1,101 research outputs found

    Fibonacci type semigroups

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    We study "Fibonacci type" groups and semigroups. By establishing asphericity of their presentations we show that many of the groups are infinite. We combine this with Adjan graph techniques and the classification of the finite Fibonacci semigroups (in terms of the finite Fibonacci groups) to extend it to the Fibonacci type semigroups

    The character variety of one relator groups

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    We consider some families of one relator groups arising as fundamental groups of 3-dimensional manifolds, and calculate their character varieties in SL(2, C). Then we give simple geometrical descriptions of such varieties, and determine the number of their irreducible components. Our paper relates to the work of Baker-Petersen, Qazaqzeh and Morales-Marcen on the character variety of certain classes of one relator groups, but we use different methods based on the concept of palindrome presentations of given groups

    Exceptional Dehn Surgeries on Some Infinite Series of Hyperbolic Knots and Links

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    We study closed connected orientable 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn surgery along the oriented components of a link, introduced and considered by Motegi and Song (2005) and Ichihara et al. (2008). For such manifolds, we find a finite balanced group presentation of the fundamental group and describe exceptional surgeries. This allows us to construct an infinite family of tunnel number one strongly invertible hyperbolic knots with three parameters, which admit toroidal surgeries and Seifert fibered surgeries. Among the obtained results, we mention that for every integer n>5 there are infinitely many hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere, whose (n-2) and (n+1)-surgeries are toroidal, and (n-1) and n-surgeries are Seifert fibered

    Groups of Fibonacci type revisited

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    This article concerns a class of groups of Fibonacci type introduced by Johnson and Mawdesley that includes Conway?s Fibonacci groups, the Sieradski groups, and the Gilbert-Howie groups. This class of groups provides an interesting focus for developing the theory of cyclically presented groups and, following questions by Bardakov and Vesnin and by Cavicchioli, Hegenbarth, and Repov?s, they have enjoyed renewed interest in recent years. We survey results concerning their algebraic properties, such as isomorphisms within the class, the classification of the finite groups, small cancellation properties, abelianizations, asphericity, connections with Labelled Oriented Graph groups, and the semigroups of Fibonacci type. Further, we present a new method of proving the classification of the finite groups that deals with all but three groups

    Topology of compact space forms from Platonic solids. I.

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    AbstractThe problem of classifying, up to isometry, the orientable 3-manifolds that arise by identifying the faces of a Platonic solid was completely solved in a nice paper of Everitt [B. Everitt, 3-manifolds from Platonic solids, Topology Appl. 138 (2004) 253–263]. His work completes the classification begun by Best [L.A. Best, On torsion-free discrete subgroups of PSL2(C) with compact orbit space, Canad. J. Math. 23 (1971) 451–460], Lorimer [P.J. Lorimer, Four dodecahedral spaces, Pacific J. Math. 156 (2) (1992) 329–335], Prok [I. Prok, Classification of dodecahedral space forms, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 39 (2) (1998) 497–515], and Richardson and Rubinstein [J. Richardson, J.H. Rubinstein, Hyperbolic manifolds from a regular polyhedron, Preprint]. In this paper we investigate the topology of closed orientable 3-manifolds from Platonic solids. Here we completely recognize those manifolds in the spherical and Euclidean cases, and state topological properties for many of them in the hyperbolic case. The proofs of the latter will appear in a forthcoming paper

    Determinants of Central Bank independence: a random forest approach

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    In this paper we implement an effcient non-parametric statistical method, Random survival forests, for the selection of the determinants of Central Bank Independence (CBI) among a large data base of political and economic variables for OECD countries.This statistical technique enables us to overcome omitted variables and overftting problems. It turns out that the economic variables are major determinants compared to the political ones and linear andnonlinear effects of chosen predictors on CBI are found

    SERPINB3 delays glomerulonephritis and attenuates the lupus-like disease in lupus murine models by inducing a more tolerogenic immune phenotype

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    Objective: To explore the effects of SERPINB3 administration in murine lupus models with a focus on lupus-like nephritis. Methods: 40 NZB/W F1 mice were subdivided into 4 groups and intraperitoneally injected with recombinant SERPINB3 (7.5 \u3bcg/0.1 mL or 15 \u3bcg/0.1 mL) or PBS (0.1 mL) before (group 1 and 2) or after (group 3 and 4) the development of proteinuria ( 65100 mg/dl). Two additional mice groups were provided by including 20 MRL/lpr mice which were prophylactically injected with SERPINB3 (10 mice, group 5) or PBS (10 mice, group 6). Time of occurrence and levels of anti-dsDNA and anti-C1q antibodies, proteinuria and serum creatinine, overall- and proteinuria-free survival were assessed in mice followed up to natural death. Histological analysis was performed in kidneys of both lupus models. The Th17:Treg cell ratio was assessed by flow-cytometry in splenocytes of treated and untreated MRL/lpr mice. Statistical analysis was performed using non parametric tests and Kaplan-Meier curves, when indicated. Results: Autoantibody levels and proteinuria were significantly decreased and time of occurrence significantly delayed in SERPINB3-treated mice vs. controls. In agreement with these findings, proteinuria-free and overall survival were significantly improved in SERPINB3-treated groups vs. controls. Histological analysis demonstrated a lower prevalence of severe tubular lesions in kidneys of group 5 vs. group 6. SERPINB3-treated mice showed an overall trend toward a reduced prevalence of severe lesions in both strains. Th17:Treg ratio was significantly decreased in splenocytes of MRL/lpr mice treated with SERPINB3, compared to untreated control mice. Conclusions: SERPINB3 significantly improves disease course and delays the onset of severe glomerulonephritis in lupus-prone mice, possibly inducing a more tolerogenic immune phenotype

    The impact of different energy policy options on feedstock price and land demand for maize silage: the case of biogas in Lombardy

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    The growing demand of maize silage for biogas production in Northern Italy has triggered an intense debate concerning land rents, maize prices and their possible negative consequences on important agri-food chains. The aim of this work is to quantify the extent to which the rapid spread of biogas raised the maize price at regional level, increasing the demand of land for energy crops. For this purpose we applied a partial-equilibrium framework simulating the agricultural sector and the biogas industry in Lombardy, under two alternative schemes of subsidization policy. Results show that policy measures implemented in 2013 \u2013 reducing the average subsidy per kWh \u2013 may contribute to enforce the complementarity of the sector with agri-food chains, decreasing the competition between energy and non-energy uses. Compared to the old scheme, maize demand for biogas would decrease , lessening the market clearing price (as well as feed opportunity cost for livestock sector) and reducing land demand for energy purposes
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