1,218 research outputs found


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    The publication identifies the problem that arises in the era of change of values and ideals and the difficulties that young people face in this situation. As an effective factor that solves this rather complex task, one and the established areas of extracurricular educational work with students, based on historical and local history material, are presented. The concept of “social adaptation of students” in the practical development of extracurricular activities, combining various aspects of educational and extracurricular processes, is considered.La publicación identifica el problema que surge en la era del cambio de valores e ideales y las dificultades que enfrentan los jóvenes en esta situación. Como un factor eficaz que resuelve esta tarea bastante compleja, se presentan una y las áreas establecidas de trabajo educativo extracurricular con estudiantes, basadas en material de historia histórica y local. Se considera el concepto de "adaptación social de los estudiantes" en el desarrollo práctico de actividades extracurriculares, que combina varios aspectos de los procesos educativos y extracurriculares.В публикации обозначена проблема, возникающая в эпоху смены ценностных ориентиров и идеалов и трудности, с которыми сталкивается молодежь в данной ситуации. Как эффективный фактор, решающий эту достаточно сложную задачу, представлено одно и сформировавшихся направлений внеучебной воспитательной работы со студентами, основанное на историко–краеведческом материале. Рассмотрено понятие «социальная адаптация студентов» в практическом преломлении мероприятий внеучебной деятельности, объединяющих в себе различные аспекты учебно– воспитательного и внеучебного процессов

    Antidiabetogenic Features of Benzimidazoles

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    Literature data on the insulinogenic effect of 2-aminobenzimidazole prompted us to investigate its novel derivatives, particularly those containing an additional fused cycle in C1,2-α position, including imidazole, dihydroimidazole, or tetrahydropyrimidine ring. Consensus analysis of the hypoglycemic effect of these compounds performed with IT Microcosm and PASS system revealed that activity is mostly characteristic for N9-2,3-dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazole derivatives. Substructural analysis of hypoglycemic activity identified substituents that determine the greatest pharmacological effect. According to the in silico assessment of the ADME properties, RU-254 was nominated as a lead compound due to the most optimal calculated and experimental activity and pharmacokinetic parameters. Preclinical studies have shown that identified compound has a pronounced insulinogenic effect and hypoglycemic effect, both in intact animals and in animals with experimental diabetes mellitus. RU-254 also reduces the level of glycated hemoglobin upon chronic administration, slightly decreases the activity of DPP-4, and increases the average number of Langerhans islets in the pancreas. Pharmaceutical drug formulation of RU-254 was developed and investigated for pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and toxicological properties. The dosage form of the drug under the name limiglidol (compound RU-254, diabenol) was evaluated in the full cycle of clinical studies that confirmed the safety, tolerability, and prominent antidiabetic properties of the drug

    Academic stress and its effect on medical students’ mental health status

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    This review aimed to analyze the data on features of a medical students’ mental status and its dynamics in the course of study. The analysis was applied to the scientific publications (mainly over the past 5 years) on the issue of academic stress and medical students’ mental status in different countries from computer databases: PubMed, Medical-Science, eLibrary, Web of Science, and Scopu

    Nitric acid leaching of polymetallic middlings of concentration

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    Investigations into the nitric acid leaching of polymetallic middlings with the purpose of the maximal recovery of copper and zinc into the solution are performed. Using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment, the optimal process parameters are determined: ratio L: S = 5, the consumption of nitric acid is 80 cm3 per 20 g of the charge, and the process duration is 120 min. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Cinque Ports and the Sea: Herring Fishery and its Significance for the Development of the Confederation

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    Поступила в редакцию: 24.05.2023. Принята к печати: 03.07.2023.Submitted: 24.05.2023. Accepted: 03.07.2023.Море играло важную роль в жизни Конфедерации Пяти Портов — ассоциации портовых городов юго-восточной Англии. В статье рассматривается селедочный промысел и его значение в развитии Конфедерации и ее структуры. Одной из основных привилегий, пожалованных Пяти Портам и закрепленных в королевских постановлениях, было право «на берег и убежище в Ярмуте», позволявшее жителям городов-членов Конфедерации бесплатно сушить там свои сети и контролировать местную селедочную ярмарку, которая проходила с Михайлова дня до дня св. Мартина. Данная привилегия привела к продолжительной вражде между Ярмутом и Пятью Портами, которая ознаменовалась открытыми столкновениями между ними, грабежами кораблей и торговцев, уничтожением флота друг друга. Попытки короля замирить стороны оставались безуспешными длительное время, хотя в 1277 г. было издано постановление, определявшее порядок на ярмарке в Ярмуте. Значимость селедочной ярмарки в Ярмуте подтверждается появлением в середине XIV в. общегосударственных статутов, призванных решить проблему дороговизны селедки и защитить интересы данной ярмарки. Необходимость поддерживать порядок во время проведения ярмарки и выбирать должностных лиц (бейлифов) для этого привела к появлению регулярного собрания представителей головных портов Конфедерации в Бродхалле, которое собиралось по крайней мере дважды в год. В достаточно рыхлой структуре Конфедерации, чьи города-члены сохраняли значительную степень автономии, данное собрание стало важным фактором консолидации и инструментом координации их совместных действий по защите своих привилегий.The sea played an important part in the life of the Confederation of the Cinque Ports, an association of ports in Southeast England. This article explores herring fishery and its role in the development and structure of the confederation. One of the main privileges granted by the kings to the Cinque Ports was the right of “den and strand at Yarmouth”, which allowed the inhabitants of the towns-members to unload and dry their nets there at no charge, as well as control the local herring fair that took place from Michaelmas to St Martin’s Day. This privilege led to a prolonged feud between Yarmouth and the Cinque Ports, which manifested itself in open hostilities between the two sides, including the plunder of ships and merchants and destruction of their fleets. All the attempts by the royal power to reconcile the two remained ineffective for a long time, although in 1277 a charter was issued that determined the order at the fair in Yarmouth. The importance of the herring fair at Yarmouth is confirmed by the mid-fourteenth-century statutes that were to resolve its problems, i.e., the dearness of herring and protection of the fair’s interests against competition. The necessity to keep peace and order during the fair and to appoint its officials (bailiffs) led to the appearance of a regular assembly of the head ports’ representatives at Brodhull which gathered at least twice a year. Although the confederation in general had a rather loose structure and its members maintained their autonomy to a considerable degree, this assembly became an important factor of their consolidation and coordination of their joint actions to defend their privileges

    On the problem of genetic polymorphism dynamics in Russian cultivars of garden pea (Pisum sativum L .)

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    В ходе селекции различных сельскохозяйственных культур существует риск утраты (эрозии) генетического разнообразия, связанный в первую очередь с использованием ограниченной части генофонда для выведения новых сортов. Отечественные сорта гороха посевного (Pisum sativum L.) имеют высокий уровень фенотипического разнообразия, однако динамика полиморфизма на уровне ДНК не изучена. Подобное исследование актуально с точки зрения перспектив дальнейшей селекции культуры и планирования мер по сохранению разнообразия в коллекциях генетических ресурсов.Breeding new crops is associated with a risk of decrease (erosion) in genetic polymorphism. It is associated mainly with the fact that only a limited range of pre-existing cultivars and forms are used for breeding new cultivars. The Russian cultivars of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) are characterized by a high level of phenotypic variability, while dynamics of polymorphism at DNA level is poorly investigated. Such an investigation is relevant from the point of view of the prospects for further breeding of the crop, and for planning strategies of polymorphism conservation in germplasm collections

    The Sharing Economy: Concept, Features, Development Prospects

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    The sharing economy is a new promising business model, which has not yet been sufficiently studied in the economic literature. This requires clarification of its essence and analysis of development prospects. To do this, the authors identified the basic concepts of the sharing economy; provide quantitative data on the volume of sharing industries; highlighted the problematic issues of the development of the sharing economy. The methodology of the author’s research included the use of methods for analyzing quantitative and qualitative characteristics, summarizing the analyzed information, describing, abstracting. It has been established that the penetration of elements of the sharing economy into various industries is very active today. The development of the sharing economy is an effective way to implement the sustainable development policy. The advantages of sharing are greater accessibility, clarity, cost-effectiveness of the forms of interaction used, compared to other areas of traditional business activities. The influence of the sharing economy is due to the fact that it creates an impetus for the development of traditional industries and changes the quality of socio-economic development

    Model of Self-Identification of Youth in the Global Communication Environment

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    Identity is the result of an identification process. The essence of the identification process is expressed in the acceptance of a certain social role by an individual in the process of entering a social group. The psychological meaning of the phenomenon of “identity” reflects the inner identity and integrity of an individual. This phenomenon can affect both an individual and a group. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that important factors in the process of identity development are specific events in the past and present, periods of crisis and changes in the history of society. It is shown that the main psychological mechanism for the development of identity is identification associated with the interaction between an individual and a social group. The development of personality identity includes a number of types of identity and continues during ontogenesis, is a dynamic and uneven process. The authors show that the concept of national identity within the framework of various fields of psychological science can relate to a group and a person. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that in the study the authors understand national identity as the cognitive and emotional awareness of a person of his own belonging to a particular nation, which has its own characteristics. Student (late adolescence) age is decisive in the formation of a person's identity and sensitive for the development of his national identity. The psychological mechanism for the development of a person's national identity at this age is national identification. An insufficient study of the development of the national identity of student youth has been established