195 research outputs found

    Microinertia and internal variables

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    The origin of microinertia of micromorphic theories is investigated from the point of view of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. In the framework of dual internal variables microinertia stems from a thermodynamic equation of state related to the internal variable with the properties of mechanical momentum.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Thermoelastic Waves in Microstructured Solids

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    Thermoelastic wave propagation suggests a coupling between elastic deformation and heat conduction in a body. Microstructure of the body influences the both processes. Since energy is conserved in elastic deformation and heat conduction is always dissipative, the generalization of classical elasticity theory and classical heat conduction is performed differently. It is shown in the paper that a hyperbolic evolution equation for microtemperature can be obtained in the framework of the dual internal variables approach keeping the parabolic equation for the macrotemperature. The microtemperature is considered as a macrotemperature fluctuation. Numerical simulations demonstrate the formation and propagation of thermoelastic waves in microstructured solids under thermal loading

    Pattern Formation of Elastic Waves and Energy Localization Due to Elastic Gratings

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    Elastic wave propagation through diffraction gratings is studied numerically in the plane strain setting. The interaction of the waves with periodically ordered elastic inclusions leads to a self-imaging Talbot effect for the wavelength equal or close to the grating size. The energy localization is observed at the vicinity of inclusions in the case of elastic gratings. Such a localization is absent in the case of rigid gratings

    Dispersive Wave Equations for Solids with Microstructure

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    The dispersive wave motion in solids with microstructure is considered in the one-dimensional setting in order to understand better the mechanism of dispersion. It is shown that the variety of dispersive wave propagation models derived by homogenization, continualisation, and generalization of continuum mechanics can be unified in the framework of dual internal variables theory

    Numerical Simulation of Waves and Fronts in Inhomogeneous Solids

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    Dynamic response of inhomogeneous materials exhibits new effects, which often do not exist in homogeneous media. It is quite natural that most of studies of wave and front propagation in inhomogeneous materials are associated with numerical simulations. To develop a numerical algorithm and to perform the numerical simulations of moving fronts we need to formulate a kinetic law of progress relating the driving force and the velocity of the discontinuity. The velocity of discontinuity is determined by means of the non-equilibrium jump relations at the front. The obtained numerical method generalizes the wave-propagation algorithm to the case of moving discontinuities in thermoelastic solids

    Entropy production in phase field theories

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    Allen-Cahn (Ginzburg-Landau) dynamics for scalar fields with heat conduction is treated in rigid bodies using a non-equilibrium thermodynamic framework with weakly nonlocal internal variables. The entropy production and entropy flux is calculated with the classical method of irreversible thermodynamics by separating full divergences.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Full Field Computing for Elastic Pulse Dispersion in Inhomogeneous Bars

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    In the paper, the finite element method and the finite volume method are used in parallel for the simulation of a pulse propagation in periodically layered composites beyond the validity of homogenization methods. The direct numerical integration of a pulse propagation demonstrates dispersion effects and dynamic stress redistribution in physical space on example of a one-dimensional layered bar. Results of numerical simulations are compared with analytical solution constructed specifically for the considered problem. Analytical solution as well as numerical computations show the strong influence of the composition of constituents on the dispersion of a pulse in a heterogeneous bar and the equivalence of results obtained by two numerical methods

    Dispersive Waves in Microstructured Solids

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    The wave motion in micromorphic microstructured solids is studied. The mathematical model is based on ideas of Mindlin and governing equations are derived by making use of the Euler–Lagrange formalism. The same result is obtained by means of the internal variables approach. Actually such a model describes internal fields in microstructured solids under external loading and the interaction of these fields results in various physical effects. The emphasis of the paper is on dispersion analysis and wave profiles generated by initial or boundary conditions in a one-dimensional case
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