708 research outputs found

    Situación actual de los metadatos en el ámbito internacional

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    En un prinicipio, los metadatos han sido considerados como atributos descriptivos de las principales caracterísiticas de los recursos relacionados con la información ..

    Las IDE como evolución natural de los SIG

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    La IDEE es un proyecto cooperativo, de autoría colectiva, en el que colaboran organismos e instituciones de los tres ámbitos de la Administración (general, regional y local), del entorno universitario y del sector privado. Esta impresionante oferta de información geográfica, junto con las funcionalidades que aportan las tecnologías de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE), permite vislumbrar un abanico de líneas de trabajo, todavía inexploradas, de gran interés para todos los especialistas, técnicos e investigadores que manejan o precisan de cartografía en su quehacer cotidiano, que veremos en el presente artículo

    Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Cleaning of Contaminated Pleistocene Bone: A Comprehensive Study on the Influence of Pulse Duration and Wavelength

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    The impact of wavelength and pulse duration in laser cleaning of hard blackish contaminants crust from archaeologically significant Pleistocene bone is investigated in this research. The objective is to determine the practical cleaning procedures and identify adequate laser parameters for cleaning archaeological bone from Sima de los Huesos (Spain) based on conservation and restoration perspectives. Bone surface cleaning was performed utilizing two Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers: sub-nanosecond pulsed lasers with emission wavelengths at 355 nm and 1064 nm, respectively, and a Yb:KGW femtosecond pulsed laser with an emission wavelength in the third harmonic at 343 nm. In all experiments, the laser beam scanning mode was applied to measure cleaning efficiency in removing contaminants and degradation products while assessing the underlying substrate surface damage. Several properties, including wavelength-dependent absorption, pulse repetition rate, and thermal properties of the material, are analyzed when evaluating the ability of these lasers to boost the cleaning efficiency of the deteriorated bone surface. Bone surface morphology and composition were studied and compared before and after laser irradiation, using Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (SEM-EDS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) characterization methods. The results indicate that 238-femtosecond UV laser irradiation with 2.37 TWcm−2 is significantly safer and more efficient toward surface contaminant desorption than sub-nanosecond laser irradiation. The results herein presented suggest that these types of fs lasers may be considered for realistic laser conservation of valuable historic and archaeological museum artifacts

    Integrating an autonomous robot on a dance and new technologies festival

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    This paper presents the results of a project to integrate an autonomous mobile robot into a modern dance performance at a dance and new technologies festival. The main goal is to integrate a simple low cost mobile robot into the dance performance, in order to study the possibilities that this kind of platforms can offer to the artists. First, this work explains the process and design to embed the robotic platform into the choreography theme. Another contribution described in this work is the system architecture proposed and built to make the robot behaviours match the artists requirements: precise, synchronized and robust robot movements. Finally, we discuss the main issues and lessons learned for this kind of robotics and arts applications and summarize the results obtained, including the successful final live performance results

    High and low suicidality in Europe: a fine-grained comparison of France and Spain within the ESEMeD surveys

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    Background: Suicidality risk-factors between countries with similar economic and religious background have been rarely compared, especially within genders. Methods: Lifetime prevalence of suicide ideation, plans, and attempts in the ESEMeD surveys were stratified on four separate groups: French women, Spanish women, French men, and Spanish men. Outcome odds-ratios (OR) were modelled within each group using logistic regression including demographic characteristics, lifetime mood/anxiety disorders, parental bonding, marital status, and health service-use. Results: Lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts was 3.4% in France (1.1% men, 5.4% women) and 1.5% in Spain (1.2% men, 1.7% women), with a significantly greater gender difference in France (p = 0.001). Regarding risk-factors, French women reported suicide attempt more commonly with authoritarian mothers (OR = 1.51; 95%CI = 1.04-2.18), unlike Spanish women (OR = 0.77; 95%CI = 0.51-1.15) (p < 0.001). Spanish men showed more than eight-times higher odds of suicide attempt with overprotecting mothers than French men (p = 0.03). General practitioner-(GP)-use was significantly protective of suicide attempt among Spanish women (OR = 0.08; 95%CI = 0.02-0.35) with no effect in French women (OR = 1.03; 95%CI = 0.54-2.00) (p = 0.01). No significant differences in the effect of marital status, any lifetime antidepressant use, mental disorders, or religiosity on suicide attempt were observed between France and Spain within gender-stratum. Limitations: Parental bonding is retrospective and potentially influenced by mental state. Response rate was considerably lower in France than in Spain. Conclusions: Suicidality risk-factors play different roles across genders between France and Spain. Parental bonding dimensions may be interpreted differently according to country, underlining cultural importance. As recommended by WHO, mental health decisions must involve GPs in conjunction with psychiatrists or psychologists

    Una nueva etapa: hacia la IDE 2.0

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    El desarrollo de las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE) en España ha cubierto una primera etapa basada en el despliegue de servicios básicos, aplicaciones de visualización y apertura de geoportales. Una IDE paradigmática de esta primera fase, que podemos llamar convencionalmente IDE 1.0, incluiría: un visualizador con servicios de mapas WMS de ortofotos, imágenes de satélite y cartografía, un catálogo de metadatos (CSW, SRW, otro perfil, o soluciones no estándar), un servicio de Nomenclátor (WFS-G, WFS-MNE o soluciones no estándar) para realizar búsquedas por nombre, un servicio de descarga de datos (basado en WFS), ,y probablemente aplicaciones complementarias no estándar al margen de las specificaciones OGC, como, por ejemplo, utilidades de transformación de coordenadas, o un cliente pesado para realizar vuelos virtuales. En suma, la mayoría de los geoportales disponibles están orientados fundamentalmente a la visualización de datos geográficos

    Ultrashort pulsed Femtosecond UV laser for selective cleaning of significant Cretaceous flints

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    This work reports on studies aimed to evaluate the utilization of ultrashort 238 fs (fs) pulsed UV laser emission at 343 nm for eliminating colored crusts and surface deposits on significant Cretaceous flint surfaces, in an attempt to safeguard its aesthetic appearance and archaeological value. The results indicate that fs UV lasers may be an ideal, non-contact tool for selective surface cleaning of sensitive archaeological artefacts, since they enable contaminant desorption while avoiding photothermal damage

    Fermentación in vitro de pepsina/pancreatina con inóculos de conejos

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    The in vitro gas production of pepsin/pancreatin used in the determination of in vitro digestibility was evaluated using different inocula from rabbits (ileal, caecal and soft faeces from rabbits). In experiment 1 were used 3 different ileal and caecal inocula obtained each one from the combination of the digesta of 3 different 70 d old rabbits

    Efecto de la suplementación con Bacillus amyloliquefaciens y heptanoato sódico sobre los parámetros de crecimiento en conejos en cebo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de suplementar con B. amyloliquefaciens (Ecobiol; EU aditivo zootécnico para piensos número 4b1822; contenido de 1 x 109 CFU de B. amyloliquefaciens CECT 5940 / g) y heptanoato sódico (Hepton) sobre los parámetros de crecimiento del conejo. Se formuló un pienso control (17,3% PB y 36,2% FND, sobre % MS), y otros tres piensos suplementando el pienso control con 500 y 1000 g B. amyloliquefaciens/t (BA1 y BA2) y con 1000 g heptanoato sódico/t. Se utilizaron gazapos destetados a los 25 d gazapos (67/pienso). Los conejos suplementados con el pienso BA2 tendieron a comer menos que el grupo control (P = 0,073), y comieron un 6% menos que los del grupo BA1 (P = 0,036) durante el periodo de 25 a 40 d de edad, si bien no afectó a la ganancia de peso, ni en la eficacia alimenticia. Durante el periodo de 40 a 63 d de edad los gazapos alimentados con el pienso BA2 comieron un 10% menos que el pienso control (P = 0,002), sin modificar la ganancia de peso, lo que se tradujo en una tendencia a mejorar la eficacia alimenticia (P = 0,063). Los animales del pienso BA2 incrementaron la eficacia alimenticia un 8% comparado con los del grupo BA1 durante el periodo de 40 a 63 d (P = 0,031), sin mostrar diferencias en el consumo o en la ganancia de peso. Al evaluar el periodo global, incrementar la dosis de B. amyloliquefaciens (BA2 vs. BA1) tendió a disminuir el consumo medio diario (P = 0,069) y a aumentar la eficiencia alimenticia un 6% (P = 0,006). La suplementación con B. amyloliquefaciens, independientemente de la dosis utilizada (BA2 o BA1), no afectó a la mortalidad en el periodo global del cebo. Durante todo el periodo experimental de 25 a 63 d de edad, la suplementación con heptanoato sódico redujo el consumo de pienso un 5% en comparación con el grupo control (P = 0,050) y, al no modificar la velocidad de crecimiento, aumentó la eficacia alimenticia un 7% (P = 0,003). En comparación con el promedio de los gazapos suplementados con B. amyloliquefaciens los conejos que recibieron heptanoato sódico mostraron una mayor ganancia de peso (5%, P = 0,012), y eficiencia alimenticia (4%, P = 0,024), alcanzando un peso final superior (P = 0,012)