152 research outputs found

    Conceptual combination: a semantic framework for innovation

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    An underestimated but pervasive aspect of innovation is its semantic creativity. Innovation is tangled with the generation of new meanings and new representations of familiar objects or processes. This paper explores semantic innovation arguing as a combination of pre-existing conceptual structures. First we shed light on the level at which innovative semantic combinations unfold, that is the conceptual level. Second the paper provides an in depth analysis of the dynamics of conceptual combinations, examining the processes underlying it: similarity detection, selective mapping and search for coherence. Our analysis of a rich set of cases opens up the complex architecture of conceptual combination and shows that, given its conceptual nature, semantic innovations shift among different level of abstraction (products, processes and business model)s and thus can be transferred to entirely different sets of activity. The paper provides a theoretical framework to understand the dynamics of semantic innovation and a contribution to the debate on innovation as knowledge combination in managerial and economic literature

    Wiring knowledge domains. Metaphors and knowledge combination in a multi-disciplinary field

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    In the process of combining distant domains of knowledge, metaphors play a privileged role in constructing a shared understanding and in coordinating multiple actors with different background, language and practices. Yet they are still relatively under-investigated, in particular their dynamic interplay with individual cognition and action along the knowledge creation process. Through the case study of a neuroscience research project over a eight-year period, we reconstruct the role that metaphors play in defining conceptually the object of research, interfacing and coordinating different bodies of knowledge, and informing actual practices of laboratory experimentation and technology development. We show how metaphors develop and change over the different phases of the project, responding to the new puzzles they contribute to create and to the changing composition of the network of actors involved. We offer some insight on the emergence of such metaphors and their dynamics in processes of knowledge combination
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