53 research outputs found

    Implementasi Perda No. 09 Tahun 2002 Tentang Penataan dan Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Pasuruan

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    Meningkatnya jumlah PKL di pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan di pusat-pusat perkotaan sekarang ini menjadi masalah yang urgen untuk diperhatikan. Keberadaan mereka acapkali dinilai sebagai faktor penghambat program tata letak dan tata ruang kota yang dilakukan oleh kebanyakan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. Perspektif yang muncul akibat adanya PKL menuntut pemerintah daerah untuk membuat suatu kebijakan yang nantinya diharapkan menjadi penengah dengan beberapa kepentingan yang ada. Produk kebijakan ini akan terwujud jika dalam proses kebijakan yang akan dibuat oleh pemerintah harus melibatkan masyarakat umum, terutama pelaku USAha Informal yakni PKL baik secara individual, perwakilan bahkan organisasi yang terbentuk dalam PKL tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan, menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan proses dan mekanisme, aktor, dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat implementasi Perda No. 09 Tahun 2002 tentang Penataan dan Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Pasuruan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Pasuruan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan linear dan hierarkis dari atas kebawah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses dan mekanisme implementasi Perda No. 09 Tahun 2002 tentang penataan dan penertiban PKL di Kota Pasuruan terdapat tahapan-tahapan mekanisme yang masing-masing tahapan mempunyai tujuan dan target yang berbeda

    Evaluasi Kurva Beban Harian Energi Listrik terhadap Kapasitas Transformator untuk Keperluan Pengembangan Jaringan Distribusi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau

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    Faculty of Engineering is one of faculty which belongs to University of Riau, which consists of 10 buildings as follows: C building, 3 of chemical engineering laboratory buildings, 3 of civil engineering laboratory buildings, mechanical engineering laboratory, and electrical engineering laboratory. The electric power installed in the Faculty of Engineering supplied from PLN with 2 pieces of transformer which capacity of 2 x 400 kVA. The large of attached power and used power still need to be evaluated to forming the daily load curve considering that the engineering faculty which keep on experiencing development and construction that has been planned in the future. From the curve is formed it will be known how the electrical conditions in the Faculty of Engineering as well as for the achievement of a reliably electrical installation systems, safe, and used as efficiently as possible. From the analysis of measurements for 1 month and the calculation of the maximum load of 286,7 kVA, so that the remaining power which can be used for development and construction is 513,3 kVA

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Tenaga Listrik Konsumen Rumah Tangga Sedang PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)

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    This research is analysis of electricity demand, and focus for medium recidence sector in PT Perusahaan listrik Negara (Persero) or PT PLN (Persero). Dependent variable is demand electricity or kWh sales, and independent variable consist of install capacity, average tariff, and rate of capacity using percustomers. Step of research and process result based on SPSS calculation, and use cross section data on January 2010. Obtain result that install capacity and rate of capacity using percustomers has given positif impact, and average tariff has given negative impact. Install capacity and average tariff variable has significant influence to electricity demand of medium recidence sector, but rate of capacity using percustomers has not significant influence to electricity demand of medium recidence sector. PLN's management has to observe growth of explanatory variable to make policy for demand and supply equilibrium and toward customers satisfaction


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    Pada masa kerajaan Abbasiah kekuasaan islam bertambah luas dengan pusat pemerintahannya di bagdad, perluasan kekuasaan dan pengaruh islam bergerak kewilayah timur Asia Tengah, Hindia dan perbatasan China. Sikap politik daulah Abasiah berbeda dengan daulah Bani umayyah, Daulah bani Abasiah pemegang kekuasaan lebih merata, bukan hanya dipegang oleh bangsa Arab tetapi lebih demokratis. Masyarakat dibagi atas dua kelompok yaitu kelompok khusus dan kelompok umum, kelompok umum terdiri dari Seniman ulama fuqoha pujangga saudagar pengusaha kaum buruh dan para petani sedangkan kelompok khusus terdiri dari khalifah, keluarga khalifah,  pembesar Negara bangsawan dan petugas petugas Negara, dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, para khalifah banyak mendukung perkembanagan tersebut , serta buku buku bahasa asing banyak diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Arab

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Madu Trigona Terhadap Parameter Fungsi Hati Dan Ginjal Tikus Albino (Rattus Norvegicus) Yang Diberikan Simvastatin: Effect of Trigona Honey Supplementation on Liver and Kidney Function in SimvastatinAdministered Albino Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)

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    Simvastatin is a drug acting on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase enzyme leading to decrease of lipid level in plasma. Simvastatin is associated with pleiotropic effects such as cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, and nephroprotective effect. This study aimed to observe effect of supplementation of trigona honey on parameters of liver function (SGPT and SGOT) and kidney function (urea) in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) given 40 mg/kg simvastatin. Twenty-four male albino rats were divided into 6 groups (n=4). Each group was administered different treatments for 15 days orally. Group I was put as health control without any treatment, group II was given sodium carboxymethylcellulose (1% b/v) as negative control, group III was given simvastatin at the dose of 40 mg/kg, group IV was administered simvastatin (40 mg/kg) and trigona honey (6.5% v/v), while group V and VI were administered simvastatin (40 mg/kg) and ubiquinone (1.43 mg/kg); and simvastatin (40 mg/kg), trigona honey (6.5% v/v), and ubiquinone (1.43 mg/kg), respectively. Upon the treatments, level of SGOT, SGPT, and ureum was determined. The data were analyzed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Least Significant Difference tests (p=0.05). According to the analysis, it was concluded that supplementation of trigona honey in rats administered simvastatin showed significantly lower level of all parameters than groups of simvastatin and controls

    Efek Penambahan Sekam Padi Pada Berbagai Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreotus)

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    The purpose of this research is observe the effect of rice husk addition on various growing media on its growth and yield of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). This research used Complete Random Design (CRD) Factorial consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications. The first factor is the various media planting (M). Media of sawdust sengon (M1); Rice straw; M2 and dried banana leaf (M3). The second factor is the supply of rice husks consisting of. Without the provision of rice husk (P0); Provision of 10% rice husk (P1); Provision of rice husk 20% (P2). The best planting medium was found in the treatment of sawdust wood media sengon (M1). Besides, the addition of rice husk concentration has significant effect on all observation parameters. The best result was found in 20% rice husk. The interaction between treatment of planting media and rice husk giving significant effect on first harvest, the body diameter of fruit of first harvest and body diameter of fruit of second harves

    Pembuatan JASUKE di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui E-KKN Tematik Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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    Semakin meningkatnya penyebaran Virus Corona yang mempengaruhi sektor ekonomi Kabupaten Enrekang. KKN Tematik Kewirausaan menjadi salah satu prioritas program pemberdayaan masyrakat dalam meningkatkan sektor ekonomi masyarakat. Oleh karena itu  mempunyai dampak positif yang luar biasa, karena adanya kegiatan kewirausahaan pembuatan Jasuke sebagai alternatif pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam hal kuiner dan lainnya. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut maka kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini perlu dilakukan dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Kabupaten Enrekang khususnya masyarakat pegunungan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tindak lanjut juga terekam, beberapa manfaat praktis yang diperoleh oleh Ibu-ibu di Desa Kabupaten Enrekang, yaitu mereka mendapatkan informasi yang jelas dan utuh mengenai hakekat pemberdayaan masyarakat dari segi pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Bermakna untuk menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru yang sifatnya inovatif dari pengembangan industri rumah tanggga, ibu-ibu yang menjadi peserta pelatihan memperoleh gambaran yang jelas mengenai langkah pengembangan iklim usaha dengan memanfaatkan pembuatan Jasuke, peserta pelatihan juga mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas dan utuh tentang manfaat Sumber Daya Alam jika dikelola dengan baik. Rencana tahapan berikutnya adalah Pendampingan pengolahan produk sehingga didapatkan standar mutu baik kualitas maupun kuantitas yang standar dan bermutu dari produk serta evaluasi program untuk melihat seberapa jauh program ini bermanfaat bagi Ibu-ibu di Desa Kabupaten Enrekang

    Stability analysis of hybrid Al2O- TiO2 nano-cutting fluids

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    Purpose: This paper is to study the stability of the current combination of hybrid nano-cutting fluids due to the recent progress in the analysis of nano-cutting fluids, such as the assessment methods for the stability of nano-cutting fluids, have revealed that instability is a common problem associated with nano cutting fluids. Design/methodology/approach: Five samples of 0.001 vol% that are suitable to be tested at UV-Vis machine, Al2O3–TiO2 hybrid nano-cutting fluid was prepared using a one-step process with the help of a magnetic stirrer to stir for 30 minutes with different sonication time to determine the best or optimum sonication time for this hybrid nano-cutting fluid. Stability of nano-cutting fluids was analyses using UV–Vis spectrophotometer (0.001%, 0.0001%, 0.00001%), visual sedimentation (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%), TEM photograph capturing techniques (2%) and zeta potential analysis (0.001%, 0.00001%), that used different volume concentration that is suitable for each type of stability analysis. Findings: The stability analysis reveals that the best sonication time is 90 minutes, and the UV-vis spectrophotometer shows the stability of all samples is above 80% during a month compared to the initial value. Further, visual sedimentation shows good stability with minimum sedimentation and colour separation only. The zeta potential value also shows great stability with a value of 37.6 mV. It is found that the hybrid nano-cutting fluid is stable for more than a month when the nano is suspended in the base fluid of conventional coolant. Research limitations/implications: The result in this paper is based on the experimental study of Al2O3-TiO2/CNC coolant base hybrid nano-cutting fluid for a month. However, to further validate the results presented in this paper, it is recommended to prolong the stability assessment time for six months for longer shelf life. Practical implications: The finding of this experimental study can be useful for high-precision product machining using similar CNC coolants, especially for aircraft and airspace applications for machining parts. Originality/value: No thorough stability assessment using all four types of stability analysis is done on Al2O3-TiO2/CNC Coolant base hybrid nano cutting fluid
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