory work disability. In the random sample, sex was not associated with increased risk of work disability while, in the asthma cohort, female sex was associated with an increased disability risk (hazard ratio 2.8, 95% CI 1.3 to 5.9).Conclusions: Respiratory work disability is common overall. It is associated with workplace exposures that could be controlled through preventive measures

    Danneggiamento per pitting di acciai bonificati, cementati e nitrurati

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    La comprensione dei meccanismi di danneggiamento che portano al manifestarsi dell’usura per faticaè di fondamentale importanza per l’ottimizzazione dei materiali e dei trattamenti termici.Il presente lavoro ha previsto l’esecuzione di prove di rotazione disco su disco (rolling disc-on-disc test).Questo metodo si basa sulla rotazione simultanea di una coppia di dischi sagomati in modo da simulareil contatto tra superfici sferiche. Le prove sono state eseguite su tre differenti tipi di acciaio:• UNI EN 42CrMo4 bonificato; • UNI EN 18NiCrMo5 cementato; • UNI EN 42CrMo4 nitruratoLo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di identificare i meccanismi di danneggiamento coinvoltinella fase di innesco del fenomeno di usura per fatica e durante la sua evoluzione.A tal proposito sui campioni ottenuti dalle prove di rotazione disco su disco sono state condotte numerose analisifrattografiche sia ad occhio nudo, che mediante l’utilizzo del microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM).Sono stati identificati differenti meccanismi di danneggiamento a seconda del tipo di acciaio:• UNI EN 42CrMo4 bonificato: pitting dovuto a cricche originate negli strati superficialifortemente incruditi. • UNI EN 18NiCrMo5 cementato: pitting originato dagli ossidi depositati a bordo granodurante la fase di carburazione. • UNI EN 42CrMo4 nitrurato: pitting dovuto a cricche che siinnescano e propagano all’interno della coltre bianca

    Milk Metabolomics Reveals Potential Biomarkers for Early Prediction of Pregnancy in Buffaloes Having Undergone Artificial Insemination.

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    This study aimed to identify potential biomarkers for early pregnancy diagnosis in buffaloes subjected to artificial insemination (AI). The study was carried out on 10 pregnant and 10 non-pregnant buffaloes that were synchronized by Ovsynch-Timed Artificial Insemination Program and have undergone the first AI. Furthermore, milk samples were individually collected ten days before AI (the start of the synchronization treatment), on the day of AI, day 7 and 18 after AI, and were analyzed by LC–MS. Statistical analysis was carried out by using Mass Profile Professional (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Metabolomic analysis revealed the presence of several metabolites differentially expressed between pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes. Among these, a total of five metabolites were identified by comparison with an online database and a standard compound as acetylcarnitine (3-Acetoxy-4-(trimethylammonio)butanoate), argininesuccinic acid hydrate, 5’-O-{[3-({4-[(3aminopropyl)amino]butyl}amino)propyl]carbamoyl}-2’deoxyadenosine, N-(1-Hydroxy-2-hexadecanyl)pentadecanamide, and N-[2,3Bis(dodecyloxy)propyl]-L-lysinamide). Interestingly, acetylcarnitine was dominant in milk samples collected from non-pregnant buffaloes. The results obtained from milk metabolic profile and hierarchical clustering analysis revealed significant differences between pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes, as well as in the metabolite expression. Overall, the findings indicate the potential of milk metabolomics as a powerful tool to identify biomarkers of early pregnancy in buffalo undergoing AI

    The effects of stratosphere-troposphere coupling on the decadal predictability of the climate system.

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    The coupled ocean-atmosphere CMCC-CMS model is used to investigate the influence of the stratosphere on the decadal predictability. As part of the EU-funded COMBINE Project, a set of decadal prediction experiments are performed for the 1960-2005 period, following the CMIP5 protocol using historical radiative forcing conditions, followed by RCP4.5 scenario settings from 2006 onward. The decadal predictions consist in 3-member ensembles of 10-year simulations starting at 5-year intervals, with the ocean initial states provided by ocean reanalyses differing by assimilation methods and assimilated data. A purpose of this work is to asses the impact of the initialization to reproduce climate variations with respect to an uninitialized climate simulation performed for the same time period of the predictions using identical forcing conditions. Focus will be also laid on the differences between simulations by high-top configuration (CMCC- CMS), including a well-resolved stratosphere and equivalent simulations using a low top model differing only in vertical extent and vertical resolution, to estimate how the inclusion of a well- represented stratosphere could impact climate predictability on the decadal time scale

    The new IMGC-02 transportable absolute gravimeter: measurement apparatus and applications in geophysics and volcanology

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    The research carried out at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (formerly Istituto di Metrologia «G. Colonnetti») aiming to develop a transportable ballistic absolute gravimeter ended with a new version of the instrument, called the IMGC-02. It uses laser interferometry to measure the symmetrical free rising and falling motion of a test mass in the gravity field. Providing the same accuracy achieved with previous versions, the instrumental improvements mainly concern size, weight, data processing algorithms and operational simplicity. An uncertainty of 9 μGal (1 μGal=1×10–8 m·s−2) can be achieved within a single observation session, lasting about 12 h, while the time series of several observation sessions show a reproducibility of 4 μGal. At this level, gravity measurements provide useful information in Geophysics and Volcanology. A wide set of dynamic phenomena, i.e. seismicity and volcanic activity, can produce temporal gravity changes, often quite small, with an amplitude ranging from a few to hundreds of microgals. Therefore the IMGC absolute gravimeter has been employed since 1986 in surveying the Italian active volcanoes. A brief history of the gravimeter and the description of the new apparatus, together with the main results of ongoing applications in Geophysics and Volcanology are presented

    The new IMGC-02 transportable absolute gravimeter: measurement apparatus and applications in geophysics and volcanology

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    The research carried out at the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (formerly Istituto di Metrologia «G. Colonnetti») aiming to develop a transportable ballistic absolute gravimeter ended with a new version of the instrument, called the IMGC-02. It uses laser interferometry to measure the symmetrical free rising and falling motion of a test mass in the gravity field. Providing the same accuracy achieved with previous versions, the instrumental improvements mainly concern size, weight, data processing algorithms and operational simplicity. An uncertainty of 9 μGal (1 μGal=1×10–8 m·s−2) can be achieved within a single observation session, lasting about 12 h, while the time series of several observation sessions show a reproducibility of 4 μGal. At this level, gravity measurements provide useful information in Geophysics and Volcanology. A wide set of dynamic phenomena, i.e. seismicity and volcanic activity, can produce temporal gravity changes, often quite small, with an amplitude ranging from a few to hundreds of microgals. Therefore the IMGC absolute gravimeter has been employed since 1986 in surveying the Italian active volcanoes. A brief history of the gravimeter and the description of the new apparatus, together with the main results of ongoing applications in Geophysics and Volcanology are presented
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