464 research outputs found

    Occurrence of mite Ophionyssus natricis (Acari: Macronyssidae) on captive snakes from Panama

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    We report for the first time the presence of the snake mite, Ophionyssus natricis (Gervais) (Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae) on captive snakes kept at Panama City, Panama. This occurrence adds a new record to the geographical distribution of O. natricis as well as confirms its high prevalence on captive reptiles. Several Boidae species, Boa constrictor, Epicrates maurus, Corallus ruschenbergerii, Corallus caninus and a Pythonidae, Python regius were found infested with intensities varying from 10 to 2200 mites each. These findings represent the second record of O. natricis for Central America

    Mulher Indígena e Cuidados Durante a Gravidez e Puerperio

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    At the dawn of this 21st century, with an undeniable scenario of great advances in science and technology, we present the reality with which the population of indigenous peoples resists, with urgent modifications and resilient effects to give meaning to the life that corresponds to accept, without succumbing to its uncertain destiny.The original peoples of our America, as in Panama, with the scarce resources that the Ngäbe-Buglé and other indigenous peoples manage to obtain for their survival, make enormous efforts for their survival. So being poor, being indigenous and woman, in a rural area, represents a great challenge to challenge life and the universe.Objective. Present results in relation to research conducted on the topic of indigenous women and their health during pregnancy and the puerperium.Methodology. Review of scientific articles, research conducted in America, in relation to indigenous women and care during pregnancy and puerperium, in the main databases available in health sciences and nursing.Results. Women have access to health services with the characteristics of double disadvantages: being a woman and being indigenous. The meaning that the woman assigns to her care during pregnancy and the puerperium is diverse and is influenced by the cultural component, with practices and beliefs.Conclusions. The health of indigenous women should be considered as a priority in the provision of health services. The Sustainable Development Goal focuses on "Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls."En los albores de este siglo XXI, con un indiscutible escenario de grandes avances de la ciencia y la tecnología, se presenta la realidad con la que la población de pueblos originarios resiste, con urgentes modificaciones y efectos resilientes para dar sentido a la vida que le corresponde aceptar, sin sucumbir a su incierto destino.Los pueblos originarios de nuestra América, al igual que en Panamá, con los escasos recursos que logra conseguir para su supervivencia, los Ngäbe-Buglé y otros pueblos indígenas, efectúan ingentes esfuerzos para la supervivencia. De manera que ser pobre, ser indígena y mujer, en un área rural, representa un gran reto para desafiar a la vida y el universo.Objetivo. Presentar resultados en relación con investigaciones efectuadas en torno a la temática de la mujer indígena y su salud durante el embarazo y el puerperio.Metodología. Revisión de artículos científicos, de investigaciones realizadas en América, en relación con la mujer indígena y los cuidados durante el embarazo y el puerperio, en las principales bases de datos disponibles en ciencias de la salud y de enfermería.Resultados. Las mujeres acceden a los servicios de salud con las características de doble desventajas: ser mujer y ser indígena. El significado que le asigna la mujer a su cuidado durante el embarazo y el puerperio es diverso y está influido por el componente cultural, con prácticas y creencias.Conclusiones. La salud de la mujer indígena debe considerarse como prioridad en la prestación de los servicios de salud. El Objetivo 5 de Desarrollo Sostenible enfoca que se debe “Lograr la igualdad entre los géneros y empoderar a todas las mujeres y las niñas”.No início deste século 21, com um cenário inegável de grandes avanços em ciência e tecnologia, apresentamos a realidade com a qual a população de povos indígenas resiste, com modificações urgentes e efeitos resilientes para dar sentido à vida que corresponde aceitar, sem sucumbir ao seu destino incerto. Os povos nativos de nossa América, como no Panamá os Ngäbe-Buglé e outros povos indígenas, com os escassos recursos que conseguem obter fazem enormes esforços para sua sobrevivência. Portanto, ser pobre, ser indígena e mulher, em uma área rural, representa um grande desafio para desafiar a vida e o universo. Objetivo: Apresentar resultados em relação à pesquisa realizada sobre o tema das mulheres indígenas e sua saúde durante a gravidez e o puerpério. Metodologia: Revisão de artigos científicos, de pesquisas realizadas na América, em relação às mulheres indígenas e cuidados durante a gravidez e puerpério, nas principais bases de dados disponíveis em ciências da saúde e enfermagem. Resultados: As mulheres têm acesso a serviços de saúde com características de dupla desvantagem: ser mulher e ser indígena. O significado que a mulher atribui a seus cuidados durante a gravidez e o puerpério é diversificado e é influenciado pelo componente cultural, com práticas e crenças. Conclusões: A saúde das mulheres indígenas deve ser considerada como uma prioridade na prestação de serviços de saúde. O Objetivo 5 do Desenvolvimento Sustentável enfoca "alcançar a igualdade de gênero e capacitar todas as mulheres e meninas"

    MARIE Measurements and Model Predictions of Solar Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays at Mars

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    Recent data from the MARIE (Martian Radiation Environment Experiment) instrument on board the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft currently in Mars orbit are presented. It is shown that the short-term modulations of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) are well described by correlating the so lar modulation parameter, , with Earth-based neutron monitor counts using a 85-day time lag and the NASA Models - HZETRN (High Z and Energy Transport) and QMSFRG (Quantum Multiple Scattering theory of nuclear Fragmentation). The dose rates observed by the MARIE instrument are within 10% of the model calculations

    Isotopic Dependence of GCR Fluence behind Shielding

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    In this paper we consider the effects of the isotopic composition of the primary galactic cosmic rays (GCR), nuclear fragmentation cross-sections, and isotopic-grid on the solution to transport models used for shielding studies. Satellite measurements are used to describe the isotopic composition of the GCR. For the nuclear interaction data-base and transport solution, we use the quantum multiple-scattering theory of nuclear fragmentation (QMSFRG) and high-charge and energy (HZETRN) transport code, respectively. The QMSFRG model is shown to accurately describe existing fragmentation data including proper description of the odd-even effects as function of the iso-spin dependence on the projectile nucleus. The principle finding of this study is that large errors (+/-100%) will occur in the mass-fluence spectra when comparing transport models that use a complete isotopic-grid (approx.170 ions) to ones that use a reduced isotopic-grid, for example the 59 ion-grid used in the HZETRN code in the past, however less significant errors (<+/-20%) occur in the elemental-fluence spectra. Because a complete isotopic-grid is readily handled on small computer workstations and is needed for several applications studying GCR propagation and scattering, it is recommended that they be used for future GCR studies

    Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter (MCU) defciency reveals an alternate path for ­Ca2+ uptake in photoreceptor mitochondria

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    Rods and cones use intracellular Ca2+ to regulate many functions, including phototransduction and neurotransmission. The Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter (MCU) complex is thought to be the primary pathway for Ca2+ entry into mitochondria in eukaryotes. We investigate the hypothesis that mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake via MCU influences phototransduction and energy metabolism in photoreceptors using a mcu-/- zebrafish and a rod photoreceptor-specific Mcu-/- mouse. Using genetically encoded Ca2+ sensors to directly examine Ca2+ uptake in zebrafish cone mitochondria, we found that loss of MCU reduces but does not eliminate mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Loss of MCU does not lead to photoreceptor degeneration, mildly affects mitochondrial metabolism, and does not alter physiological responses to light, even in the absence of the Na+/Ca2+, K+ exchanger. Our results reveal that MCU is dispensable for vertebrate photoreceptor function, consistent with its low expression and the presence of an alternative pathway for Ca2+ uptake into photoreceptor mitochondria

    Annual Feedback Is an Effective Tool for a Sustained Increase in Calcium Intake among Older Women

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    We aimed to optimize calcium intake among the 2,000+ older women taking part in the Vital D study. Calcium supplementation was not included in the study protocol. Our hypothesis was that annual feedback of calcium intake and informing women of strategies to improve calcium intake can lead to a sustained increase in the proportion of women who consume adequate levels of the mineral. Calcium intake was assessed on an annual basis using a validated short food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Supplemental calcium intake was added to the dietary estimate. Participants and their nominated doctor were sent a letter that the participant’s estimated daily calcium intake was adequate or inadequate based on a cutoff threshold of 800 mg/day. General brief statements outlining the importance of an adequate calcium intake and bone health were included in all letters. At baseline, the median daily consumption of calcium was 980 mg/day and 67 percent of 1,951 participants had calcium intake of at least 800 mg per day. Of the 644 older women advised of an inadequate calcium intake at baseline (<800 mg/day), 386 (60%) had increased their intake by at least 100 mg/day when re-assessed twelve months later. This desirable change was sustained at 24 months after baseline with almost half of these women (303/644) consuming over 800 mg calcium per day. This study devised an efficient method to provide feedback on calcium intake to over 2,000 older women. The improvements were modest but significant and most apparent in those with a low intake at baseline. The decreased proportion of these women with an inadequate intake of calcium 12- and 24-months later, suggests this might be a practical, low cost strategy to maintain an adequate calcium intake among older women

    HIV-1 Epidemic in the Caribbean Is Dominated by Subtype B

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    The molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 in the Caribbean has been described using partial genome sequencing; subtype B is the most common subtype in multiple countries. To expand our knowledge of this, nearly full genome amplification, sequencing and analysis was conducted.Virion RNA from sera collected in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago were reverse transcribed, PCR amplified, sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. Nearly full genomes were completed for 15 strains; partial pol was done for 67 strains. All but one of the 67 strains analyzed in pol were subtype B; the exception was a unique recombinant of subtypes B and C collected in the Dominican Republic. Of the nearly full genomes of 14 strains that were subtype B in pol, all were subtype B from one end of the genome to the other and not inter-subtype recombinants. Surprisingly, the Caribbean subtype B strains clustered significantly with each other and separate from subtype B from other parts of the pandemic.The more complete analysis of HIV-1 from 4 Caribbean countries confirms previous research using partial genome analysis that the predominant subtype in circulation was subtype B. The Caribbean strains are phylogenetically distinct from other subtype B strains although the biological meaning of this finding is unclear