372 research outputs found

    Disordered mesoscopic systems with interactions: induced two-body ensembles and the Hartree-Fock approach

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    We introduce a generic approach to study interaction effects in diffusive or chaotic quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime. The randomness of the single-particle wave functions induces randomness in the two-body interaction matrix elements. We classify the possible induced two-body ensembles, both in the presence and absence of spin degrees of freedom. The ensembles depend on the underlying space-time symmetries as well as on features of the two-body interaction. Confining ourselves to spinless electrons, we then use the Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation to calculate HF single-particle energies and HF wave functions for many realizations of the ensemble. We study the statistical properties of the resulting one-body HF ensemble for a fixed number of electrons. In particular, we determine the statistics of the interaction matrix elements in the HF basis, of the HF single-particle energies (including the HF gap between the last occupied and the first empty HF level), and of the HF single-particle wave functions. We also study the addition of electrons, and in particular the distribution of the distance between successive conductance peaks and of the conductance peak heights.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    Statistical Fluctuations of Electromagnetic Transition Intensities in pf-Shell Nuclei

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    We study the fluctuation properties of E2 and M1 transition intensities among T=0,1 states of A = 60 nuclei in the framework of the interacting shell model, using a realistic effective interaction for pf-shell nuclei with a Ni56 as a core. It is found that the B(E2) distributions are well described by the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices (Porter-Thomas distribution) independently of the isobaric quantum number T_z. However, the statistics of the B(M1) transitions is sensitive to T_z: T_z=1 nuclei exhibit a Porter-Thomas distribution, while a significant deviation from the GOE statistics is observed for self-conjugate nuclei (T_z=0).Comment: 8 pages, latex, 3 figures (ps format

    Recent developments in the shell model Monte Carlo approach to nuclei

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    The shell model Monte Carlo (SMMC) approach provides a powerful method for the microscopic calculation of statistical and collective nuclear properties in model spaces that are many orders of magnitude larger than those that can be treated by conventional methods. We discuss recent applications of the method to describe the emergence of collectivity in the framework of the configuration-interaction shell model and the crossover from vibrational to rotational collectivity in families of rare-earth nuclei. We have calculated state densities of these rare-earth nuclei and find their collective enhancement factors to be correlated with the pairing and shape phase transitions. We also discuss an accurate method to calculate the ground-state energy of odd-even and odd-odd nuclei, circumventing the sign problem that originates in the projection on an odd number of particles. We have applied this method to calculate pairing gaps in families of isotopes in the iron region.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of Horizons of Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics (HITES 2012

    Statistical Fluctuations of Electromagnetic Transition Intensities and Electromagnetic Moments in pf-Shell Nuclei

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    We study the fluctuation properties of ΔT=0\Delta T=0 electromagnetic transition intensities and electromagnetic moments in A60A \sim 60 nuclei within the framework of the interacting shell model, using a realistic effective interaction for pfpf-shell nuclei with a 56^{56}Ni core. The distributions of the transition intensities and of the electromagnetic moments are well described by the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices. In particular, the transition intensity distributions follow a Porter-Thomas distribution. When diagonal matrix elements (i.e., moments) are included in the analysis of transition intensities, we find that the distributions remain Porter-Thomas except for the isoscalar M1M1. The latter deviation is explained in terms of the structure of the isoscalar M1M1 operator.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-orbit interaction in quantum dots in the presence of exchange correlations

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    We discuss the problem of spin-orbit interaction in a 2D chaotic or diffusive quantum dot in the presence of exchange correlations. Spin-orbit scattering breaks spin rotation invariance, and in the crossover regime between different symmetries of the spin-orbit coupling, the problem has no closed solution. A conventional choice of a many-particle basis in a numerical diagonalization is the set of Slater determinants built from the single-particle eigenstates of the one-body Hamiltonian (including the spin-orbit terms). We develop a different approach based on the use of a good-spin many-particle basis that is composed of the eigenstates of the universal Hamiltonian in the absence of spin-orbit scattering. We introduce a complete labelling of this good-spin basis and use angular momentum algebra to calculate in closed form the matrix elements of the spin-orbit interaction in this basis. Spin properties, such as the ground-state spin distribution and the spin excitation function, are easily calculated in this basis.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized Morse and Poschl-Teller potentials : The connection via Schrodinger equation

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    We present here a systematic and unified treatment to connect the Schrodinger equation corresponding to generalized Morse and Poschl-Teller potentials. We then show that the wave functions and generalized potentials are linked through the Fourier and Hankel transforms, respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 0 figure

    Exact Dynamical and Partial Symmetries

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    We discuss a hierarchy of broken symmetries with special emphasis on partial dynamical symmetries (PDS). The latter correspond to a situation in which a non-invariant Hamiltonian accommodates a subset of solvable eigenstates with good symmetry, while other eigenstates are mixed. We present an algorithm for constructing Hamiltonians with this property and demonstrate the relevance of the PDS notion to nuclear spectroscopy, to quantum phase transitions and to mixed systems with coexisting regularity and chaos.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Proc. GROUP28: The XXVIII Int. Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics, July 26-30, 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, U

    Scaling Properties of the Giant Dipole Resonance Width in Hot Rotating nuclei

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    We study the systematics of the giant dipole resonance width Γ\Gamma in hot rotating nuclei as a function of temperature TT, spin JJ and mass AA. We compare available experimental results with theoretical calculations that include thermal shape fluctuations in nuclei ranging from A=45 to A=208. Using the appropriate scaled variables, we find a simple phenomenological function Γ(A,T,J)\Gamma(A,T,J) which approximates the global behavior of the giant dipole resonance width in the liquid drop model. We reanalyze recent experimental and theoretical results for the resonance width in Sn isotopes and 208^{208}Pb.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages with 4 figures (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.