946 research outputs found

    Depreciation in the Lumber Industry

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    The Role of Sphagnum Fimbriatum in Secondary Succession in a Road-Salt Impacted Bog

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    Secondary succession of Sphagnum mosses was studied for 7 years along a belt transect in a bog that had been impacted by sodium chloride highway deicing salts. Laboratory studies on Sphagnumfimbriatum Wils., the dominant recolonizing species, were conducted to determine its salt tolerance level and ability to reproduce from spores and fragments across a salt gradient. Vegetative reproduction was also compared with that of four other recolonizing species. Sphagnumfimbriatum represented a high percentage of all recolonizing Sphagnum and generally began growing on low hummocks in quadrats where the salt content of the interstitial peat pore waters had dropped to about 300 mg/L as chloride. This salt concentration was also found to be the basic tolerance limit for mature plants and reproducing spores and fragments. The success of Sphagnum fimbriatum as a pioneer species seems to be associated with its prolific production and probable dispersal of spores, its superior vegetative reproduction, its tolerance of mineralized waters, and its ability to grow on hummocks out of direct contact with mineralized waters

    New Records for Sphagnum in Indiana

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    The Indiana Sphagnum flora is expanded from 10 to 28 species. Sphagnum.henryense, S. recurvum, and S. bartlettianum are more southerly species reaching northern limits while S.centrale, S. papillosum, S. squarrosum, S. teres, S. contortum, S. platyphyllum, S. fallax, S.flexuosum, S. augustifolium, S. pulchrum, S. riparium, S. capillifolium, S. subtile, S. rubellum, S.fuscum, S. girgensohnii, S. russowii, S. fimbriatum, and S. wulfianum are northern species which reach a southern limit in Indiana. One half of the northern species are limited to the three northern counties bordering Lake Michigan, but the occurrence of the other half in an apparently recently colonized abandoned sandstone quarry in the middle of the state suggests that the limiting factor may be habitat more than climate. The most extensive peatland in the state, Pinhook Bog, is briefly characterized

    BOTPPI, a New Wittig Salt Used in the Synthesis of 12-(S)-Hydroxy-Eicosatetraenoic Acid [12-(S)-HETE]

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    An efficient route to (Z)-(8-benzyloxy-8-oxooct-3-en-1-yl)triphenylphosphonium iodide, or BOTPPI, is disclosed, complete with full experimental details, NMR spectra, and HRMS data. BOTPPI serves as a surrogate for (Z)-(8-methoxy-8-oxooct-3-en-1-yl)triphenylphosphonium iodide, or MOTPPI, a Wittig salt previously used in two 12-HETE syntheses. BOTPPI has the advantage over MOTPPI of being derived from a sequence for which every intermediate is UV-active and amenable to large-scale chromatographic purification. A formal asymmetric total synthesis of 12-(S)-HETE is also reported, involving a stereoselective phase-transfer catalyzed (PTC) alkylation in its key step

    Формирование активной самостоятельности студентов технических университетов в процессе модульного обучения экономических дисциплин

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    У статті розглядаються проблеми формування активної самостійності студентів технічних університетів в процесі модульного навчання економічних дисциплін. Автор показує, що ефективність навчання зростає при використанні активних форм і методів – проблемних лекцій, ситуацій, кейсів, ділових ігор, дискусій, наукових досліджень.The paper discusses the issues of development of active independency of technical university students in the process of modular economic training. The paper demonstrates that efficiency of education increases if active forms and methods, such as case studies, situation, business games, discussions, academic research, are used.В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования активной самостоятельности студентов технических университетов в процессе модульного обучения экономических дисциплин. Автор показывает, что эффективность обучения возрастает при использовании активных форм и методов – проблемных лекций, ситуаций, кейсов, деловых игр, дискуссий, научных исследований

    Kinematic analysis of conically scanned environmental properties

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    A method for determining the velocity of features such as wind. The method preferably includes producing sensor signals and projecting the sensor signals sequentially along lines lying on the surface of a cone. The sensor signals may be in the form of lidar, radar or sonar for example. As the sensor signals are transmitted, the signals contact objects and are backscattered. The backscattered sensor signals are received to determine the location of objects as they pass through the transmission path. The speed and direction the object is moving may be calculated using the backscattered data. The data may be plotted in a two dimensional array with a scan angle on one axis and a scan time on the other axis. The prominent curves that appear in the plot may be analyzed to determine the speed and direction the object is traveling

    The Ocean Lifeguard Intervention Continuum: A Cognitive Aid for Surf Lifeguard Education

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    Ocean lifeguards are constantly engaged in beach risk analysis, required to efficiently evaluate a variety of environmental and other factors quickly in order to triage and prioritize who needs help. Teaching these skills is a challenge for introductory training programs. We sought to improve new lifeguards’ understanding of the interaction of various risk components in the beach environment and aid decision-making related to when a lifeguard should intervene in a situation. We developed a two-part cognitive aid for introductory ocean lifeguard education depicting individual and interacting elements of a beach goer’s risk of drowning or injury and the process by which that risk increases with associated lifeguard interventions on a continuum from low risk and no distress to drowning. This new cognitive aid represented an advancement in the presentation of complex material in introductory training programs for those involved in aquatic rescue