253 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Attitudes of Young People toward Mental Illness: A Cross Sectional Study

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    The aim of the study was to investigate young Jordanians’ knowledge and attitudes toward people who have a mental illness. A cross sectional design was utilized. A convenient sample of 858 participants aged between 15–24 years old completed a survey. Participants under 19 years were accessed through their schools and those 19 years and above were accessed through universities. Results showed that although the majority of university and school students’ responses were generally consistent, they disagreed on 11 items on the survey; for example, 186 (39.3%) of university students agreed that mental illness has a biological origin compared with only 119 (30%) of school students. The majority of young people 737 (85.9%) were willing to learn and 792 (92.3%) felt that they have to help people with mental illness, which make them willing to learn. In conclusion, the findings provide insights for decision makers and researchers in Jordan about young peoples’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental illness. Increasing young adults’ literacy through introducing educational programs such as mental health first aid courses will enrich their knowledge; help change attitudes and reduce stigma toward people living with mental illness

    Spectrum Assignment in Hardware-Constrained Cognitive Radio IoT Networks Under Varying Channel-Quality Conditions

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    [EN] The integration of cognitive radio (CR) technology with the future Internet-of-Things (IoT) architecture is expected to allow effective massive IoT deployment by providing huge spectrum opportunities to the IoT devices. Several communication protocols have been proposed for the CR networks while ignoring the adjacent channel interference (ACI) problem by assuming sharp filters at the transmit and receive chains of each CR device. However, in practice, such an assumption is not feasible for low-cost hardware-constrained CR-capable IoT (CR-IoT) devices. Specifically, when a large number of CR-IoT devices are operating in the same vicinity, guard-band channels (GBs) are needed to mitigate the ACI problem, introducing GB adds constraints on the efficient use of spectrum and protocol design. In this paper, we develop a channel assignment mechanism for the hardware-constrained CR-IoT networks under time-varying channel conditions with GB-awareness. The objective of our assignment is to serve the largest possible number of CR-IoT devices by assigning the least number of idle channels to each device subject to rate demand and interference constraints. The proposed channel assignment in this paper is conducted on a per-block basis for the contending CR-IoT devices while considering the time-varying channel conditions for each CRIoT transmission over each idle channel, such that spectrum efficiency is improved. Specifically, our channel assignment problem is formulated as a binary linear programming problem, which is NP-hard. Thus, we propose a polynomial-time solution using a sequential fixing algorithm that achieves a suboptimal solution. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed assignment provides significant increase in the number of served IoT devices over existing assignment mechanisms.This work was supported in part by the QR Global Challenges Research Fund, Staffordshire University, Staffordshire, U.K.Salameh, HAB.; Al-Masri, S.; Benkhelifa, E.; Lloret, J. (2019). Spectrum Assignment in Hardware-Constrained Cognitive Radio IoT Networks Under Varying Channel-Quality Conditions. IEEE Access. 7:42816-42825. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2901902S4281642825

    Insertion Detection System Employing Neural Network MLP and Detection Trees Using Different Techniques

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    by addressing intruder attacks, network security experts work to maintain services available at all times. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the available mechanisms for detecting and classifying any abnormal behavior. As a result, the IDS must always be up to date with the most recent intruder attack signatures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the services. This paper shows how the NSL-KDD dataset may be used to test and evaluate various Machine Learning techniques. It focuses mostly on the NLS-KDD pre-processing step to create an acceptable and balanced experimental data set to improve accuracy and minimize false positives. For this study, the approaches J48 and MLP were employed. The Decision Trees classifier has been demonstrated to have the highest accuracy rate for detecting and categorizing all NSL-KDD dataset attacks

    A Critique of Jabra’s Arabic Translation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest

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    This study critiques and evaluates Jabra’s translation of The Tempest into Arabic. This translation poses a lot of problems stemming from the differences between English and Arabic, the difficulty and ambiguity of the original text, and the translator’s approach.The discussion demonstrates the great efforts made by the translator to convey the equivalent meanings of the text. It also clearly shows that Jabra’s translation is literal, that the translator sometimes uses colloquial, inaccurate, and nonpoetic words that add to the ambiguity of the text, that he sometimes gives good translations, that he makes slight mistakes, and that he sometimes deletes or drops words or lines from the text, which represents a flagrant violation of the ethics of translation.Despite the pitfalls, Jabra’s translation of The Tempest is the fruit of hard work deserving of praise and appreciation. The mistakes made are ascribed to the difficulty of translating literature whose language consists of figures of speech that defy translation.Key words: Shakespeare; Drama in translation; Language; English; Arabic; Syntax; Figures of speech; Literary translation; Strategies of translatio

    Adverse drug events associated with vitamin K antagonists: factors of therapeutic imbalance

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    Nancy El-Helou, Amal Al-Hajje, Rola Ajrouche, Sanaa Awada, Samar Rachidi, Salam Zein, Pascale SalamehClinical and Epidemiological Research Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lebanese University, Beirut, LebanonBackground: Adverse drug events (ADE) occur frequently during treatment with vitamin K antagonists (AVK) and contribute to increase hemorrhagic risks.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted over a period of 2 years. Patients treated with AVK and admitted to the emergency room of a tertiary care hospital in Beirut were included. The aim of the study was to identify ADE characterized by a high international normalized ratio (INR) and to determine the predictive factors responsible for these events. Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS statistical package.Results: We included 148 patients. Sixty-seven patients (47.3%) with an INR above the therapeutic range were identified as cases. The control group consisted of 81 patients (54.7%) with an INR within the therapeutic range. Hemorrhagic complications were observed in 53.7% of cases versus 6.2% of controls (P < 0.0001). No significant difference was noticed between cases and controls regarding the indication and the dose of AVK. Patients aged over 75 years were more likely to present an INR above the therapeutic range (58.2%, P = 0.049). Recent infection was present in 40.3% of cases versus 6.2% of controls (P < 0.0001) and hypoalbuminemia in 37.3% of cases versus 6.1% of controls (P < 0.0001). Treatment with antibiotics, amiodarone, and anti-inflammatory drugs were also factors of imbalance (P < 0.0001).Conclusion: Many factors may be associated with ADE related to AVK. Monitoring of INR and its stabilization in the therapeutic range are important for preventing these events.Keywords: adverse drug events, vitamin K antagonists, bleeding risks, therapeutic imbalanc

    Pharmacy education and practice in 13 middle eastern countries

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    The Arab world has influenced the art and science of pharmacy for centuries. Pharmacy education and practice is continuing to evolve in the Arabic-speaking traditional Middle East countries, although relatively little information has been published in the English press. Our goal was to providea high-level synopsis of conditions in this region. We selected 13 countries for review. Information was obtained by reviewing the available published literature and individual university and program web sites, as well as contacting with program or country representatives. Seventy-eight active pharmacy schools in 12 countries were identified. At least 14,000 students (over 75% from Egypt) are admitted into baccalaureate degree programs every year. The 5-year baccalaureate degree remains the first professional degree to practice. While changes in pharmacy education have been relatively rapid over the past decade, the advancement of pharmacy practice, particularly in the private sector, appears to be slower. Hospital pharmacists often possess an advanced degree and tend to have a higher level of practice compared to that of community pharmacists. Despite the adversities that face academics and practitioners alike, there is a strong desire to advance the science and practice of pharmacy in the Middle East

    Experimental study of the effect of fully shading on the Solar PV module performance

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    Experimental tests were performed to study the effects of shading for different string inside the photovoltaic (PV) panels, power equipped with different number of diodes from the same manufacturer as of solar panel. The IV curve for all cases were recorded to see how the bypass diodes will reduce the effects of shading .The case for 3 by pass diode show the best performance of solar PV module under shading phenomena

    Public satisfaction with COVID-19 vaccination program in Saudi Arabia

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    The challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have required the introduction of new care delivery models and procedures. For the foreseeable future, vaccine administration will be a key part of the patient experience journey. It is important therefore to understand and evaluate experiences of individuals taking the vaccination, an area which requires considerable attention. To address this, the COVID-19 Vaccination Satisfaction survey was developed and administered at several healthcare facilities across Saudi Arabia. Between January 2021 and end of December 2021, a total of 1,699,177 completed surveys were collected. The survey results suggest high satisfaction among participants taking the vaccine; however, satisfaction with information and communication about the vaccine was relatively low. Results from this survey are updated daily and provide unique insights into the key strengths of the vaccination process, as well as aspects within the process that require improvement. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Policy & Measurement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens