13,676 research outputs found

    Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters

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    Conversations on Twitter create networks with identifiable contours as people reply to and mention one another in their tweets. These conversational structures differ, depending on the subject and the people driving the conversation. Six structures are regularly observed: divided, unified, fragmented, clustered, and inward and outward hub and spoke structures. These are created as individuals choose whom to reply to or mention in their Twitter messages and the structures tell a story about the nature of the conversatio

    Clustering in Real Estate Prices: Determinants and Consequences

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    We examine the determinants and consequences of price clustering. Real estate list and transaction prices exhibit two price-ending characteristics: even (000-ending) and just-below-even (900-ending). The use of even-ending prices is negatively related to the precision of the price estimates and the cost of rounding. However, the tendency to use just-below-even-ending prices is related to the cost of rounding and to listing agency characteristics. The transaction price and the number of days on market are associated with list price clustering and with listing agency characteristics. Most properties are listed at just-below-even-ending prices, but those listed at even-ending prices sell faster and at a higher price. Finally, better transaction outcomes are positively associated with the number of area-properties listed by the seller?s real-estate agency.

    Efficient coupling of within- and between-host infectious disease dynamics

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    Mathematical models of infectious disease transmission typically neglect within-host dynamics. Yet within-host dynamics - including pathogen replication, host immune responses, and interactions with microbiota - are crucial not only for determining the progression of disease at the individual level, but also for driving within-host evolution and onwards transmission, and therefore shape dynamics at the population level. Various approaches have been proposed to model both within- and between-host dynamics, but these typically require considerable simplifying assumptions to couple processes at contrasting scales (e.g., the within-host dynamics quickly reach a steady state) or are computationally intensive. Here we propose a novel, readily adaptable and broadly applicable method for modelling both within- and between-host processes which can fully couple dynamics across scales and is both realistic and computationally efficient. By individually tracking the deterministic within-host dynamics of infected individuals, and stochastically coupling these to continuous host state variables at the population-level, we take advantage of fast numerical methods at both scales while still capturing individual transient within-host dynamics and stochasticity in transmission between hosts. Our approach closely agrees with full stochastic individual-based simulations and is especially useful when the within-host dynamics do not rapidly reach a steady state or over longer timescales to track pathogen evolution. By applying our method to different pathogen growth scenarios we show how common simplifying assumptions fundamentally change epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    A Systematic Review of the Effect of Expectancy on Treatment Responses to Acupuncture

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    Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture often find equivalent responses to real and placebo acupuncture despite both appearing superior to no treatment. This raises questions regarding the mechanisms of acupuncture, especially the contribution of patient expectancies. We systematically reviewed previous research assessing the relationship between expectancy and treatment responses following acupuncture, whether real or placebo. To be included, studies needed to assess and/or manipulate expectancies about acupuncture and relate these to at least one health-relevant outcome. Nine such independent studies were identified through systematic searches of Medline, PsycInfo, PubMed, and Cochrane Clinical Trials Register. The methodology and reporting of these studies were quite heterogeneous, meaning that meta-analysis was not possible. A descriptive review revealed that five studies found statistically significant effects of expectancy on a least one outcome, with three also finding evidence suggestive of an interaction between expectancy and type of acupuncture (real or placebo). While there were some trends in significant effects in terms of study characteristics, their generality is limited by the heterogeneity of study designs. The differences in design across studies highlight some important methodological considerations for future research in this area, particularly regarding whether to assess or manipulate expectancies and how best to assess expectancies

    Analysis of Toxic Amyloid Fibril Interactions at Natively Derived Membranes by Ellipsometry

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    There is an ongoing debate regarding the culprits of cytotoxicity associated with amyloid disorders. Although small pre-fibrillar amyloid oligomers have been implicated as the primary toxic species, the fibrillar amyloid material itself can also induce cytotoxicity. To investigate membrane disruption and cytotoxic effects associated with intact and fragmented fibrils, the novel in situ spectroscopic technique of Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry (TIRE) was used. Fibril lipid interactions were monitored using natively derived whole cell membranes as a model of the in vivo environment. We show that fragmented fibrils have an increased ability to disrupt these natively derived membranes by causing a loss of material from the deposited surface when compared with unfragmented fibrils. This effect was corroborated by observations of membrane disruption in live cells, and by dye release assay using synthetic liposomes. Through these studies we demonstrate the use of TIRE for the analysis of protein-lipid interactions on natively derived lipid surfaces, and provide an explanation on how amyloid fibrils can cause a toxic gain of function, while entangled amyloid plaques exert minimal biological activity

    Chern-Simons theory of multi-component quantum Hall systems

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    The Chern-Simons approach has been widely used to explain fractional quantum Hall states in the framework of trial wave functions. In the present paper, we generalise the concept of Chern-Simons transformations to systems with any number of components (spin or pseudospin degrees of freedom), extending earlier results for systems with one or two components. We treat the density fluctuations by adding auxiliary gauge fields and appropriate constraints. The Hamiltonian is quadratic in these fields and hence can be treated as a harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, with a ground state that is connected to the Halperin wave functions through the plasma analogy. We investigate several conditions on the coefficients of the Chern-Simons transformation and on the filling factors under which our model is valid. Furthermore, we discuss several singular cases, associated with symmetric states.Comment: 11 pages, shortened version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Lagrange-NG: The next generation of Lagrange

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    Computing ancestral ranges via the Dispersion Extinction and Cladogensis (DEC) model of biogeography is characterized by an exponential number of states relative to the number of regions considered. This is because the DEC model requires computing a large matrix exponential, which typically accounts for up to 80% of overall runtime. Therefore, the kinds of biogeographical analyses that can be conducted under the DEC model are limited by the number of regions under consideration. In this work, we present a completely redesigned efficient version of the popular tool Lagrange which is up to 49 times faster with multithreading enabled, and is also 26 times faster when using only one thread. We call this new version Lagrange-NG (Lagrange-Next Generation). The increased computational efficiency allows Lagrange-NG to analyze datasets with a large number of regions in a reasonable amount of time, up to 12 regions in approximately 18 min. We achieve these speedups using a relatively new method of computing the matrix exponential based on Krylov subspaces. In order to validate the correctness of Lagrange-NG, we also introduce a novel metric on range distributions for trees so that researchers can assess the difference between any two range inferences. Finally, Lagrange-NG exhibits substantially higher adherence to coding quality standards. It improves a respective software quality indicator as implemented in the SoftWipe tool from average (5.5; Lagrange) to high (7.8; Lagrange-NG). Lagrange-NG is freely available under GPL2. [Biogeography; Phylogenetics; DEC Model.

    On complete classes of valuated matroids

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    We characterize a rich class of valuated matroids, called R-minor valuated matroids that includes the indicator functions of matroids, and is closed under operations such as taking minors, duality, and induction by network. We exhibit a family of valuated matroids that are not R-minor based on sparse paving matroids. Valuated matroids are inherently related to gross substitute valuations in mathematical economics. By the same token we refute the Matroid Based Valuation Conjecture by Ostrovsky and Paes Leme (Theoretical Economics 2015) asserting that every gross substitute valuation arises from weighted matroid rank functions by repeated applications of merge and endowment operations. Our result also has implications in the context of Lorentzian polynomials: it reveals the limitations of known construction operations