2,022 research outputs found

    Effects of extracellular Ca++, K+, and Na+ on cone and retinal pigment epithelium retinomotor movements in isolated teleost retinas.

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    We have examined the effects of changes in extracellular ionic composition on cone and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) retinomotor movements in cultured isolated teleost retinas. In vivo, the myoid portion of teleost cones contracts in the light and elongates in the dark; RPE pigment disperses in the light and aggregates in the dark. In vitro, cones of dark-adapted (DA) retinas cultured in constant darkness contracted spontaneously to their light-adapted (LA) positions if the culture medium contained greater than or equal to 10(-3)M Cao++. DA cones retained their long DA positions in a medium containing less than or equal to 10(-6)M Cao++. Low [Ca++]o (10(-5)-10(-7)M) also permitted darkness to induce cone elongation and RPE pigment aggregation. Light produced cone contraction even in the absence of Cao++, but the extent of contraction was reduced if [Ca++]o was less than 10(-3) M. Thus, full contraction appeared to require the presence of external Ca++. High [K+]o (greater than or equal to 27 mM) inhibited both light-induced and light-independent Ca++-induced cone contraction. However, low [Na+]o (3.5 mM) in the presence of less than or equal to 10(-6)M Cao++ did not mimic light onset by inducing cone contraction in the dark. High [K+]o also promoted dark-adaptive cone and RPE movements in LA retinas cultured in the light. All results obtained in high [K+]o were similar to those observed when DA or LA retinas were exposed to treatments that elevate cytoplasmic cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) content

    On the Asset Market View of Exchange Rates

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    We offer a critique of the popular notion that the log-change of the real exchange rate equals the log-difference between the IMRSs of economically distinct agents in two economies. Contrary to existing claims, we show that this interpretation does not hold true in reduced-form SDF models that only rely on the absence of arbitrage in asset markets. In structural models, we show that this economic interpretation requires much stronger assumptions that emphasize the importance of goods markets rather than asset markets. We demonstrate the significance of our results for a broad range of topics in the international asset pricing literature

    A comparison of medetomidine and its active enantiomer dexmedetomidine when administered with ketamine in mice

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    Medetomidine-ketamine (MK) and dexmedetomidine-ketamine (DK) are widely used to provide general anaesthesia in laboratory animals, but have not been compared directly in many of these species, including rodents. This study aimed to compare the onset and depth of anaesthesia, and changes in vital signs, after intraperitoneal (IP) or subcutaneous (SC) administration of ketamine (75 mg kg-1) combined with medetomidine (1 mg kg-1) or dexmedetomidine (0.5 mg kg-1) using a randomised semi-crossover design with >= 48 hours between treatments in 10 male and 10 female mice. Each mouse was anaesthetised twice using the same administration route (IP or SC): once with each drug-ketamine combination. Anaesthetised mice were monitored on a heating pad without supplemental oxygen for 89 minutes; atipamezole was administered for reversal. The times that the righting reflex was lost post-injection and returned post-reversal were analysed using general linear models. Tail-pinch and pedal reflexes were examined using binomial generalized linear models. Pulse rate (PR), respiratory rate (fr), and arterial haemoglobin saturation (SpO2) were compared using generalized additive mixed models. There were no significant differences among treatments for the times taken for loss and return of the righting reflex, or response of the tail-pinch reflex. The pedal withdrawal reflex was abolished more frequently with MK than DK over time (P = 0.021). The response of PR and SpO2 were similar among treatments, but fr was significantly higher with MK than DK (P <= 0.0005). Markedly low SpO2 concentrations occurred within 5 minutes post-injection (83.8 +/- 6.7 %) in all treatment groups and were most severe after 89 minutes lapsed (66.7 +/- 7.5 %). No statistical differences were detected in regards to administration route (P <= 0.94). This study failed to demonstrate clinical advantages of the enantiomer dexmedetomidine over medetomidine when combined with ketamine to produce general anaesthesia in mice. At the doses administered, deep surgical anaesthesia was not consistently produced with either combination; therefore, anaesthetic depth must be assessed before performing surgical procedures. Supplemental oxygen should always be provided during anaesthesia to prevent hypoxaemia

    West Virginia 4-H Camp Songs and Music Traditions

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of music in 4-H traditions from the beginning of the organization to the present. In addition to the overall 4-H traditions, the research focused on traditions in the 4-H camping program. The research examined songs, song quality, and the role they played in the 4-H tradition and/or the 4-H camp experience. Differences and similarities of 4-H music from the beginning of the 4-H program in West Virginia to the present day were explored. The study also examined the origins of the songs used in the West Virginia 4-H program discerning whether or not it was specifically a 4-H original song or a song originally written for different purposes. The study described songs currently being used and those that are no longer used

    Dynamics of the nighttime thermosphere at Arecibo

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    Incoherent scatter radar observations of the nighttime F layer at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, are used to determine the O+ diffusion velocity at different altitudes. Further analysis allows evaluation of the neutral wind and the ion-drag force in the direction of the magnetic meridian. The local acceleration of the meridional neutral wind is also determined. The possibility of evaluating the viscous force using incoherent scatter radar data was also investigated. Preliminary results indicate that, at certain times and at altitudes above about 350 km, viscous drag may be a significant term in the neutral equation of motion. Combining these results allows height profiles of the meridional pressure gradient to be deduced. The pressure gradients thus derived is compared with that determined from measurements of the horizontal temperature gradient and that given by the MSIS model atmosphere

    The Girl He Left Behind Him

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    The Impact of Politicized Churches and Party Contact on African American Voter Turnout

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    - 3 - The Impact of Politicized Churches and Party Contact on African American Voter Turnout Randolph Burnside Southern Illinois University Carbondale Stephanie A. Pink-Harper Southern Illinois University Carbondale The African American community has faced a myriad of challenges regarding their quest for social equity and social justice in America. Among the challenges is the fight for their right to vote. Researchers document numerous factors that have impacted the voting behavior of African Americans. Underexplored, however, is the historical role and impact that the African American church has had on this process. This article examines the impact of politicized churches and party contact on African American voter turnout. The extant literature suggests that both party contact and politicized churches have an impact on African American political participation. In this article which utilizes data from the 1996 National Black Election Study we find that to hold true. However, we also find that politicized churches have more impact on turnout than do party contact. Further, we find that while linked fate does not have a significant relationship to turnout, African Americans’ group efficacy along with age and education play a significant role in who votes

    Love Laughs at Locksmiths : Kitty and Lucien

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