433 research outputs found

    Angular momentum evolution in laser-plasma accelerators

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    The transverse properties of an electron beam are characterized by two quantities, the emittance which indicates the electron beam extend in the phase space and the angular momentum which allows for non-planar electron trajectories. Whereas the emittance of electron beams produced in laser- plasma accelerator has been measured in several experiments, their angular momentum has been scarcely studied. It was demonstrated that electrons in laser-plasma accelerator carry some angular momentum, but its origin was not established. Here we identify one source of angular momentum growth and we present experimental results showing that the angular momentum content evolves during the acceleration

    Self-assembly in solution of a reversible comb-shaped supramolecular polymer

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    We report a single step synthesis of a polyisobutene with a bis-urea moiety in the middle of the chain. In low polarity solvents, this polymer self-assembles by hydrogen bonding to form a combshaped polymer with a central hydrogen bonded backbone and polyisobutene arms. The comb backbone can be reversibly broken, and consequently, its length can be tuned by changing the solvent, the concentration or the temperature. Moreover, we have proved that the bulkiness of the side-chains have a strong influence on both the self-assembly pattern and the length of the backbone. Finally, the density of arms can be reduced, by simply mixing with a low molar mass bis-urea

    Random, blocky and alternating ordering in supramolecular polymers of chemically bidisperse monomers

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    As a first step to understanding the role of molecular or chemical polydispersity in self-assembly, we put forward a coarse-grained model that describes the spontaneous formation of quasi-linear polymers in solutions containing two self-assembling species. Our theoretical framework is based on a two-component self-assembled Ising model in which the bidispersity is parameterized in terms of the strengths of the binding free energies that depend on the monomer species involved in the pairing interaction. Depending upon the relative values of the binding free energies involved, different morphologies of assemblies that include both components are formed, exhibiting paramagnetic-, ferromagnetic- or anti ferromagnetic-like order,i.e., random, blocky or alternating ordering of the two components in the assemblies. Analyzing the model for the case of ferromagnetic ordering, which is of most practical interest, we find that the transition from conditions of minimal assembly to those characterized by strong polymerization can be described by a critical concentration that depends on the concentration ratio of the two species. Interestingly, the distribution of monomers in the assemblies is different from that in the original distribution, i.e., the ratio of the concentrations of the two components put into the system. The monomers with a smaller binding free energy are more abundant in short assemblies and monomers with a larger binding affinity are more abundant in longer assemblies. Under certain conditions the two components congregate into separate supramolecular polymeric species and in that sense phase separate. We find strong deviations from the expected growth law for supramolecular polymers even for modest amounts of a second component, provided it is chemically sufficiently distinct from the main one.Comment: Submitted to Macromolecules, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.176

    Size structure of phytoplankton biomass in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean

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    Abstract-The size structure of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and phaeopigments ((20, (10, (3, <2, and <1 ym) has been studied along three transects (4O, 23", and 35OW) covering the entire equatorial Atlantic Ocean, with special attention to the small sizes (<3 pm). Everywhere in the studied area, even in the equatorial upwelling, the bulk of Chl a is within organisms which pass through a 3 pm Nuclepore filter. The vertical distribution of the (1 pm Chl a is closely related to the depth of the nitracline. In the nitrate-depleted mixed layer, the (1 ym Chl a always dominates, and represents 71% of the total Chl a on the average. At the top of the nitracline, the < 1 ym Chl a concentration is maximum but represents only 50% of the total Chl a. In the nitrate-rich waters, whatever the depth, the percentage of (1 pm Chl a is everywhere (50% and decreases downwards. At the bottom of the photic zone, the < 1 prn Chl a values are nearly zero. When integrated over the whole euphotic layer, the < 1 ym Chl a represents about 25% of the total Chl a when nitrate is present at surface; this percentage reaches 60% when the top of the nitracline deepens to 100 m depth. Preliminary measurements of photosynthetic activity (light gradient and time course experiments) indicate that the < 1 ym fraction contains actively photosynthetic organisms but also organisms which are able to fix CO1 in the darkness in a significant proportion. The roles of sinking, nutrients, and light in the vertical distribution of picoplankton are discussed. Our results indicate that the size distribution of Chl a (and especially the relationship between abundance of picoplankton and nitrate distribution) is the same throughout the whole equatorial (MALONE, 1980). Recent studies have focused attention on a smaller size class of autotrophic organisms-the picoplankton ((2 pm, according to SIEBURTH et al., 1978). WATERBURY et al. (1979) and JOHNSON and SIEBURTH (1 979) show the existence of small unicellular cyanobacteria (procaryotes) with a widespread geographical distribution and the ability to achieve considerable densities. Recently, LI et al. (1983) in the eastern tropical Pacific, and PLATT et al. (1983) in the tropical North Atlantic (west of Azores) concluded that autotrophic picoplankton (< 1 prn) are capable of supplying 60% (range 20 to 80%) of the total primary production in the open ecosystem. These two last results are extremely important because they modify our concepts on the biological structure of the pelagic ecosystem, but they are limited in space and time. We .I

    DIET : new developments and recent results

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    Among existing grid middleware approaches, one simple, powerful, and flexibleapproach consists of using servers available in different administrative domainsthrough the classic client-server or Remote Procedure Call (RPC) paradigm.Network Enabled Servers (NES) implement this model also called GridRPC.Clients submit computation requests to a scheduler whose goal is to find aserver available on the grid. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of anNES middleware developed in the GRAAL team called DIET and to describerecent developments. DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) is ahierarchical set of components used for the development of applications basedon computational servers on the grid.Parmi les intergiciels de grilles existants, une approche simple, flexible et performante consiste a utiliser des serveurs disponibles dans des domaines administratifs différents à travers le paradigme classique de l’appel de procédure àdistance (RPC). Les environnements de ce type, connus sous le terme de Network Enabled Servers, implémentent ce modèle appelé GridRPC. Des clientssoumettent des requêtes de calcul à un ordonnanceur dont le but consiste àtrouver un serveur disponible sur la grille.Le but de cet article est de donner un tour d’horizon d’un intergiciel développédans le projet GRAAL appelé DIET 1. DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) est un ensemble hiérarchique de composants utilisés pour ledéveloppement d’applications basées sur des serveurs de calcul sur la grille

    Experimental demonstration of singular-optical colouring of regularly scattered white light

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    Experimental interference modelling of the effects of colouring of a beam traversing a light-scattering medium is presented. It is shown that the result of colouring of the beam at the output of the medium depends on the magnitudes of the phase delays of the singly forward scattered partial signals. The colouring mechanism has for the first time experimentally been illustrated for a forward propagating beam through a light-scattering medium. This is showed in video-fragments of the interferograms recorded within the zero interference fringe with a gradual change of the path difference of the interfering polychromatic wave trains. Spectral investigation of the effects of colouring has been carried out using a solution of liquid crystal in a polymer matrix. The amplitude ratio of the non-scattered and the singly forward scattered interfering components significantly affects the colour intensity. It has further been established that the spectral content of the illuminating beam strongly influences the colour of the resulting radiation

    Correlated Set Coordination in Fault Tolerant Message Logging Protocols

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    Abstract. Based on our current expectation for the exascale systems, composed of hundred of thousands of many-core nodes, the mean time between failures will become small, even under the most optimistic as-sumptions. One of the most scalable checkpoint restart techniques, the message logging approach, is the most challenged when the number of cores per node increases, due to the high overhead of saving the message payload. Fortunately, for two processes on the same node, the failure probability is correlated, meaning that coordinated recovery is free. In this paper, we propose an intermediate approach that uses coordination between correlated processes, but retains the scalability advantage of message logging between independent ones. The algorithm still belongs to the family of event logging protocols, but eliminates the need for costly payload logging between coordinated processes.

    Innate Immune Function in Placenta and Cord Blood of Hepatitis C – Seropositive Mother-Infant Dyads

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    Vertical transmission accounts for the majority of pediatric cases of hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. In contrast to the adult population who develop persistent viremia in ∼80% of cases following exposure, the rate of mother-to-child transmission (2–6%) is strikingly low. Protection from vertical transmission likely requires the coordination of multiple components of the immune system. Placenta and decidua provide a direct connection between mother and infant. We hypothesized that innate immune responses would differ across the three compartments (decidua, placenta and cord blood) and that hepatitis C exposure would modify innate immunity in these tissues. The study was comprised of HCV-infected and healthy control mother and infant pairs from whom cord blood, placenta and decidua were collected with isolation of mononuclear cells. Multiparameter flow cytometry was performed to assess the phenotype, intracellular cytokine production and cytotoxicity of the cells. In keeping with a model where the maternal-fetal interface provides antiviral protection, we found a gradient in proportional frequencies of NKT and γδ-T cells being higher in placenta than cord blood. Cytotoxicity of NK and NKT cells was enhanced in placenta and placental NKT cytotoxicity was further increased by HCV infection. HCV exposure had multiple effects on innate cells including a decrease in activation markers (CD69, TRAIL and NKp44) on NK cells and a decrease in plasmacytoid dendritic cells in both placenta and cord blood of exposed infants. In summary, the placenta represents an active innate immunological organ that provides antiviral protection against HCV transmission in the majority of cases; the increased incidence in preterm labor previously described in HCV-seropositive mothers may be related to enhanced cytotoxicity of NKT cells

    Tetrameric Complexes of Human Histocompatibility Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-G Bind to Peripheral Blood Myelomonocytic Cells

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    The nonclassical MHC class I molecule human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G is selectively expressed on fetal trophoblast tissue at the maternal–fetal interface in pregnancy. It has long been suggested that HLA-G may inhibit maternal natural killer (NK) cells through interaction with particular NK cell receptors (KIRs). To investigate interactions of HLA-G, we constructed phycoerythrin-labeled tetrameric complexes of HLA-G refolded with a self-peptide. These HLA-G tetramers failed to bind to NK cells and cells transfected with CD94/NKG2 and killer immunoglobulin-like NK receptors. In contrast, HLA-G tetramers did bind to peripheral blood monocytes, staining a CD16+CD14mid subset with greater intensity. On transfectants, HLA-G tetramers bound to inhibitory immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT)2 and ILT4 receptors. However, staining in the presence of antibodies reactive with ILT receptors revealed that the interaction of HLA-G tetramers with blood monocytes was largely due to binding to ILT4. These results suggest that the primary role of HLA-G may be the modulation of myelomonocytic cell behavior in pregnancy