942 research outputs found

    The Effects of Amplification Bias in Gravitational Microlensing Experiments

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    Although a source star is fainter than the detection limit imposed by crowding, it is still possible to detect an event if the star is located in the seeing disk of a bright star is and gravitationally amplified: amplification bias. Using a well-constrained luminosity function, I show that 40%\sim 40\% of events detected toward the Galactic bulge are affected by amplification bias and the optical depth might be overestimated by a factor 1.7\sim 1.7. In addition, I show that if one takes amplification bias into consideration, the observed time scale distribution matches significantly better, especially in the short time-scale region, with the distribution expected from a mass-spectrum model in which lenses are composed of the known stellar population plus an additional population of brown dwarfs than it is without the effect of the amplification bias.Comment: 16 pages including 4 figures, ApJ, submitte

    Not enough stellar mass Machos in the Galactic halo

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    We present an update of results from the search for microlensing towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by EROS (Experience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres). We have now monitored 25 million stars over three years. Because of the small number of observed microlensing candidates (four), our results are best presented as upper limits on the amount of dark compact objects in the halo of our Galaxy. We discuss critically the candidates and the possible location of the lenses, halo or LMC . We compare our results to those of the MACHO group. Finally, we combine these new results with those from our search towards the Small Magellanic Cloud as well as earlier ones from the EROS1 phase of our survey. The combined data is sensitive to compact objects in the broad mass range 10710 10^{-7} - 10 solar masses. The derived upper limit on the abundance of stellar mass MACHOs rules out such objects as the dominant component of the Galactic halo if their mass is smaller than 2 solar masses.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, presented at the XIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Sudbury, Canada, June 200

    The Ages of Type Ia Supernova Progenitors

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    Using light curves and host galaxy spectra of 101 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) with redshift z0.3z \lesssim 0.3 from the SDSS Supernova Survey (SDSS-SN), we derive the SN Ia rate as a function of progenitor age (the delay time distribution, or DTD). We use the VESPA stellar population synthesis algorithm to analyze the SDSS spectra of all galaxies in the field searched by SDSS-SN, giving us a reference sample of 77,000 galaxies for our SN Ia hosts. Our method does not assume any a priori shape for the DTD and therefore is minimally parametric. We present the DTD in physical units for high stretch (luminous, slow declining) and low stretch (subluminous, fast declining) supernovae in three progenitor age bins. We find strong evidence of two progenitor channels: one that produces high stretch SNe Ia 400\lesssim 400 Myr after the birth of the progenitor system, and one that produces low stretch SNe Ia with a delay 2.4\gtrsim 2.4 Gyr. We find that each channel contributes roughly half of the Type Ia rate in our reference sample. We also construct the average spectra of high stretch and low stretch SN Ia host galaxies, and find that the difference of these spectra looks like a main sequence B star with nebular emission lines indicative of star formation. This supports our finding that there are two populations of SNe Ia, and indicates that the progenitors of high stretch SNe are at the least associated with very recent star formation in the last few tens of Myr. Our results provide valuable constraints for models of Type Ia progenitors and may help improve the calibration of SNe Ia as standard candles.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, AJ accepted. Moderate changes to match accepted version, including a table of all SNe use

    Is the Large Magellanic Cloud a Large Microlensing Cloud?

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    An expression is provided for the self-lensing optical depth of the thin LMC disk surrounded by a shroud of stars at larger scale heights. The formula is written in terms of the vertical velocity dispersion of the thin disk population. If tidal forcing causes 1-5 % of the disk mass to have a height larger than 6 kpc and 10-15 % to have a height above 3 kpc, then the self-lensing optical depth of the LMC is 0.71.9×1070.7 - 1.9 \times 10^{-7}, which is within the observational uncertainties. The shroud may be composed of bright stars provided they are not in stellar hydrodynamical equilibrium. Alternatively, the shroud may be built from low mass stars or compact objects, though then the self-lensing optical depths are overestimates of the true optical depth by a factor of roughly 3. The distributions of timescales of the events and their spatial variation across the face of the LMC disk offer possibilities of identifying the dominant lens population. In propitious circumstances, an experiment lifetime of less than 5 years is sufficient to decide between the competing claims of Milky Way halos and LMC lenses. However, LMC disks can sometimes mimic the microlensing properties of Galactic halos for many years and then decades of survey work are needed. In this case observations of parallax or binary caustic events offer the best hope for current experiments to deduce the lens population. The difficult models to distinguish are Milky Way halos in which the lens fraction is low (< 10 %) and fattened LMC disks composed of lenses with a typical mass of low luminosity stars or greater. A next-generation wide-area microlensing survey, such as the proposed ``SuperMACHO'' experiment, will be able to distinguish even these difficult models with just a year or two of data.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, The Astrophysical Journal (in press

    Eclipsing binaries in the MACHO database: New periods and classifications for 3031 systems in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Eclipsing binaries offer a unique opportunity to determine fundamental physical parameters of stars using the constraints on the geometry of the systems. Here we present a reanalysis of publicly available two-color observations of about 6800 stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, obtained by the MACHO project between 1992 and 2000 and classified as eclipsing variable stars. Of these, less than half are genuine eclipsing binaries. We determined new periods and classified the stars, 3031 in total, using the Fourier parameters of the phased light curves. The period distribution is clearly bimodal, reflecting refer to the separate groups of more massive blue main sequence objects and low mass red giants. The latter resemble contact binaries and obey a period-luminosity relation. Using evolutionary models, we identified foreground stars. The presented database has been cleaned of artifacts and misclassified variables, thus allowing searches for apsidal motion, tertiary components, pulsating stars in binary systems and secular variations with time-scales of several years.Comment: 11 figures, 9 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Origin of Primordial Dwarf Stars and Baryonic Dark Matter

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    I present a scenario for the production of low mass, degenerate dwarfs of mass >0.1M>0.1 M_{\odot} via the mechanism of Lenzuni, Chernoff & Salpeter (1992). Such objects meet the mass limit requirements for halo dark matter from microlensing surveys while circumventing the chemical evolution constraints on normal white dwarf stars. I describe methods to observationally constrain this scenario and suggest that such objects may originate in small clusters formed from the thermal instability of shocked, heated gas in dark matter haloes, such as suggested by Fall & Rees (1985) for globular clusters.Comment: TeX, 4 pages plus 2 postscript figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing Optical Depth with Imperfect Event Selection

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    I present a new analysis of the MACHO Project 5.7 year Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) microlensing data set that incorporates the effects of contamination of the microlensing event sample by variable stars. Photometric monitoring of MACHO LMC microlensing event candidates by the EROS and OGLE groups has revealed that one of these events is likely to be a variable star, while additional data has confirmed that many of the other events are very likely to be microlensing. This additional data on the nature of the MACHO microlensing candidates is incorporated into a simple likelihood analysis to derive a probability distribution for the number of MACHO microlens candidates that are true microlensing events. This analysis shows that 10-12 of the 13 events that passed the MACHO selection criteria are likely to be microlensing events, with the other 1-3 being variable stars. This likelihood analysis is also used to show that the main conclusions of the MACHO LMC analysis are unchanged by the variable star contamination. The microlensing optical depth toward the LMC is = 1.0 +/- 0.3 * 10^{-7}. If this is due to microlensing by known stellar populations, plus an additional population of lens objects in the Galactic halo, then the new halo population would account for 16% of the mass of a standard Galactic halo. The MACHO detection exceeds the expected background of 2 events expected from ordinary stars in standard models of the Milky Way and LMC at the 99.98% confidence level. The background prediction is increased to 3 events if maximal disk models are assumed for both the MilkyWay and LMC, but this model fails to account for the full signal seen by MACHO at the 99.8% confidence level.Comment: 20 pages, 2 postscript figues, accepted by Ap

    High Energy Gamma--Radiation from the Galactic Center due to Neutralino Annihilation

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    We study the NGS (Non--dissipative Gravitational Singularity) model, which successfully describes the non--linear stage of evolution of perturbations (see [1], [2] and references therein). This model predicts DM density distribution ρ(r)rα\rho(r) \sim r^{-\alpha} with α1.8\alpha \simeq 1.8 which holds from very small distances rmin0.01 pcr_{\rm min} \simeq 0.01~{\rm pc} up to very large distances rmax5 Mpcr_{\rm max} \simeq 5~{\rm Mpc}. Assuming the neutralino to be a CDM particle, we calculate the annihilation of neutralinos in the vicinity of the singularity (Galactic Center). If neutralinos are the dominant component of DM in our Galaxy, the produced energy is enough to provide the whole observed activity of the GC. Neutralinos of the most general composition and of mass in the range 20~{\rm GeV} \leq m_\c \leq 1~{\rm TeV} are considered. We find the neutralino compositions which give the relic density needed for the Mixed Dark Matter (MDM) model and we evaluate for these compositions the high--energy (Eγ>100 MeVE_{\gamma} > 100 ~{\rm MeV}) gamma--ray flux under the constraint that the radio flux is lower than the observational limit. The compositions with the detectable gamma--ray flux which we found are provided by a set of almost pure gaugino states with the neutralino mass between 100100 and 500500 GeV. We demonstrate that a detectable high--energy gamma--ray flux is produced by the neutralino annihilation also in the case when neutralinos provide a small fraction (down to 0.1%0.1 \%) of the DM in our Galaxy. The predicted flux is Fγ107108 cm2 s1F_\gamma \sim 10^{-7}-10^{-8}~{\rm cm}^{-2}~{\rm s}^{-1} for E_\gamma \gsim 300~{\rm MeV}Comment: Plain TeX 11 pages 4 figures available on request. Preprint numbers LNGS 94/90 - DFTT 5/9

    Self-Lensing Models of the LMC

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    All of the proposed explanations for the microlensing events observed towards the LMC have difficulties. One of these proposed explanations, LMC self-lensing, which invokes ordinary LMC stars as the long sought-after lenses, has recently gained considerable popularity as a possible solution to the microlensing conundrum. In this paper, we carefully examine the set of LMC self-lensing models. In particular, we review the pertinent observations made of the LMC, and show how these observations place limits on such self-lensing models. We find that, given current observational constraints, no purely LMC disk models are capable of producing optical depths as large as that reported in the MACHO collaboration 2-year analysis. Besides pure disk, we also consider alternate geometries, and present a framework which encompasses the previous studies of LMC self-lensing. We discuss which model parameters need to be pushed in order for such models to succeed. For example, like previous workers, we find that an LMC halo geometry may be able to explain the observed events. However, since all known LMC tracer stellar populations exhibit disk-like kinematics, such models will have difficulty being reconciled with observations. For SMC self-lensing, we find predicted optical depths differing from previous results, but more than sufficient to explain all observed SMC microlensing. In contrast, for the LMC we find a self-lensing optical depth contribution between 0.47e-8 and 7.84e-8, with 2.44e-8 being the value for the set of LMC parameters most consistent with current observations.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 14 figures, submitted to Ap