1,520 research outputs found

    Prospects and status of quark mass renormalization in three-flavour QCD

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    We present the current status of a revised strategy to compute the running of renormalized quark masses in QCD with three flavours of massless O(a) improved Wilson quarks. The strategy employed uses the standard finite-size scaling method in the Schr\"odinger functional and accommodates for the non-perturbative scheme-switch which becomes necessary at intermediate renormalized couplings as discussed in [arXiv:1411.7648].Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 14-18 July 2015, Kobe, Japa

    A geometric technique to generate lower estimates for the constants in the Bohnenblust--Hille inequalities

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    The Bohnenblust--Hille (polynomial and multilinear) inequalities were proved in 1931 in order to solve Bohr's absolute convergence problem on Dirichlet series. Since then these inequalities have found applications in various fields of analysis and analytic number theory. The control of the constants involved is crucial for applications, as it became evident in a recent outstanding paper of Defant, Frerick, Ortega-Cerd\'{a}, Ouna\"{\i}es and Seip published in 2011. The present work is devoted to obtain lower estimates for the constants appearing in the Bohnenblust--Hille polynomial inequality and some of its variants. The technique that we introduce for this task is a combination of the Krein--Milman Theorem with a description of the geometry of the unit ball of polynomial spaces on 2\ell^2_\infty.Comment: This preprint does no longer exist as a single manuscript. It is now part of the preprint entitled "The optimal asymptotic hypercontractivity constant of the real polynomial Bohnenblust-Hille inequality is 2" (arXiv reference 1209.4632

    Caracterización de haces láser empleados en la industria

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    Los láseres tienen numerosas aplicaciones. En estas aplicaciones es necesario utilizar sistemas ópticos para guiar y a veces transformar el haz láser. Para un correcto diseño de estos sistemas ópticos es fundamental, además de un conocimiento de las propiedades de propagación de los haces láser, el empleo de técnicas de caracterización de los mismos. Existe una serie de cuestiones que todavía no han sido investigadas suficientemente y que no son fenómenos de excepción, sino que se presentan en las aplicaciones cotidianas. Dos de estas cuestiones son: 1º El considerar a los haces láser utilizados en la industria que son monocromáticos cuando en la mayoría de los casos como por ejemplo, en los haces producidos por los láseres de dióxido de carbono de alta potencia no lo es. 2º Uno de los tipos de láser que más aplicaciones está encontrando en la industria son los de diodos láser de alta potencia. Sin embargo, determinadas propiedades de los mismos, como es el caso del smile (sonrisa) no están convenientemente caracterizadas, cuando juega un papel fundamental a la hora de diseñar los sistemas ópticos en este tipo de láseres. En concordancia con los problemas planteados en el párrafo anterior la presente tesis se plantea para el primer problema, deducir las relaciones entre los modos que constituyen el haz láser policromático y los modos transformados por una lente. Para el segundo problema se aporta un nuevo método de caracterización del smile

    Non-perturbative quark mass renormalisation and running in Nf = 3 QCD

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    We determine from first principles the quark mass anomalous dimension in Nf= 3 QCD between the electroweak and hadronic scales. This allows for a fully non-perturbative connection of the perturbative and non-perturbative regimes of the Standard Model in the hadronic sector. The computation is carried out to high accuracy, employing massless O(a)-improved Wilson quarks and finite-size scaling techniques. We also provide the matching factors required in the renormalisation of light quark masses from lattice computations with O(a)-improved Wilson fermions and a tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action. The total uncertainty due to renormalisation and running in the determination of light quark masses in the SM is thus reduced to about 1

    Light and strange quark masses from Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 simulations with Wilson fermions

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    We present a nearly final analysis of the u/du/d and ss quark masses, extracted using the PCAC quark masses reported in [PRD 95 (2017) 074504]. The data is based on the CLS Nf=2+1N_f = 2 + 1 simulations with Wilson/Clover quarks and L\"uscher-Weisz gauge action, at four β\beta values (i.e. lattice spacings) and a range of quark masses. We use the ALPHA results of [EPJC 78 (2018) 387] for non-perturbative quark mass renormalisation and RG-running from hadronic to electroweak scales in the Schr\"odinger Functional scheme. Quark masses are quoted both in the MS\overline{\rm MS} scheme and as RGI quantities.Comment: Talk presented at the 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2018), 22-28 July 2018, Michigan, US

    Construcción del índice de términos de intercambio para Colombia

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    El documento compara tres índices alternativos para la medición de los Términos de Intercambio (TI) en Colombia: el ITI-PIB, que se construye con los deflactores implícitos del PIB; el ITI-CE, que utiliza el índice de valor unitario con información de comercio exterior y el ITI-IPP, basado en los precios de los bienes del Índice de Precios del Productor. Los índices propuestos son de tipo encadenado. Esta metodología tiene una ventaja sobre los índices tradicionales porque involucra los cambios en la estructura económica a través del tiempo. Los resultados sugieren que el comportamiento de los indicadores es similar, aunque pueden presentarse divergencias temporales. Estas se explicarían por las diferencias en las metodologías y las fuentes de información utilizadas para cada índice.Términos de Intercambio, Índices de Precios, Índices Encadenados. Classification JEL: C43, F10.

    Analysis of the physiological parameters of young spanish badminton players.

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    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es conocer las características fisiológicas de los jugadores juveniles de bádminton de alto nivel y comparar los parámetros fisiológicos obtenidos en el laboratorio y durante un partido. Se estudiaron 19 jugadores en edad juvenil, 12 varones y 7 mujeres. A todos se les realizó una prueba de esfuerzo máxima en el laboratorio y mediciones antropométricas. Durante la competición se les monitorizó la frecuencia cardiaca, se analizó la concentración de lactato y se valoró su percepción subjetiva al esfuerzo (RPE). El consumo máximo de oxigeno (VO2 máx.) medio se situaba en 56,07 +/- 6,5 ml/Kg/min. El pico de lactato en 3,18 +/- 1,78 mML-1 y la frecuencia cardiaca máxima media (FC máx.) era de 196,75 +/- 5,29 p. p. m., sin diferencias significativas en ninguno de los parámetros estudiados entre varones y hembras en el laboratorio y la competiciónThe aim of our study was to determine the physiological characteristics of young badminton high level players and to compare the physiological parameters obtained in the laboratory and during a match. Nineteen youth players were studied, 12 men and 7 women. A maximal exercise test in the laboratory was performed to the patients and anthropometrics parameters were taken. Their heart rate, lactate concentration and subjective ratings of perceived exertion were tested during competition. The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) has averaged 56.07 + / - 6.5 ml/Kg/min. The peak lactate 3.18 + / - 1.78 MML-1 and the average maximum heart rate (HR max) was 196.75 + / - 5.29 ppm, no significant differences in any of the parameters studied between males and females or between the laboratory and the competitionEl presente trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a una beca de investigación del Centro de Medicina Deportiva de la Comunidad de Madrid (Orden 3025/2010

    Avaliação do desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol no município de Campo Verde-MT, na safra de 2012.

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    Resumo: O cultivo de girassol em segunda safra (?safrinha?) tem se mostrado importante alternativa, visto que possibilita atraente valor de mercado, redução da ociosidade das indústrias beneficiadoras e permite otimização do uso da terra, máquinas e mão-de-obra, gerando renda e emprego. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol, em ensaio da Rede de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol, na safra de 2012, visando indicação para cultivo no estado de Mato Grosso. Foi instalado experimento no município de Campo Verde - MT (15°45?12?S; 55°22?44?W), para avaliação de treze genótipos, com semeadura realizada em março de 2012, em área cultivada anteriormente com soja. Adotou-se delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e parcelas de quatro linhas de 6,0 m e espaçamento de 0,9 m x 0,25 m. Foram efetuadas avaliações de altura de planta, diâmetro de capítulo, peso de mil aquênios, rendimento de aquênios, teor de óleo e rendimento de óleo. As médias dos resultados foram comparadas pelo teste de Duncan a 5%. Quanto ao teor de óleo, os materiais SYN 4065, HELIO 358, V60415, SYN 039 A, V70153, BRS G28 e SRM 822 apresentaram os melhores resultados. O genótipo SYN 042 se destacou nas avaliações de rendimento de aquênios e rendimento de óleo, com respectivamente, 2671 kg/ha e 1107 kg/ha. O ataque de pássaros e a ocorrência de podridão branca (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) interferiram no rendimento dos genótipos avaliados. Abstract: The cultivation of sunflower in the second season (?off-season?) has revealed itself as a significant alternative, since it enables a satisfactory market value, reduces the idleness of beneficiary industries and allows the optimization of land usage, machineryand hand labor, generating and employment. This study aims at analyzing the agronomic performance of the sunflower genotypes under testing by the Network of Evaluative Experiments with Sunflower Genotypes, in the crop of 2012, proposing an indication for cultivation in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Experiment was conducted in Campo Verde - MT (15°45?12?S; 55°22?44?W) for the evaluation of thirteen genotypes whose sowing occurred in March 2012, in an area previously cultivated with soybeans. A delimitation of randomblocks was carried out, with four repetitions and arrays of four lines 6,0 m each and spacing of of 0,9 m x 0,24 m. Measurement were made, evaluating plant height, head diameter, thousand achene wight, achene yield, oil content and oil yield. The average values of the results were compared using the Duncan test at 5%. Regarding the oil content, the materials SYN 4065, HELIO 358, V60415, SYN 039, V70153, BRS G28 and SRM 822 presented the best results. The genotype SYN 042 stood out in the evaluations of achene yield and oil yield, respectively, with 2671 kg / ha and 1107 kg/ ha. The attack of birds and the occurrence of white rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) interfered with the yield of the genotypes analized