828 research outputs found

    Generalized tetanus: clinical case report and review of the literature

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIntroducción: El tétanos es una enfermedad grave y potencialmente mortal, que afecta al sistema nervioso y causada por la bacteria Clostridium tetani. Es endémica en países en desarrollo, teniendo en Chile el año 2007 una tasa de 0,02 casos por cien mil habitantes. La vacuna con el toxoide antitetánico ha disminuido ostensiblemente su incidencia en países desarrollados. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 18 años con tétanos generalizado ingresado a nuestro hospital. Clínicamente se manifestó con un aumento del tono muscular generalizado y trismo. Se hospitalizó en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Los síntomas y signos neurológicos tuvieron una máxima intensidad de aproximadamente cuatro semanas; posteriormente fueron disminuyendo sin presentar complicaciones severas. Al alta el enfermo lograba sentarse y caminar con ayuda. Discusión: A propósito de este caso se hace una revisión de la literatura y actualización de esta grave enfermedad. El tratamiento recomendado incluye terapia de soporte, prevención de complicaciones, antibioterapia, relajantes musculares e inmunoglobulina antitetánica; terapias que este paciente recibió. Si bien esta enfermedad tiene una letalidad promedio de un 50%, los pacientes que sobreviven tienen buen pronóstico y recuperación completa. Por ello, la presentación de este caso clínico es importante, sobre todo siendo una condición poco frecuente, que debe diagnosticarse con prontitud y, así, recibir el tratamiento adecuado.Tetanus is a severe and potentially mortal disease, which affects the Nervous System, caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani. It's endemic in developing countries, presenting in Chile with a rate of 0,02 cases per 100.000 habitants, but the antitetanic vaccine has reduced its incidence in developed countries. We present here a case report of a patient with generalized tetanus from our hospital. The clinical presentation was characterized by generalized increased muscle tone and trismus, and the patient was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. The neurologic manifestations were important for a period of 3 weeks, but then they started decreasing until the patient was discharged, without complications and being able to sit and walk with assistance. In relation to this case, we will review the actualizations in the subject of Tetanus. The recommended treatment includes support therapy, prevention of complications, antibiotics, muscle relaxants and anti-tetanospasmin immunoglobulin; all therapies that our patient received partially. The disease has a mortality that reaches the 50% in some series, but the ones who survive have a good prognosis and full recovery. This is why the presentation of this case is important, being an infrequent disease that must be diagnosed timely and be treated adequately.http://ref.scielo.org/v95v7

    El Terremoto de Tocopilla de Mw=7.7 (Norte de Chile) del 14 de Noviembre de 2007: Resultados preliminares de la geodesia especial (InSAR)

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    A Mw 7.7 subduction earthquake occurred on November 14, 2007 in Tocopilla (northern Chile). This region (between 16.5ºS and 23.5ºS) had been identified as major seismic gap (~1000 km length) since the South Peru (Mw= 9.1, 16 August 1868) and the Iquique (Mw=9.0, 10 May 1877) megathrust earthquakes. This gap was reduced to 500 km after the Arequipa (Mw = 8.3, 23 June 2001) and the Antofagasta (Mw = 8.1, 30 July 1995) earthquakes. We compute interferograms using Envisat ASAR images acquired before and after the Tocopilla earthquake to infer the location, geometry and slip of the rupture. Elastic modeling of this data allows us to infer that the 2007 main rupture extended over an area of ~150 x 60 km2, between 35 and 55 km depth, with a mean displacement of ~ 1.3 m. That means that the Tocopilla earthquake ruptured the deeper part of the seismogenic interface, probably within the transition zone. This earthquake released a little portion of the slip deficit accumulated in the seismic gap during the last 130 years (~ 10m). Hence the Tocopilla event may constitute a precursor of a future large thrust event in the current 500 km seismic gap that continues accumulating elastic strain from 1877.Un terremoto de subducción de Mw 7.7 tuvo lugar el 14 de Noviembre de 2007 en Tocopilla (norte de Chile). Esta región (entre 16.5ºS y 23.5º S) había sido identificada como una gran laguna sísmica (de ~ 1000 km de longitud) desde los terremotos del Sur de Perú (Mw = 9.1, 16 de Agosto de 1868) y de Iquique (Mw = 9.0, 10 de Mayo de 1877). La extensión de la laguna se redujo después de los terremotos de Arequipa (Mw = 8.3, 23 de Junio de 2001) y de Antofagasta (Mw=8.1, 30 de Julio de 1995). Hemos calculado interferogramas a partir de imágenes ASAR Envisat adquiridas antes y después del terremoto de Tocopilla para deducir la localización, geometría y deslizamiento asociados a la rotura. La modelización elástica de estos datos indica que la ruptura principal de 2007 se propagó sobre un área de ~150 x 60 km2, entre 35 y 55 km de profundidad, con un deslizamiento medio de ~1.3 m. Esto significa que el terremoto de Tocopilla rompió la parte profunda de la interfase sismogéncia, probablemente dentro de la zona de transición. Este terremoto relajó una porción muy pequeña del déficit de deslizamiento acumulado en la laguna sísmica durante los últimos 130 años (~10 m). Por lo tanto, el evento de Tocopilla podría constituir un precursor de un gran terremoto de subducción en la laguna sísmica actual de 500 km que continua acumulando deformación elástica desde 1877.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEFrench National Research Agencypu

    Chemical evolution of the colour systems generated by riccionidin A, 3-deoxyanthocyanidins and anthocyanins

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    UIDB/50006/2020 MEX/Ref. 288188The kinetics and thermodynamics (in acidic solutions) of the five chemical species reversibly interconnected by external stimuli (a multistate), such as pH and light, generated by the liverworts colorant riccionidin A were investigated. The degradation products of the multistate formed after 10 days at neutral pH were identified. The behaviour of riccionidin A multistate was compared with previous results reported for the equivalent systems based on 3-deoxyanthocyanidins (found in mosses and ferns) and anthocyanins (ubiquitous in angiosperms). The five chemical species have mutatis mutandis similar structures in the three multistates. The most dramatic difference is the extremely slow interconversion rate between flavylium cation and trans-chalcone in riccionidin A and related compounds multistates (tens of days) when compared with deoxyanthocyanins (a few days) and anthocyanins (several hours), at room temperature. The mole fraction distribution of the five species that constitute the multistate as a function of pH is also different in the three families of compounds. Some considerations regarding the chemical evolution of the three systems are given.authorsversionpublishe

    Jaw Dysfunction Is Associated with Neck Disability and Muscle Tenderness in Subjects with and without Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders

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    Purpose. Tender points in the neck are common in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). However, the correlation among neck disability, jaw dysfunction, and muscle tenderness in subjects with TMD still needs further investigation. This study investigated the correlation among neck disability, jaw dysfunction, and muscle tenderness in subjects with and without chronic TMD. Participants. Forty females between 19 and 49 years old were included in this study.There were 20 healthy controls and 20 subjects who had chronic TMD and neck disability. Methods. Subjects completed the neck disability index and the limitations of daily functions in TMD questionnaires. Tenderness of the masticatory and cervical muscles was measured using an algometer. Results. The correlation between jaw disability and neck disability was significantly high (� = 0.915, � \u3c 0.05). The correlation between level of muscle tenderness in the masticatory and cervical muscles with jaw dysfunction and neck disability showed fair to moderate correlations (� = 0.32–0.65). Conclusion. High levels of muscle tenderness in upper trapezius and temporalis muscles correlated with high levels of jaw and neck dysfunction. Moreover, high levels of neck disability correlated with high levels of jaw disability.These findings emphasize the importance of considering the neck and its structures when evaluating and treating patients with TMD

    Spinal motor neuron loss occurs through a p53-and-p21-independent mechanism in the Smn

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a pediatric neuromuscular disease caused by genetic deficiency of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. Pathological hallmarks of SMA are spinal motor neuron loss and skeletal muscle atrophy. The molecular mechanisms that elicit and drive preferential motor neuron degeneration and death in SMA remain unclear. Transcriptomic studies consistently report p53 pathway activation in motor neurons and spinal cord tissue of SMA mice. Recent work has identified p53 as an inducer of spinal motor neuron loss in severe Δ7 SMA mice. Additionally, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor P21 (Cdkn1a), an inducer of cell cycle arrest and mediator of skeletal muscle atrophy, is consistently increased in motor neurons, spinal cords, and other tissues of various SMA models. p21 is a p53 transcriptional target but can be independently induced by cellular stressors. To ascertain whether p53 and p21 signaling pathways mediate spinal motor neuron death in milder SMA mice, and how they affect the overall SMA phenotype, we introduced Trp53 and P21 null alleles onto the Sm

    Patterns of cervical and masticatory impairment in subgroups of people with temporomandibular disorders–an explorative approach based on factor analysis

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    Objectives: To identify clinical patterns of impairment affecting the cervical spine and masticatory systems in different subcategories of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) by an explorative data-driven approach. Methods: For this observational study, 144 subjects were subdivided according to Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMDs into: Healthy controls, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) signs without symptoms, TMJ affected, temporomandibular muscles affected, or TMJ and muscles affected. Factor analysis and linear regression were applied to cervical spine and masticatory data to identify and characterize clinical patterns in subgroups. Results: Factor analysis identified five clinical dimensions, which explained 59% of all variance: Mechanosensitivity, cervical movement, cervical and masticatory dysfunction, jaw movement, and upper cervical movement. Regression analysis identified different clinical dimensions in each TMD subgroup. Conclusion: Distinct clinical patterns of cervical spine and masticatory function were found among subgroups of TMD, which has clinical implications for therapeutic management


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    The reproduction of small ruminants like goats and sheep managed under extensive range grazing conditions can be affected by nutrients availability and especially by the mineral content of the forages resources on the rangeland. It has been particularly demonstrated that trace elements can have equally, beneficial or detrimental effects, depending on its balance, on reproductive functions in small ruminants. Trace elements as copper, molybdenum, selenium and zinc play key role on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids; however, the mode of action by which these elements affect reproduction in sheep and goats are not completely understood, due to the complexity in the mode of action of the metallobiomolecules and the neuro-hormonal relationship. In this way, their absence or presence of these minerals in several organs, fluids, or tissues of the reproductive tract have allowed obtaining information on the metabolism and the role of these elements on reproduction in sheep and goats. On this regard, the objective of this document is to review the relationships and effects of some trace elements, on reproductive events in sheep and goats

    Light-Mediated Toxicity of Porphyrin-Like Pigments from a Marine Polychaeta

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    PTDC/MAR BIO/01132014 PTDC/BTA-BTA/28650/2017 UID/Multi/04378/2020 UID/QUI/50006/2020 ref. FA_05_2017_007Porphyrins and derivatives form one of the most abundant classes of biochromes. They result from the breakdown of heme and have crucial physiological functions. Bilins are well-known representatives of this group that, besides significant antioxidant and anti-mutagenic properties, are also photosensitizers for photodynamic therapies. Recently, we demonstrated that the Polychaeta Eulalia viridis, common in the Portuguese rocky intertidal, holds a high variety of novel greenish and yellowish porphyrinoid pigments, stored as granules in the chromocytes of several organs. On the follow-up of this study, we chemically characterized pigment extracts from the worm's skin and proboscis using HPLC and evaluated their light and dark toxicity in vivo and ex vivo using Daphnia and mussel gill tissue as models, respectively. The findings showed that the skin and proboscis have distinct patterns of hydrophilic or even amphiphilic porphyrinoids, with some substances in common. The combination of the two bioassays demonstrated that the extracts from the skin exert higher dark toxicity, whereas those from the proboscis rapidly exert light toxicity, then becoming exhausted. One particular yellow pigment that is highly abundant in the proboscis shows highly promising properties as a natural photosensitizer, revealing that porphyrinoids from marine invertebrates are important sources of these high-prized bioproducts.publishersversionpublishe