293 research outputs found

    A space-structure based dissimilarity measure for categorical data

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    The development of analysis methods for categorical data begun in 90's decade, and it has been booming in the last years. On the other hand, the performance of many of these methods depends on the used metric. Therefore, determining a dissimilarity measure for categorical data is one of the most attractive and recent challenges in data mining problems. However, several similarity/dissimilarity measures proposed in the literature have drawbacks due to high computational cost, or poor performance. For this reason, we propose a new distance metric for categorical data. We call it: Weighted pairing (W-P) based on feature space-structure, where the weights are understood like a degree of contribution of an attribute to the compact cluster structure. The performance of W-P metric was evaluated in the unsupervised learning framework in terms of cluster quality index. We test the W-P in six real categorical datasets downloaded from the public UCI repository, and we make a comparison with the distance metric (DM3) method and hamming metric (H-SBI). Results show that our proposal outperforms DM3 and H-SBI in different experimental configurations. Also, the W-P achieves highest rand index values and a better clustering discriminant than the other methods

    Novel computational protocol to support transfemoral prosthetic alignment procedure using machine learning techniques

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    The prosthetic alignment procedure considers biomechanical, anatomical and comfort characteristics of the amputee to achieve an acceptable gait. Prosthetic malalignment induces long-term disease. The assessment of alignment is highly variable and subjective to the experience of the prosthetist, so the use of machine learning could assist the prosthetist during the judgment of optimal alignment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    ELISA i infracrvena spektroskopija s Furierovom transformacijom: ekspresija HER2 gena u krvnom serumu pasa s tumorom mliječne žlijezde

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    ELISA and FTIR assay techniques were used to identify HER2 gene expression in the blood serum of female dogs and to characterise the biochemical composition. ELISA tests assess the stage of primary tumour development and evolution, while FTIR allows for a complete characterisation of biomolecules associated with the tumoral process. Blood serum samples from 30 female dogs were analysed. Concentrations of the HER2/neu protein were detected using ELISA kits specific for canine and human detection. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) was conducted in absorbance mode at a frequency range of 400–4000 cm-1 and a resolution of 4 cm-1 over 50 scans. The ELISA cut-off for HER2 protein concentration in blood serum was determined using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and by estimating the area under the curve (AUC) at a 95% confidence interval (CI=95%). The ROC curves in the canine and human ELISA tests were 0.75 and 0.45, respectively. The representative IR spectra for HER2 gene expression corresponded to lipids (1161 cm-1, 1452 cm-1, 2851 cm-1). This study contributes to the knowledge of HER2 through the identification of biochemical features associated with the changes in the HER2/neu+ and HER2/neu- states.Ova studija primijenila je ELISA i FTIR tehnike za identifikaciju ekspresije HER2 gena u krvnom serumu kujica i za karakterizaciju biokemijskog sastava. ELISA testovi procjenjuju fazu razvoja i evolucije primarnog tumora, a FTIR omogućuje potpunu karakterizaciju biomolekula povezanih s tumorskim procesom. Analizirali smo uzorak krvnog seruma 30 kujica. Detektirali smo koncentracije HER2/neu proteina uporabom dva ELISA kompleta za detekciju u pasa, odnosno ljudi. Infracrvena spektroskopija (IR) je provedena u apsorpcijskom načinu pri frekvencijskom rasponu od 400-4000 cm-1 i rezoluciji od 4 cm-1, 50 skenova. Odredili smo ELISA graničnu vrijednost (cut-off) za koncentraciju HER2 proteina u krvnom serumu uporabom krivulje karakteristika primatelja-operatora (ROC) i procjenom površine ispod krivulje (AUC) uz interval pouzdanosti od 95 % (CI=95 %). ROC krivulje u ELISA testovima za pse i ljude bile su 0,75, odnosno 0,45. Reprezentativni IR spektri za ekspresiju HER2 gena odgovarali su lipidima (1161 cm-1, 1452 cm-1, 2851 cm- 1). Ova studija doprinosi poznavanju HER2, putem identifikacije biokemijskih svojstava povezanih s promjenama u HER2/neu+ i HER2/neu- stanjima

    Lifestyle and fat distribution in asthmatic and healthy adolescents

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    Introducción: el objetivo es analizar el estilo de vida, en función del ejercicio y la dieta, de un grupo de adolescentes de la Comunidad de Madrid, teniendo en cuenta género y patología y su relación con el estado nutricional, la distribución de grasa y la función pulmonar. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de 207 sujetos que analizó el estilo de vida a partir del nivel de actividad física (AF) y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, el estado nutricional y la distribución de grasa, y la salud respiratoria. Resultados: El grupo de no asmáticos fue más activo (p=0,003) y presentó menor ICT (p=0,001) que el grupo de asmáticos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro del grupo sin asma en nivel de AF siendo los varones más activos (p=0,01) y presentando menor índice cintura-talla (ICT) que las mujeres del mismo grupo (p=0,001). Conclusiones: Los adolescentes no asmáticos fueron más activos y presentaron mejor distribución de grasa que los asmáticosObjectives: objective is to analyze the lifestyle, integrating exercise and diet, of a group of adolescents from the Community of Madrid, taking into account gender and pathology and its relationship with nutritional status, fat distribution and lung function in adolescents with or without asthma. Methods: This was a descriptive study including 207 subjects aged 13.20 ± 0.62 years. Lifestyle was assessed in terms of physical activity (PA) levels, Mediterranean diet, nutritional status, and respiratory health measured through FEV1 (z). Results: In the non-asthma group, boys were more active (p = 0.01) and showed a lower waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) than girls (p = 0.001). Participants without asthma were more active (p = 0.003), and had a better WHtR (p = 0.001) and FEV1 (p = 0.001) than those with asthma. Conclusions: In this Spanish population sample, non-asthmatic adolescents were more active and showed a better nutritional status, fat distribution and respiratory health than their peers with asthmaFinanciado a través de la VII Convocatoria Real Madrid-Universidad Europea (Ref 2015/03RM); Tercer premio en los XV Premios Neumomadrid; Beca Jóvenes Investigadores de la SENP 2015

    “Después de la tormenta sobreviene la calma” Hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y desprendimiento seroso de la retina. Angiografía fluoresceínica evolutiva

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    El desprendimiento seroso de la retina es una rara complicación de la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo. Se ha reportado en 1-2% de pacientes con eclampsia severa siendo usualmente bilateral. En esta condición, la isquemia coroidea inducida por el vaso espasmo suele ser severa y es la responsable de la ruptura de la barrera hematorretiniana externa y del desprendimiento.   La mayoría de los pacientes obtienen recuperación espontánea en el curso de pocas semanas sin secuelas visuales, quedando como evidencia cambios pigmentarios residuales en el epitelio pigmentario de la retina. En una secuencia de angiografías fluoresceínicas del fondo ocular de una embarazada de 31 años se muestra la historia natural de la complicación. En conclusión se encontró que aunque la eclampsia y los trastornos vasculares a nivel sistémico pueden llevar a patologías tan serias como un desprendimiento de retina es importante una valoración exhaustiva para definir el tipo de lesión y las posibles secuelas visuales que afecten la calidad de vida del paciente.   Palabras clave: Hipertensión arterial inducida por el embarazo. Eclampsia. Desprendimiento seroso de la retina. Angiografía fluoresceínic

    In vitro study of antiamoebic activity of methanol extract of fruit of Pimpinella anisum on trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica HM1-IMSS

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    The aniseed plant Pimpinella anisum (Saunf-Hindi) is one of the most ancient medicinal plants used by man. Currently, this plant has several uses in the food industry as spice, whereas in the pharmacopoeia, it is used as an expectorant in digestive disturbances, as mild diuretic, and as insect repellent in external use. In this paper, we evaluated the biological activity of methanolic extract of P. anisum on in vitro growth of Entamoeba histolytica HM1-IMSS under axenic conditions. We observed that the growth inhibition of E. histolytica was at CI50 = 0.034 μg/mL. Results confirm the antiamoebic activity of the methanolic extract of P. anisum.Keywords: Pimpinella anisum, Entamoeba histolytica, antiamoebic activity, medicinal plantsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(16), pp. 2065-206

    A Case Report of Acute Severe Myelitis and Meningitis Secondary to Varicella Zoster Virus Reactivation in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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    Background: Myelitis post Herpes-Zoster is a rare condition that is typically associated with immunocompromised states. It usually starts as an acute loss of sensory and motor functions below the affected spinal cord level. The condition can range in severity from a mild to a fatal presentation. Other neurological complications include meningitis, atypical presentations should encourage the search for undiagnosed immunosuppression states. The Case: We describe the case of a 42-year-old man, with previously undiagnosed HIV, who developed acute myelitis and meningitis after the appearance of the classic zoster lesions. On lumbar puncture and subsequent CSF analysis, the patient was found to have Froin's Syndrome. The patient was initiated with ceftriaxone, vancomycin, and acyclovir regimen and prophylactic antiphymic treatment was also added. After 14 days in the hospital, the fever, headache, and neck stiffness subsided while the sphincter function and lower limb paraplegia did not improve. Conclusion: Varicella zoster virus reactivation suggests underlying immunosuppression. This case demonstrates the importance of being cognizant to the wide range of clinical manifestations that may suggest spinal cord involvement after clinical reactivation. Furthermore, physicians also need to be mindful that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and other immunodeficiency states could present with atypical clinical manifestations

    Obtención de biomasa de microalga Chlorella vulgaris en un banco de prueba de fotobiorreactores de columna de burbujeo

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    Dada la agudización de la situación socioeconómica y medioambiental que se enfrenta en la actualidad, los investigadores buscan nuevas alternativas para sustituir el combustible fósil convencional, siendo una salida, los biocombustibles obtenidos a partir de microalgas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue la obtención de biomasa en un banco de prueba de fotobiorreactores de columna de burbujeo, utilizando una cepa de Chlorella vulgaris en medio Bristol. Se dimensionó el fotobiorreactor y se evaluó la influencia de las variables pH y concentración de nitrógeno, con y sin presencia de oligoelementos, sobre la productividaddel crecimiento de la biomasa de microalgas. Seencontró que en el intervalo estudiado (pH entre 6 y 8 y concentración de NaNO3 entre 0,5 y 1 g/L) estas variables no tienen un efecto significativo en el crecimiento, mientras que la presencia de oligoelementos favorece este

    Diseño de adobes urbanos para construcción de vivienda en México

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    Debido a la escasez de documentación sobre técnicas y materiales de construcción tradicional para entornos urbanos, se proponen bloques de suelo compactado que se adapten a las viviendas urbanas de la región y que sea rentables y con bajo impacto ambiental. Se busca la eliminación del proceso de cocción del ladrillo rojo debido a su alta contribución de gases de efecto invernadero y contaminantes, además de su fácil reintegración al ciclo de viva de la vivienda y capacidad térmica. Esto se logra a través de elementos aglutinantes y estabilizantes para cumplir con las normas de construcción de México. Este trabajo presenta distintas dosificaciones de aglutinantes y estabilizantes con materiales de la región y las capacidades de carga obtenidas. Los resultados son la base para normas específicas de adobe para uso urbano