720 research outputs found

    Penerapan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan pada Hidung Elektronik Cerdas untuk Deteksi Daging Babi

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    Tingkat komsumsi daging sapi di Indonesia terus naik dari tahun ke tahun terlihat dari permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat terutama pada perayaan hari besar dan hari raya. Akan tetapi peningkatan permintaan pasar akan daging sapi masih kerap dimanfaatkan oleh oknum tak bertanggung jawab yang mencampur daging sapi dengan daging babi. berdasarkan fakta tersebut maka dibuat sebuah sistem electronic nose yang dapat membedakan antara daging sapi murni dengan daging sapi bercampur babi berdasarkan karakteristik aroma. Alat ini menerapkan jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) backpropagation yang dilatih menggunakan aplikasi MATLAB untuk mengenali pola dari aroma sampel daging yang ditangkap menggunakan rangkaian sensor gas TGS2602, TGS2620, TGS2610 dan TGS2611, kemudian mengklasifikasikannya dalam dua kelas yaitu MURNI dan CAMPURAN. Sampel daging segar yang digunakan untuk pengujian ada 4 macam yaitu daging sapi murni, daging campuran 25%, 50% dan 75% dengan total sampel sebanyak 30 terdiri dari 15 sampel murni dan 15 sampel campuran. Dari pengujian tersebut didapat nilai akurasi, presisi, sensitivity dan specificity sebesar 100% menggunakan confusion matrix

    Hopewellian Dogs

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    Author Institution: The Ohio State Museum, Columbus 1


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    It is undoubtedly clear that phosphorus is the second most important nutrient after nitrogen required for growth of plants. It is an essential element in all living systems. Hardly 1%-2% of phosphorous is supplied to other parts of the plants. Plants acquire phosphorus from soil solution in the form of phosphate anion. It is the least mobile element in plant and soil in comparison to other macronutrients. It remains in a precipitated form in the soil as mono or orthophosphate or is absorbed by Fe or Al oxides through legend exchange. Generally, the phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) play a very important role in phosphorus nutrition by exchanging its availability to plants through release from inorganic and organic soil phosphorus pools by solubilization and mineralization. The main mechanism in the soil for mineral phosphate solubilization is by lowering the soil pH by the microbial production of organic acids and mineralization of organic phosphorus by acid phosphates. To fulfill the phosphorous demand of plant, an additional source of phosphorous is applied to plants in the form of chemical fertilizers. One of the most common forms of phosphate is fertilizers in the form of rock phosphate or superphosphate. It is not suggested to apply these phosphates directly to soil as there are so many environmental problems. Hence, biofertilizers or microbial inoculants are used as an alternate source, which are both economic as well as eco-friendly.Â

    Review on investigation of corrosion behavior of reinforced concrete with supplementary cementitious materials

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    Cement concrete is the most widely used material for various constructions. Properly designed and prepared concrete results in good strength and durability. Sometime these mixes are found to be inadequate, hence variety of admixtures are used along with cement. A certain percentage of cement will be replaced separately with metakaolin and silica fumes. Hence the flexural strength test of concrete and evaluation of corrosion behavior of the reinforcement can be performed. The study of flexural property of concrete will be conducted at 7 or 28 days characteristic strength with different replacement level of cement (i.e.0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%). Corrosion behavior of reinforcement will be evaluated based on half-cell potential. Concrete samples will be cured in either fresh water of 4% NaCl saline water for 7 or 28 days of curing period. We assumed that the addition of silica fumes and metakaolin will improve the flexural strength characteristics of concrete and corrosion resistivity of reinforcement. Keywords: Flexural strength, corrosion, metakaolin, silica fumes


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    Objective: The aim of our study was to validate the accuracy of computational tools in drug discovery and molecular interaction studies by studying the inhibitory activity of various commercial drugs on DPP-4.Methods: In order to validate the accuracy of computational tools, 50 commercially available drugs were docked with DPP-4, a major target for type 2 diabetes treatment. Studies were performed using Discovery studio 3.5.Results: The analysis showed that out of the fifty selected drugs, 33 drugs passed the Lipinski's rule and commercially prescribed drugs namely Sulfonylurea, Pregabalin and Metaformin were found to have maximum interaction with the target.Conclusion: These major drugs which yielded the best results were found to be used in the treatment of diabetes which reconfirms the efficacy of these drugs, druggability of the target as well as the accuracy of the tool used

    Upgrading Reliability of Water Distribution Networks Recognizing Valve Locations

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    AbstractAn iterative procedure for upgrading water distribution network reliability is proposed by recognizing valve locations. In each iteration, three types of alternatives: (1) an addition of a valve(s) to pipe(s) without a valve; (2) an addition of a parallel pipe to an existing pipe; and (3) an increase in size of newly added pipes, are compared and the best is implemented. The iterative method is continued until no further improvement in reliability is possible, or a desired level of reliability is reached. This method is illustrated through an example taken from literature
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