628 research outputs found

    Coronectomy - An alternative approach to remove impacted teeth in oncological patients

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    Coronectomy involves the section of the tooth crown leaving the roots in the socket. Possibility of inferior alveolar nerve injury and mandibular fracture are the main indications for this approach. Herein, we describe a case series of coronectomy to highlight its indication in normal and oncological patients. A total of 9 patients were submitted to coronectomy, 6 of them were oncological. Three patients were evaluated before head and neck radiotherapy (HNRT), 2 after HNRT and 1 before bone marrow transplantation. Mean age of the patients was 49 years, most of them male (n=7). Lower third molars were the main teeth that received this procedure, and all cases presented intimate anatomic relationship between the roots and the mandibular canal. Moreover, three cases also presented evident mandibular fracture risk in removing the tooth. During the follow-up period, none complications were observed related to coronectomy and oncological treatment. Coronectomy is a safe approach including for cancer patients and it should be considered in high-risk impacted teeth extractions

    Design of kinematic connectors for microstructured materials produced by additive manufacturing

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    The main characteristic of materials with a functional gradient is the progressive composition or the structure variation across its geometry. This results in the properties variation in one or more specific directions, according to the functional application requirements. Cellular structure flexibility in tailoring properties is employed frequently to design functionally-graded materials. Topology optimisation methods are powerful tools to functionally graded materials design with cellular structure geometry, although continuity between adjacent unit-cells in gradient directions remains a restriction. It is mandatory to attain a manufacturable part to guarantee the connectedness between adjoining microstructures, namely by ensuring that the solid regions on the microstructure’s borders i.e., kinematic connectors) match the neighboring cells that share the same boundary. This study assesses the kinematic connectors generated by imposing local density restrictions in the initial design domain (i.e., nucleation) between topologically optimised representative unit-cells. Several kinematic connector examples are presented for two representatives unit-cells topology optimised for maximum bulk and shear moduli with different volume fractions restrictions and graduated Young’s modulus. Experimental mechanical tests (compression) were performed, and comparison studies were carried out between experimental and numerical Young’s modulus. The results for the single maximum bulk for the mean values for experimental compressive Young’s modulus (Ex¯) with 60%Vf show a deviation of 9.15%. The single maximum shear for the experimental compressive Young’s modulus mean values (Ex¯) with 60%Vf, exhibit a deviation of 11.73%. For graded structures, the experimental mean values of compressive Young’s moduli (Ex¯), compared with predicted total Young’s moduli (ESe), show a deviation of 6.96 for the bulk graded structure. The main results show that the single type representative unit-cell experimental Young’s modulus with higher volume fraction presents a minor deviation compared with homogenized data. Both (i.e., bulk and shear moduli) graded microstructures show continuity between adjacent cells. The proposed method proved to be suitable for generating kinematic connections for the design of shear and bulk graduated microstructured materials.This research was funded by the Portuguese Science Funding Foundation FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Grant No. SFRH/BD/130908/2017); PAMI—Portuguese Additive Manufacturing Initiative (Project nº22158—SAICT—AAC—01/SAICT/2016), CDRSP (UIDB/04044/2020), (UIDP/04044/2020); Add.Additive—add additive manufacturing to Portuguese industry (POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-024533)

    CFD parametric study of thermal performance of different fruit packaging box designs

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    Air temperature and relative humidity values of cold storage conditions are the major factor affecting the perishability of fresh fruits. The sooner the field heat is extracted from the products and the proper temperature is maintained consistency throughout the cold chain, larger it will be shelf life of these products. Forced air cooling is the most commonly used technique to remove the field heat in post-harvest storage. Energy-efficient and quality-oriented cold storage mainly depends on the time to remove the heat. This time can be reduced by optimizing the configuration of the vent holes of the packaging box, namely it dimension (area), it shape, alignment and position. This paper shows the numerical predictions of air temperature and velocity by a CFD parametric study of eight different vent hole configurations. These configurations consider a packaging box with double wall. The vent holes of each wall have different dimension and shape. The vent holes of both walls can be also aligned or unaligned. The analysis of results aims to determine the best configurations that improve the cooling rate, the airflow and temperature uniformity. The numerical predictions of the air temperature show close values, but three configurations can be identified as predicting the lowest air temperature values with lowest standard deviation. These results may help on the development of new configuration for fruit boxes that promote the extension of the fruits shelflife.(undefined

    Vascular Training Does Matter in the Outcomes of Saphenous High Ligation and Stripping

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    Objective: Varicose vein (VV) surgery is frequently performed by surgeons without formal vascular training. We aimed to compare the outcomes of the procedure based on the background of the surgeon. Methods: All patients registered with VV surgery between 2004 and 2016 in Portuguese public hospitals were included in the study. Intrahospital outcomes were assessed from this administrative database. A random multicenter sample of 315 patients submitted to saphenous high ligation and stripping (175 patients from six vascular surgery departments and 140 patients from five general surgery divisions) were further queried over the phone, whereby additional nonregistered outcomes were evaluated: preoperative venous ultrasound, impact on quality of life by the 14-item Chronic Venous Insufficiency Quality of Life Questionnaire, visual analogue scale evaluation (score of 1 to 5) of the aesthetic results and general satisfaction, work absence days, and time to return to physical activities. Results: In 13 years, there were 153,382 patients submitted to VV surgery. Of these, 49% were operated on by general surgeons and 40% by vascular surgeons; in 11%, it was not possible to identify the specialty performing the operation. Twenty-three deaths were registered (no differences between groups). In the general surgery group, 14% of patients were hospitalized for more than one night compared with 3% in the vascular group (P < .001). Reintervention rate during the period analyzed was significantly higher in the general surgery group (13.5% vs 8.2%; P < .001). Rate of outpatient surgery was higher in the vascular surgery group (60% vs 36%; P < .001). Phone query revealed similar overall satisfaction and improvement in quality of life in both groups (4.2 vs 4.0 [P = .275] and 35% vs 36% [P = .745], respectively). However, patients operated on by general surgeons reported worse surgical scars (2.8 vs 2.1; P = .007), higher number of residual VVs (2.4 vs 1.7; P = .006), and higher number of days absent from work (40 vs 27 days; P = .005) and took longer to resume physical activities (60 vs 41 days; P = .001). Conclusions: Despite that the majority of VV surgery in Portugal is executed by general surgeons, this study highlights important advantages when it is performed by surgeons with vascular training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of algae and plant lectins on planktonic growth and biofilm formation in clinically relevant bacteria and yeasts

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    This study aimed to evaluate the abilities of plant and algae lectins to inhibit planktonic growth and biofilm formation in bacteria and yeasts. Initially, ten lectins were tested on Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella oxytoca, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, and C. tropicalis at concentrations of 31.25 to 250 μg/mL. The lectins from Cratylia floribunda (CFL), Vatairea macrocarpa (VML), Bauhinia bauhinioides (BBL), Bryothamnion seaforthii (BSL), and Hypnea musciformis (HML) showed activities against at least one microorganism. Biofilm formation in the presence of the lectins was also evaluated; after 24 h of incubation with the lectins, the biofilms were analyzed by quantifying the biomass (by crystal violet staining) and by enumerating the viable cells (colony-forming units). The lectins reduced the biofilm biomass and/or the number of viable cells to differing degrees depending on the microorganism tested, demonstrating the different characteristics of the lectins. These findings indicate that the lectins tested in this study may be natural alternative antimicrobial agents; however, further studies are required to better elucidate the functional use of these proteins.This study was supported by the CAPES (Brazil) under the BEX NT 2052/11NT3 Project, by the IBB-CEB and FCT (Portugal), by the European Community Fund FEDER, and by the COMPETE Program under the auspices of the PTDC/SAU-ESA/646091/2006/FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007480 Project. Kyria Santiago Nascimento, Alexandre Holanda Sampaio, Benildo Sousa Cavada, and Edson Holanda Teixeira are Senior Fellows of CNPq. Mr. David Martin helped with the English editing of the paper that was also revised by AJE (American Journal Experts)


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    Introdução: A avaliação por eco-Doppler mostrou a grande veia safena como uma veia interfascial e não superficial. O Eco-Doppler mostrou também veias varicosas com junção safeno femoral competente, bem como veias varicosas que envolvem somente veias colaterais ou veias colaterais mais segmentos da grande veia safena. Consequentemente foram definidos dois padrões principais de refluxo venoso: o refluxo axial com envolvimento contínuo da grande veia safena, desde a junção safenofemoral ao maléolo e o refluxo segmentar com envolvimento de segmentos da grande veia safena e/ou veias colaterais, mas sem continuidade entre si. O padrão de refluxo segmentar divide-se em 3 subtipos: no subtipo 1 estão apenas envolvidos ramos superficiais, no subtipo 2 estão envolvidos ramos superficiais mais segmentos da grande veia safena e no subtipo 3 verifica-se refluxo ao nível da junção safenofemoral e de veias colaterais da coxa.Objetivo: Podemos preservar a grande veia safena tratando veias varicosas com um padrão de refluxo segmentar?Metodologia: Foram operados 54 doentes com padrão de refluxo segmentar com preservação da grande veia safena. O seguimento clínico considerou o alívio sintomático e cosmético e a não recorrência de varizes, avaliando a cirurgia como satisfatória. O seguimento por Eco-Doppler classificou o refluxo em: ausência de refluxo, persistência de refluxo ou progressão de refluxo. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 12,1 meses.Resultados. Resultados clínicos: 98.5% avaliou a cirurgia como satisfatória. Resultados do Eco-Doppler: 58% com ausência de refluxo, 42% com persistência de refluxo e 1 caso com progressão do refluxo.Conclusão: Os resultados do nosso estudo, clínicos e avaliação por Eco-Doppler, sustentam a preservação da grande veia safena.A resposta à nossa questão se podemos preservar a grande veia safena é um sim terminante.Os nossos achados sustentam também o conceito de que as veias varicosas são um processo local e multifocal com início em qualquer segmento de veia e não um processo descendente com início na junção safenofemoral. Os ramos varicosos superficiais aparentam ter um papel principal neste processo e não o tronco da veia safena, como considerado previamente

    Estoques e fluxos de N em sistema agroflorestal, região de Cerrado (Brasil).

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    Sistemas Agroflorestais surgem como opção na busca por sistemas produtivos conservacionistas, por sua diversificação e promoção de serviços ambientais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar estoques e fluxos de N no sistema solo-planta-serapilheira de um SAF, em região de Cerrado do Brasil Central. O teor médio de N no solo foi 0,18%, decrescendo com a profundidade (0-20cm). O estoque médio de N no solo foi 3,08 Mg.ha-1 (0-20cm). N-NH4+ predominou em relação à N-NO3 ao longo do experimento. Maiores emissões de N2O ocorreram na transição chuva-seca de 2014, com fluxo médio de 45,9 &#956;g m-2 h-1 N2-N2O enquanto na estação seca do mesmo ano foi 16,6 ug m-2 h-1 N2-N2O. A razão C:N da serapilheira apresentou valor médio de 20,4 ± 1,4 e concentração de N de 1,7% ± 0,2, enquanto a perda da massa foliar média no experimento de decomposição por litterbags, aos 120 dias, foi apenas 19,6%. A concentração média de N foliar para as espécies arbóreas avaliadas, foi de 2,3%, enquanto para a serapilheira o valor médio de N foi 1,5%. Assim, espécies frutíferas apresentaram taxa de retranslocação média de N de 36,6% e madeireiras 32,7%. Após ajustar a taxa de retranslocação foliar média de N, encontrou-se a taxa de 49,3%. A disponibilidade de N no solo indicou que a qualidade do material foliar das espécies plantadas, favoreceu a disponibilidade de N no sistema solo-planta-serapilheira. As taxas de retranslocação foliar de N idicaram a importância da ciclagem interna para a manutenção do N no sistema

    The impact of different risk measures in the portfolio selection of oil producing projects

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    The portfolio selection process for projects involving the exploration and production of oil is a complex task, passing through different steps until and optimum solution is achieved, revealing the best portfolio. This paper presents a methodology for portfolio selection considering semi-standard deviation as a measure of risk. The methodology is applied to a set of six oil production projects located in the Campos Basin, where the risk minimization is subject to a certain return. Genetic algorithms are used as the optimization tool.. The portfolio selection was performed by maximization of the certainty equivalent, for different values of risk aversion coefficients. The results show that the semi-standard deviation presents better sensitivity in portfolio selection with projects that have a large magnitude of risk and return.O processo de seleção de portfólios de projetos na exploração e produção de petróleo é uma tarefa bastante complexa, que passa por diferentes etapas até atingir o ponto final, que é a seleção do portfólio ótimo. A etapa de mensuração do risco do investimento abrange diferentes tipos de métricas com impactos diferenciados na escolha do portfólio. Esse trabalho apresenta a metodologia para a seleção de portfólios considerando o semidesvio-padrão como medida de risco. A metodologia é aplicada para um conjunto de seis projetos de produção de petróleo localizados na bacia de Campos, onde é feita a minimização do risco sujeito a um determinado retorno. Como ferramenta de otimização é utilizada a técnica de algoritmos genéticos. A seleção de portfólios foi feita pela maximização do equivalente-certo, para diferentes valores de coeficientes de aversão ao risco. Os resultados mostram que o semidesvio-padrão, apresenta maior sensibilidade na seleção de portfólios com projetos que apresentam grandes magnitudes de risco e retorno.305313Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Análise Funcional de Comportamentos Verbais Inapropriados de um Esquizofrênico

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    The present study registered the inappropriate verbalizations of a schizophrenic male adult. The inappropriate verbal behaviors were observed during periods of brief exposure to four conditions: attention, non-contingent attention, demand and alone. Results indicated that these conditions affected the inadequate verbalizations in different ways. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for functional evaluations before the psychological interventions. &nbsp;O presente estudo registrou as verbalizações inapropriadas de um esquizofrênico adulto e do sexo masculino. Os comportamentos verbais inapropriados foram observados durante breves períodos de exposição a quatro condições: atenção, atenção não contingente, demanda e sozinho. Os resultados indicaram que as condições afetaram os comportamentos verbais inapropriados diferentemente. Esses resultados são discutidos em termos das suas implicações para as avaliações funcionais antes de intervenções psicológicas. &nbsp