3,055 research outputs found

    An analysis of contemporary theories of learning with a view toward their applicability in classroom teaching situations

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    Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of Kansas, Education, 1948

    Design Analysis of a Sapce Based Chromotomographic Hyperspectral Imaging Experiment

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    This research develops the design of several components and/or systems for an experimental space-based chromotomographic hyperspectral imager that is being built by the Air Force Institute of Technology. The design work includes three separate topics. The first topic was the development of a structure utilizing finite element analysis and eigenanalysis for the ground-based version of the chromotomographic experiment (CTEx). The ground-based experiment was performed as a risk mitigation measure for the space-based experiment. The second topic includes a design review of a contractor\u27s proposed off-axis Mersenne telescope for the space-based chromotomographic hyperspectral imager. The work included the creation of preliminary verification requirements from the contract and sub- sequent analysis of the telescope design based on those requirements. The third topic addressed was a trade study of on-orbit focus, alignment, and calibration schemes for the space-based version of CTEx. The selected imaging focusing method entails imaging Earth-based sodium lights at night while stepping through several focus settings. The optimal focus setting shows the clearest sodium spectral features. The critical alignment concerns were identified as the alignment of the prism and of the collimated light onto the prism. The space-based CTEx utilizes three separate calibration methods involving vicarious Earth-based targets, and on-board laser diodes and spectral filters. The results of the research varied by topic. For the first topic, a structural assembly was successfully fabricated that allowed the goals of the ground-based CTEx to be met, validating the design approach. The design review for the second topic was successful with the contractor\u27s telescope design currently undergoing fabrication with delivery in May 2010. For the third topic, applicable methods and procedures were developed for the space-based CTEx

    Counting Hamilton cycles in sparse random directed graphs

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    Let D(n,p) be the random directed graph on n vertices where each of the n(n-1) possible arcs is present independently with probability p. A celebrated result of Frieze shows that if p(logn+ω(1))/np\ge(\log n+\omega(1))/n then D(n,p) typically has a directed Hamilton cycle, and this is best possible. In this paper, we obtain a strengthening of this result, showing that under the same condition, the number of directed Hamilton cycles in D(n,p) is typically n!(p(1+o(1)))nn!(p(1+o(1)))^{n}. We also prove a hitting-time version of this statement, showing that in the random directed graph process, as soon as every vertex has in-/out-degrees at least 1, there are typically n!(logn/n(1+o(1)))nn!(\log n/n(1+o(1)))^{n} directed Hamilton cycles

    Finite complete rewriting systems for regular semigroups

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    It is proved that, given a (von Neumann) regular semigroup with finitely many left and right ideals, if every maximal subgroup is presentable by a finite complete rewriting system, then so is the semigroup. To achieve this, the following two results are proved: the property of being defined by a finite complete rewriting system is preserved when taking an ideal extension by a semigroup defined by a finite complete rewriting system; a completely 0-simple semigroup with finitely many left and right ideals admits a presentation by a finite complete rewriting system provided all of its maximal subgroups do.Comment: 11 page

    The Zimmerman Fire: (re)collections

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    A compilation of interviews, essays, poetry, art, photographs, memoranda, and miscellany contributed by library employees and the UNM community affected by the Zimmerman Library fire of April 30, 2006. A timeline documents events from the onset of the fire through 22 months of staff relocation, removal of collections, extensive renovation, and the restoration of services in a new, welcoming environment. [The printed version contains 6 transparent pages which are intended to overlap text and images on adjacent pages. That effect is replicated here.

    Structure of Supergiant Shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Nine supergiant shells (SGSs) have been identified in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on H-alpha images, and twenty-three SGSs have been reported based on HI 21-cm line observations, but these sets do not always identify the same structures. We have examined the physical structure of the optically identified SGSs using HI channel maps and P-V diagrams to analyze the gas kinematics. There is good evidence for seven of the nine optically identified SGSs to be true shells. Of these seven H-alpha SGSs, four are the ionized inner walls of HI SGSs, while three are an ionized portion of a larger and more complex HI structure. All of the H-alpha SGSs are identified as such because they have OB associations along the periphery or in the center, with younger OB associations more often found along the periphery. After roughly 12 Myrs, if no new OB associations have been formed a SGS will cease to be identifiable at visible wavelengths. Thus, the presence and location of ionizing sources is the main distinction between shells seen only in HI and those also seen in H-alpha. Based on our analysis, H-alpha observations alone cannot unambiguously identify SGSs, especially in distant galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen

    Reset machines

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    AbstractA reset tape has one read-write head which moves only left-to-right except that the head can be reset once to the left end and the tape rescanned; a multiple-reset machine has reset tapes as auxiliary storage and a one-way input tape. Linear time is no more powerful than real time for nondeterministic multiple-reset machines and so the family MULTI-RESET of languages accepted in real time by nondeterministic multiple-reset machines is closed under linear erasing. MULTI-RESET is closed under Kleene. It can be characterized as the smallest family of languages containing the regular sets and closed under intersection and linear-erasing homomorphic duplication or as the smallest intersection-closed semiAFL containing COPY = {ww | w in {a, b}∗}. A circular tape is read full-sweep from left-to-right only and then reset to the left, any number of times; a nonwriting circular tape cannot be altered after the first sweep. For nondeterministic machines operating in real time, multiple reset tapes, circular tapes or nonwriting circular tapes have the same power. Languages in MULTI-RESET can be accepted in real time by nondeterministic machines using only three reset tapes or using only one reset tape and one nonwriting circular tape