380 research outputs found

    Retrospective study of dog bite cases reported to ECWA Veterinary Clinic, Bukuru, Plateau state, Nigeria

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    A retrospective study of dog bite cases reported to ECWA Veterinary Clinic Bukuru was carried out in Plateau State, Nigeria to understand the pattern of occurrence in this region. A total of two hundred and forty seven (247) dog bite cases were reported between May, 2009 and June, 2010. The dogs profile showed that 82.1% of the dogs involved had no history of anti-rabies vaccination, 12.6% had records of expired vaccination and only 5.3% had current vaccination. Based on clinical signs, 6.5% of the offending dogs were suspected to be rabid with 2.4% confirmed rabies positive based on laboratory analysis carried out in National Veterinary Research Institute Vom.About 92.7% of the dogs were owned. Of the 50 (247) victims 33 (66%)are less than 20 years old

    Oral cavities multidrug resistant bacteria colonization in apparently healthy dogs in jos, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Dogs harbor pathogenic, zoonotic or multidrug resistant bacteria in their oral cavities and may serve as a possible source of transmission to humans through direct contact or bite. We therefore carried out a clinic-based cross-sectional study design to assess the level of multidrug resistant bacteria colonization of oral cavities of apparently healthy dogs presented for routine examination, vaccination and deworming. Oral swabs were taken from 100 apparently healthy dogs of different age, breed and sex. Isolation and identification of bacteria was done based on colony morphology and biochemical test. Antibiotic sensitivity test to 12 antibiotics was carried out on the isolates using Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method according to standard protocol. The study showed that the oral cavities of all the dogs included in the study have one or more bacteria species. E. coli accounted for the greater proportion (43.21%) of the isolates. Other isolates include Klebsiella spp, Bacillus spp and Staphylococcus aureus. There was also a mixed isolates of E. coli and Yeast (23.57%), E. coli and Bacillus (3.57%), E. coli and Staphylococcus (1.79%), E. coli and Streptococcus (1.79%) and Staphylococcus and Bacillus (1.79%). There was no statistically significant difference in the isolation based dogs’ characteristics such as age, sex, breed and management system. Varying degree of sensitivity was observed in the isolates. Some of the isolates displayed resistance to 2 or more antibiotics. The isolates showed resistant phenotype to β-lactam antibiotics-amoxicillin and ampicillin ranging between 75.0%−100.0% and 0.0%−83.0% respectively. Susceptibility of the isolates ranges between 83.3%−100.0%, 66.7%−100.0%, 63.7%-100% and 50.0%−83.3% for fluoroquinolone antibiotics-peflacin, ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid and aminoglycoside-streptomycin respectively. The dogs’ population sampled during the period were 6 years old and below. Six breeds of dogs; Caucasians, German shepherd, mastiff, Rottweiler and indigenous breeds were sampled. Apparently healthy dogs of different ages, sex, breeds, and management systems are colonized with multidrug resistant bacteria in their oral cavities and suggest a possible transmission to their owners and or handlers. Indiscriminate antibiotic use should be avoided by dog owners. Culture and antibacterial sensitivity testing in the event of dog bite is recommended. Keywords: Antibiotic, bacteria, dog, isolation, resistanc

    Conferencias del proyecto de Laboratorio de Recursos Orales

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    Enero-junio 2018I. Retos y mecanismos de protección de la cultura ndoé -- II. Mesa redonda: Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna -- III. Recursos orales: historia del arpa ngoma acompañada del canto fang -- IV. Diversidad lingüística en la etnia ndo -- V. La etnia fang: más allá de Guinea Ecuatorial -- VI. Diversidad cultural en la etnia bíssí


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    The aim of this study to determine interaction between Direct-Fed Microbials (DFM) and Hibiscus leaf meal (HLM) supplementation on local sheep performance and consumption rate of concentrate. Thirty-six males local sheeps aged ± 2 years (28.01 ± 2.61 kg) were fed ammoniated rice-straw supplemented with DFM and concentrate supplemented with HML assigned randomly to nine treatment in an experiment of 3x3 factorial design. The first factor was the use of DFM (P0 = control, P1 = DFMAMS, P2 = DFMRJ) and the second factor was level of HLM (W0 = 0%, W1 = 0.24% and W2 = 0.48% DM concentrate). Concetrate consumption DMI of each sheep was 3% of body weight and ad-libitum JPA. Measured variables were final weight, average daily gain (ADG), feed consumption (FC), fed conversion rasio (FCR) and consumption rate (CR). There was significant interaction (P<0.05) between DFM and HML supplementation on the final weight, FC and CR (P<0.01), while ADG and FCR were not significant- ly interact. DFM supplementation significantly affected (P <0.05) on FCR. The most efficient feed conversion achie- ved in P2 (W0 =8.22 ± 1.19, W1=7.15 ± 0.85 and W2=6, 81 ± 1, 68). There was no interaction on ADG, however ADG tended to increase in W2. The Highest ADG was achieved in P2W2 (0.146 ± 0.03 Kg/day). There was positive correlation between consumption rate and ADG (P<0.01) also consumption rate and final weight (P<0.05). Coeficient correlation of consumption rate and both ADG and final weight were 0, 481 and 0.514, respectively. The use of DFM and HML, especially DFMRJ and level of HLM was 0.48% (P2W2) were able to improve local sheep performance

    Conferencias del proyecto de Laboratorio de Recursos Orales

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    I. Retos y mecanismos de protección de la cultura ndoé -- II. Mesa redonda: Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna -- III. Recursos orales: historia del arpa ngoma acompañada del canto fang -- IV. Diversidad lingüística en la etnia ndo -- V. La etnia fang: más allá de Guinea Ecuatorial -- VI. Diversidad cultural en la etnia bíssíoEnero-junio 201

    Comparing the cost of non-metastatic breast cancer care in a low-income vs a high-income country: A plea for an optimal allocation of health resources in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Breast cancer incidence is rising in low-income countries, but there is limited information regarding health resource allocation for its care. We assessed the cost of care during the first three years after diagnosis in a low-income country (Mozambique; n = 162 women) and compared it with a high-income country (Portugal, n = 703 women). Local currency prices were converted to 2019 international dollars (Int).InMozambique,themediancostwaslowerthaninPortugal(2888vs18,533Int). In Mozambique, the median cost was lower than in Portugal (2888 vs 18,533 Int, respectively) and did not vary across stage or tumor subtype. These findings may help improving resource allocation for breast cancer care in Sub-Saharan Africa, despite reflecting an underfunding of treatment in this setting.The Moza-BC cohort (Mozambique) was funded by the Beginning Investigator Grant for Catalytic Research (BIG Cat) program, an African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) program with support from the U.S. National Cancer Institute (grant 59-210-6-004). The NEON-BC cohort (Portugal) was funded by FEDER and by FCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016867; ref. PTDC/DTP-EPI/7183/2014; info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/6817 - DCRRNI ID/UIDB/04750/2020/PT); by the Chair on Pain Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto and the Grünenthal Foundation, Portugal. SM was also funded by FEDER and FCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017). The funding sources had no involvement in the analysis, interpretation of data, writing of the report, or decision to submit this manuscript for publication

    Effet des dates de semis sur les niveaux de sévérité de la pustule bactérienne (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines) de soja (Glycine max) au Nord Bénin

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    Au Bénin, la pustule bactérienne du soja (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines) est à l’origine de la réduction du rendement de la culture. La présente étude vise à réduire les effets néfastes de la pustule bactérienne sur la culture du soja. Pour ce faire, cinq variétés de soja ont été semées à différentes dates suivant un dispositif en split-plot avec comme facteur principal la date de semis et comme facteur secondaire la variété. Les semis ont été réalisés le 1er juillet (semis précoce), le 15 juillet (semis normal) et le 1er août (semis tardif). Les résultats obtenus montrent une réduction significative des symptômes de la pustule bactérienne du soja au semis normal et au semis tardif comparée au semis précoce pour les variétés JUPITER, TGX1910-2F, ISRA 25/72 et TGX1985-11F. Le semis normal et le semis tardif réduisent le rendement des variétés comparé au semis précoce. La variété TGX1984-77F apparaît plus résistante et la variété JUPITER plus sensible que les variétés TGX1910-2F, ISRA 25/72 et TGX1985-11F à l’infection naturelle. Ainsi, l’utilisation des variétés résistantes ou tolérantes au semis normal ou tardif permettrait de lutter efficacement contre la maladie.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Bénin, date de semis, pustule bactérienne, sévérité, sojaEnglish Title: Effect of sowing date on soybean (Glycine max) bacterial pustule (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines) severity level in northern BeninEnglish AbstractIn Benin, bacterial pustule (Xanthmonas axonopodis pv. glycines) significantly reduced soybean yield. The present study aims at reducing the effect of bacterial pustule on soybean culture. Then, seeds of five soybean varieties were sown in a split-plot design with sowing date as the main factor and variety as the secondary factor. Sowing was respectively made on 1st July (early planting), 15th July (normal planting) and  August 1st (late planting). The results showed a significant reduction in symptoms of soybean bacterial pustule for a normal and a late sowing date compared to the early sowing with the varieties JUPITER, TGX1910-2F, ISRA 25/72 and TGX1985-11F. The normal and late sowing reduce yield varieties compared to early sowing. The variety TGX1984-77F was resistant/tolerant and variety JUPITER was susceptible than varieties TGX1910-2F, ISRA 25/72 and TGX1985-11F under natural infection. Thus, the use of resistant or tolerant varieties to a normal or late sowing date will be helpful to control the disease in soybean culture.Keywords: Benin, bacterial pustule, sowing date, severity, soybea

    Chaetomium and Chaetomium-like Species from European Indoor Environments Include Dichotomopilus finlandicus sp. nov.

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    The genus Chaetomium is a frequently occurring fungal taxon world-wide. Chaetomium and Chaetomium-like species occur in indoor environments, where they can degrade cellulose-based building materials, thereby causing structural damage. Furthermore, several species of this genus may also cause adverse effects on human health. The aims of this research were to identify Chaetomium and Chaetomium-like strains isolated from indoor environments in Hungary and Finland, two geographically distant regions of Europe with drier and wetter continental climates, respectively, and to study their morphological and physiological properties, as well as their extracellular enzyme activities, thereby comparing the Chaetomium and Chaetomium-like species isolated from these two different regions of Europe and their properties. Chaetomium and Chaetomium-like strains were isolated from flats and offices in Hungary, as well as from schools, flats, and offices in Finland. Fragments of the translation elongation factor 1α (tef1α), the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (rpb2) and β-tubulin (tub2) genes, as well as the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal RNA gene cluster were sequenced, and phylogenetic analysis of the sequences performed. Morphological examinations were performed by stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Thirty-one Chaetomium sp. strains (15 from Hungary and 16 from Finland) were examined during the study. The most abundant species was Ch. globosum in both countries. In Hungary, 13 strains were identified as Ch. globosum, 1 as Ch. cochliodes, and 1 as Ch. interruptum. In Finland, 10 strains were Ch. globosum, 2 strains were Ch. cochliodes, 2 were Ch. rectangulare, and 2 isolates (SZMC 26527, SZMC 26529) proved to be representatives of a yet undescribed phylogenetic species from the closely related genus Dichotomopilus, which we formally describe here as the new species Dichotomopilus finlandicus. Growth of the isolates was examined at different temperatures (4, 15, 20, 25, 30, 37, 35, 40, and 45 °C), while their extracellular enzyme production was determined spectrophotometrically