2,213 research outputs found

    Star Formation triggered by cloud-cloud collisions

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    We present the results of SPH simulations in which two clouds, each having mass Mo ⁣= ⁣500MM_{_{\rm{o}}}\!=\!500\,{\rm M}_{_\odot} and radius Ro ⁣= ⁣2pcR_{_{\rm{o}}}\!=\!2\,{\rm pc}, collide head-on at relative velocities of Δvo=2.4,  2.8,  3.2,  3.6  and  4.0kms1\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}} =2.4,\;2.8,\;3.2,\;3.6\;{\rm and}\;4.0\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}. There is a clear trend with increasing Δvo\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}}. At low Δvo\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}}, star formation starts later, and the shock-compressed layer breaks up into an array of predominantly radial filaments; stars condense out of these filaments and fall, together with residual gas, towards the centre of the layer, to form a single large-NN cluster, which then evolves by competitive accretion, producing one or two very massive protostars and a diaspora of ejected (mainly low-mass) protostars; the pattern of filaments is reminiscent of the hub and spokes systems identified recently by observers. At high Δvo\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}}, star formation occurs sooner and the shock-compressed layer breaks up into a network of filaments; the pattern of filaments here is more like a spider's web, with several small-NN clusters forming independently of one another, in cores at the intersections of filaments, and since each core only spawns a small number of protostars, there are fewer ejections of protostars. As the relative velocity is increased, the {\it mean} protostellar mass increases, but the {\it maximum} protostellar mass and the width of the mass function both decrease. We use a Minimal Spanning Tree to analyse the spatial distributions of protostars formed at different relative velocities.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    The Molecular Line Opacity of MgH in Cool Stellar Atmospheres

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    A new, complete, theoretical rotational and vibrational line list for the A-X electronic transition in MgH is presented. The list includes transition energies and oscillator strengths for all possible allowed transitions and was computed using the best available theoretical potential energies and dipole transition moment function with the former adjusted to account for experimental data. The A-X line list, as well as new line lists for the B'-X and the X-X (pure rovibrational) transitions, were included in comprehensive stellar atmosphere models for M, L, and T dwarfs and solar-type stars. The resulting spectra, when compared to models lacking MgH, show that MgH provides significant opacity in the visible between 4400 and 5600 Angstrom. Further, comparison of the spectra obtained with the current line list to spectra obtained using the line list constructed by Kurucz (1993) show that the Kurucz list significantly overestimates the opacity due to MgH particularly for the bands near 5150 and 4800 Angstrom with the discrepancy increasing with decreasing effective temperature.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Star formation triggered by non-head-on cloud-cloud collisions, and clouds with pre-collision sub-structure

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    In an earlier paper, we used smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations to explore star formation triggered by head-on collisions between uniform-density 500 M clouds, and showed that there is a critical collision velocity, vCRIT. At collision velocities below vCRIT, a hub-and-spoke mode operates and delivers a monolithic cluster with a broad mass function, including massive stars (M 10 M) formed by competitive accretion. At collision velocities above vCRIT, a spider’s-web mode operates and delivers a loose distribution of small sub-clusters with a relatively narrow mass function and no massive stars. Here we show that,if the head-on assumption is relaxed, vCRIT is reduced. However, if the uniform-density assumption is also relaxed, the collision velocity becomes somewhat less critical: a low collision velocity is still needed to produce a global hub-and-spoke system and a monolithic cluster, but, even at high velocities, large cores – capable of supporting competitive accretion and thereby producing massive stars – can be produced. We conclude that cloud–cloud collisions may be a viable mechanism for forming massive stars – and we show that this might even be the major channel for forming massive stars in the Galaxy

    Appetite for self-destruction: suicidal biting as a nest defense strategy in Trigona stingless bees

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    Self-sacrificial behavior represents an extreme and relatively uncommon form of altruism in worker insects. It can occur, however, when inclusive fitness benefits are high, such as when defending the nest. We studied nest defense behaviors in stingless bees, which live in eusocial colonies subject to predation. We introduced a target flag to nest entrances to elicit defensive responses and quantified four measures of defensivity in 12 stingless bee species in São Paulo State, Brazil. These included three Trigona species, which are locally known for their aggression. Species varied significantly in their attack probability (cross species range = 0–1, P < 0.001), attack latency (7.0–23.5 s, P = 0.002), biting duration of individual bees (3.5–508.7 s, P < 0.001), and number of attackers (1.0–10.8, P < 0.001). A “suicide” bioassay on the six most aggressive species determined the proportion of workers willing to suffer fatal damage rather than disengage from an intruder. All six species had at least some suicidal individuals (7–83 %, P < 0.001), reaching 83 % in Trigona hyalinata. Biting pain was positively correlated with an index of overall aggression (P = 0.002). Microscopic examination revealed that all three Trigona species had five sharp teeth per mandible, a possible defensive adaptation and cause of increased pain. Suicidal defense via biting is a new example of self-sacrificial altruism and has both parallels and differences with other self-sacrificial worker insects, such as the honey bee. Our results indicate that suicidal biting may be a widespread defense strategy in stingless bees, but it is not universal

    The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain

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    AbstractThe abnormal processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a pivotal event in the development of the unique pathology that defines Alzheimer's disease (AD). Stress, and the associated increase in corticosteroids, appear to accelerate brain ageing and may increase vulnerability to Alzheimer's disease via altered APP processing. In this study, rats were repeatedly exposed to an unavoidable stressor, an open elevated platform. Previous studies in this laboratory have shown that a single exposure produces a marked increase in plasma corticosterone levels but animals develop tolerance to this effect between 10 and 20 daily sessions. Twenty-four hours after stress, there was an increase in the ratio of the deglycosylated form of APP in the particulate fraction of the brain, which subsequently habituated after 20 days. The levels of soluble APP (APPs) tended to be lower in the stress groups compared to controls except for a significant increase in the hippocampus after 20 days of platform exposure. Since APPs is reported to have neurotrophic properties, this increased release may represent a neuroprotective response to repeated stress. It is possible that the ability to mount this response decreases with age thus increasing the vulnerability to stress-induced AD-related pathology

    The Molecular Continuum Opacity of MgH in Cool Stellar Atmospheres

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    The opacity due to photodissociation of 24MgH is investigated in the atmospheres of cool stars. The lowest two electronic transitions A 2Pi -- X 2Sigma+ and B' 2Sigma+ -- X 2 Sigma+ are considered where the cross sections for the latter were published previously (Weck, Stancil, & Kirby 2002) while the former are presented in this work. Model atmospheres calculated with the PHOENIX code are used to investigate the effect of the photodissociation opacity on spectra of cool stars. The A -- X photodissociation cross sections are obtained using a combination of ab initio and experimentally derived potential curves and dipole transition moments. Partial cross sections have been evaluated over the accessible wavelength range 1770-4560 Angstrom for all rotational transitions from the vibrational levels v''=0-11. Assuming a Boltzmann distribution of the rovibrational levels of the X 2Sigma+ state, LTE photodissociation cross sections are presented for temperatures between 1000 and 5000 K. Shape resonances, arising from rotational predissociation of quasi-bound levels of the A 2Pi state near threshold, characterize the LTE photodissociation cross sections. A sum rule is proposed as a check on the accuracy of the photodissociation calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Turbulence and mixing by internal waves in the Celtic Sea determined from ocean glider microstructure measurements

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    We present a new series of data from a 9-day deployment of an ocean microstructure glider (OMG) in the Celtic Sea during the summer of 2012. The OMG has been specially adapted to measure shear microstructure and coincident density structure from which we derive the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (ε) and diapycnal diffusion rates (K). The methods employed to provide trustworthy turbulent parameters are described and data from 766 profiles of ε, temperature, salinity and density structure are presented. Surface and bottom boundary layers are intuitively controlled by wind and tidal forcing. Interior dynamics is dominated by a highly variable internal wave-field with peak vertical displacements in excess of 50 m, equivalent to over a third of the water depth. Following a relatively quiescent period internal wave energy, represented by the available potential energy (APE), increases dramatically close to the spring tide flow. Rather than follow the assumed spring-neap cycle however, APE is divided into two distinct peak periods lasting only one or two days. Pycnocline ε also increases close to the spring tide period and similar to APE, is distinguishable as two distinct energetic periods, however the timing of these periods is not consistent with APE. Pycnocline mixing associated with the observed ε is shown to be responsible for the majority of the observed reduction in bottom boundary layer density suggesting that diapycnal exchange is a key mechanism in controlling or limiting exchange between the continental shelf and the deep ocean. Results confirm pycnocline turbulence to be highly variable and difficult to predict however a log-normal distribution does suggest that natural variability could be reproduced if the mean state can be accurately simulated