258 research outputs found

    Gauging Internet Buying Behavior – An Emperical Study on Indian Internet Users

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    The role of Internet has been rapidly becoming inevitable to corporate and society. Across the world, governments and corporate have been working towards the better utilization of the internet. Initially, the Internet was perceived as communication media and now, slowly, metamorphosing into a powerful business media. The Internet provides a direct reach to end users, thereby, the corporate wish to use this to gain cost competitive edge. Many dot.com companies entered and exited the cyber space during early twenty first century, yet, many dot.com companies survived and succeeded in their business. Many brick & mortar companies intended to use the Internet and found they it did not work well. The faced the peculiar lacuna of misunderstanding Internet buyer behavior and could not figure out the categories of products/services the Internet users intend to buy. At this juncture, the authors did an extensive primary research among Indian Internet users in order to identify the willingness of Internet users to buy different products/services over Internet. Besides, they also found the status of Internet users in buying different products/services online. The authors focused on finding out which stage the Indian Internet user stands in consumer buying process. The research revealed positive outcomes which would be useful to corporate world to adopt and deploy for better use. This paper mainly focused on consumer perspective of Internet purchase in order to understand Indian Internet users psyche

    Uniformity of Point Samples in Metric Spaces using Gap Ratio

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    Teramoto et al. defined a new measure of uniformity of point distribution called the \emph{gap ratio} that measures the uniformity of a finite point set sampled from S\cal S, a bounded subset of R2\mathbb{R}^2. We attempt to generalize the definition of this measure over all metric spaces. While they look at online algorithms minimizing the measure at every instance, wherein the final size of the sampled set may not be known a priori, we look at instances in which the final size is known and we wish to minimize the final gap ratio. We solve optimization related questions about selecting uniform point samples from metric spaces; the uniformity is measured using gap ratio. We give lower bounds for specific as well as general instances, prove hardness results on specific metric spaces, and a general approximation algorithm framework giving different approximation ratios for different metric spaces

    Deciding Differential Privacy of Online Algorithms with Multiple Variables

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    We consider the problem of checking the differential privacy of online randomized algorithms that process a stream of inputs and produce outputs corresponding to each input. This paper generalizes an automaton model called DiP automata (See arXiv:2104.14519) to describe such algorithms by allowing multiple real-valued storage variables. A DiP automaton is a parametric automaton whose behavior depends on the privacy budget Ï”\epsilon. An automaton AA will be said to be differentially private if, for some D\mathfrak{D}, the automaton is DÏ”\mathfrak{D}\epsilon-differentially private for all values of Ï”>0\epsilon>0. We identify a precise characterization of the class of all differentially private DiP automata. We show that the problem of determining if a given DiP automaton belongs to this class is PSPACE-complete. Our PSPACE algorithm also computes a value for D\mathfrak{D} when the given automaton is differentially private. The algorithm has been implemented, and experiments demonstrating its effectiveness are presented

    {Linear Kernels for kk-Tupel and Liar's Domination in Bounded Genus Graphs}

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    A set D⊆VD\subseteq V is called a kk-tuple dominating set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) if ∣NG[v]∩DâˆŁâ‰„k\left| N_G[v] \cap D \right| \geq k for all v∈Vv \in V, where NG[v]N_G[v] denotes the closed neighborhood of vv. A set D⊆VD \subseteq V is called a liar's dominating set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) if (i) ∣NG[v]∩DâˆŁâ‰„2\left| N_G[v] \cap D \right| \geq 2 for all v∈Vv\in V and (ii) for every pair of distinct vertices u,v∈Vu, v\in V, ∣(NG[u]âˆȘNG[v])∩DâˆŁâ‰„3\left| (N_G[u] \cup N_G[v]) \cap D \right| \geq 3. Given a graph GG, the decision versions of kk-Tuple Domination Problem and the Liar's Domination Problem are to check whether there exists a kk-tuple dominating set and a liar's dominating set of GG of a given cardinality, respectively. These two problems are known to be NP-complete \cite{LiaoChang2003, Slater2009}. In this paper, we study the parameterized complexity of these problems. We show that the kk-Tuple Domination Problem and the Liar's Domination Problem are W[2]\mathsf{W}[2]-hard for general graphs but they admit linear kernels for graphs with bounded genus.Title changed from "Parameterized complexity of k-tuple and liar's domination" to "Linear kernels for k-tuple and liar's domination in bounded genus graphs

    Attraction of Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to Methyl Eugenol in Asia

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    The attraction of Ankylopteryx exquisita (Nakahara) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to the fruit fly male lure methyl eugenol was observed during fly surveys in Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Taiwan, and Thailand. All of the 622 adults attracted to the lure were male

    Snakes and snake bite in Nepal

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    At Nepal's northern border with Tibet is the great Himalaya Range. capped by Mount Everest itself (8848 ni) and including four of the other eight highest mountains in the world. South of the Kathmandu Valley at the centre of the country are the lesser mountains of the Mahabharat Range and Churia Ghati Hills. below 3000 m, and in the far south, stretching to India. are the fertile alluvial Terai Plains with scattered swamps and hardwood and bamboo forests. The distribution of the 14 species of venomous snakes known to inhabit Nepal is determined by geography and climate. The range of only one species. the Himalayan pit viper (Agkistrotlori hir~itilri~tiiiu.s), extends into the higher elevations.Published versio

    A 3 year old girl presented with abdominal distention since birth with developmental delay

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    This article has no abstract. The first 100 words appear below: A 3 year old girl, 3rd issue of consanguineous parents from the Feni District (south part of Bangladesh) immunized as per EPI schedule presented at the outpatient department with the history of progressive abdominal distension and not growing well since birth. She had also the history of developmental delay and recurrent respiratory tract infection. Still she can not stand without the support and unable to make a sentence completely. Her brother died at 5 months of age with abdominal distention with unknown cause. She had no history of jaundice, hematemesis, melena, convulsion and craving for food

    A 3 year old girl presented with abdominal distention since birth with developmental delay

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    This article has no abstract. The first 100 words appear below: A 3 year old girl, 3rd issue of consanguineous parents from the Feni District (south part of Bangladesh) immunized as per EPI schedule presented at the outpatient department with the history of progressive abdominal distension and not growing well since birth. She had also the history of developmental delay and recurrent respiratory tract infection. Still she can not stand without the support and unable to make a sentence completely. Her brother died at 5 months of age with abdominal distention with unknown cause. She had no history of jaundice, hematemesis, melena, convulsion and craving for food
