236 research outputs found

    The Universal Coefticient Theorem in the Category of Fuzzy Soft Modules

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    This paper begins with the basic concepts of chain comlexes of fuzzy soft modules. Later, we introduce short exact sequence of fuzzy soft modules and prove that split short exact sequence of fuzzy soft chain complex. Naturally, we want to investigate whether or not the universal coefficient theorems are satisfied in category of fuzzy soft chain complexes. However, in the proof of these theorems in the category of chain complexes, exact sequence of homology modules of chain complexes is used. Generally, sequence of fuzzy soft homology modules is not exact in fuzzy chain complexes. Therefore in this study, we construct exact sequence of fuzzy soft homology modules under some conditions. Universal coefficients theorem is proven by making use of this idea

    How Online Solutions Help Beat the Lockdown in Higher Education: A Central Asia Case Study

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    This chapter is aimed at summarizing the recent initiatives put in action for solving the problems in delivering the educational services in the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, TTPU, after the lockdown, and the stringent measures taken by the Uzbek government in March 2020, for the pandemic explosion of the COVID-19 virus. The long-lasting connection between Politecnico di Torino, a European University, and this Central Asia Institution has been proven to be extremely effective, maximizing the benefits of TTPU in promptly offering online solutions for remote lectures, and the preparation of the technical substrate for both the exams and admission test which will be delivered after the completion of the second semester lectures. A summary of the IT tools adopted, with compact highlights of their features, as well as the qualitative feedback collected from the first courses offered with a reshaped structure suitable for online classes are thoroughly discussed in this work

    About one differential model of dynamics of groundwater

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    When modeling the flow of groundwater and streams together, two different approaches are used, using hydraulic and hydrological models as channel flow models. The former is based on mathematical equations of water movement in open channels. In contrast, the latter is based on simplified empirical and semi-empirical relationships between the hydraulic characteristics of watercourses. In both cases, the watercourse is an internal boundary for the groundwater flow - otherwise, it is advisable to model it as a body of water. The groundwater model can be a scale model or an electrical model of the state of the groundwater or an aquifer. Groundwater models are used to represent the natural flow of groundwater in an environment. Some groundwater models include aspects of groundwater quality. Such groundwater models attempt to predict the fate and movement of a chemical in natural, urban, or hypothetical scenarios. Groundwater models can be used to predict the impact of hydrological changes on aquifer behavior and are often referred to as groundwater simulation models. Also, groundwater models are currently being used in various water management plans for urban areas. Because calculations in mathematical groundwater models are based on groundwater flow equations, which are differential equations that can often only be solved by approximate methods using numerical analysis, these models are also referred to as mathematical, numerical, or computational groundwater models

    Analisis Kesalahan Siswa SMK dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Aljabar Berbasis Teori Kastolan

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    The concept of algebra is very important in learning mathematics, students' ability to understand advanced mathematics lessons depends on mastery of algebraic concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the errors that often arise when students solve algebra problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the errors of vocational students in class XI in solving algebra problems. This research uses a qualitative method that is analyzed descriptively. The research subjects were 28 students of class XI with the object of research, which is the errors that arise when students solve algebra problems. The results showed that based on Kastolan's Theory, procedural errors occur most often, followed by technical errors, and concepts

    The study of clinical effectiveness and tolerance of the treatment in the exacerbation of COPD

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    The article cites the results of the effectiveness of various medicamentous treatment regimens of 109 COPD patients in the stage of exacerbation. The findings revealed that the patients of all study groups experienced regression of major clinical symptoms under the influence of the administered treatment, but it was essentially different subject to the regimens of the treatment. Inclusion of Salmeterol+Flutikazone to the complex treatment of the exacerbation of COPD has a good influence on the clinical development of the disease and according to the evidence of effectiveness it excels standard basal treatment. The positive result of the treatment, and also the absence of the mentioned side effects quite clearly indicate high clinical effectiveness of Salmeterol+Flutikazone in the exacerbation of COPD.В статье приведены результаты эффективности различных режимов медикаментозного лечения 109 больных ХОБЛ в стадии обострения. Результаты проведенного исследования показали, что у больных всех групп наблюдения под влиянием проводимого лечения была отмечена регрессия основных клинических симптомов, однако она существенным образом различалась в зависимости от режимов терапии. Включение Салметерол+Флутиказона в комплексное лечение обострений ХОБЛ оказывает положительное влияние на клинические проявления заболевания, а по выраженности эффекта превосходит стандартную базисную терапию. Полученный положительный результат лечения, а также отсутствие выраженных побочных явлений достаточно убедительно свидетельствует о высокой клинической эффективности Салметерол+Флутиказона при обострении ХОБЛ

    Palaeo-environmental evolution of Central Asia during the Cenozoic: new insights from the continental sedimentary archive of the Valley of Lakes (Mongolia)

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    The Valley of Lakes basin (Mongolia) contains a unique continental sedimentary archive, suitable for constraining the influence of tectonics and climate change on the aridification of Central Asia in the Cenozoic. We identify the sedimentary provenance, the (post)depositional environment and the palaeo-climate based on sedimentological, petrographical, mineralogical, and (isotope) geochemical signatures recorded in authigenic and detrital silicates as well as soil carbonates in a sedimentary succession spanning from ~34 to 21 Ma. The depositional setting was characterized by an ephemeral braided river system draining prograding alluvial fans, with episodes of lake, playa or open-steppe sedimentation. Metamorphics from the northern adjacent Neoarchean to late Proterozoic hinterlands provided a continuous influx of silicate detritus to the basin, as indicated by K-Ar ages of detrital muscovite (~798-728 Ma) and discrimination function analysis. The authigenic clay fraction is dominated by illite-smectite and “hairy” illite (K-Ar ages of ~34-25 Ma), which formed during coupled petrogenesis and precipitation from hydrothermal fluids originating from major basalt flow events (~32-29 and ~29-25 Ma). Changes in hydroclimate are recorded in [delta]18O and [delta]13C profiles of soil carbonates and in silicate mineral weathering patterns, indicating that comparatively humid to semi-arid conditions prevailed in the late(st) Eocene, changing into arid conditions in the Oligocene and back to humid to semi-arid conditions in the early Miocene. Aridification steps are indicated at ~34-33, ~31, ~28 and ~23 Ma and coincide with some episodes of high-latitude ice-sheet expansion inferred from marine deep-sea sedimentary records. This suggests that long-term variations in the ocean-atmosphere circulation patterns due to pCO2 fall, reconfiguration of ocean gateways and ice-sheet expansion in Antarctica could have impacted the hydroclimate and weathering regime in the basin. We conclude that the aridification in Central Asia was triggered by reduced moisture influx by westerly winds driven by Cenozoic climate forcing and the exhumation of the Tian Shan and Altai Mountains and modulated by global climate events

    Selectively Modified Lactose and N-Acetyllactosamine Analogs at Three Key Positions to Afford Effective Galectin-3 Ligands †

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    Galectins constitute a family of galactose-binding lectins overly expressed in the tumor microenvironment as well as in innate and adaptive immune cells, in inflammatory diseases. Lactose ((β-D-galactopyranosyl)-(1→4)-β-D-glucopyranose, Lac) and N-Acetyllactosamine (2-acetamido-2-deoxy-4-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose, LacNAc) have been widely exploited as ligands for a wide range of galectins, sometimes with modest selectivity. Even though several chemical modifications at single positions of the sugar rings have been applied to these ligands, very few examples combined the simultaneous modifications at key positions known to increase both affinity and selectivity. We report herein combined modifications at the anomeric position, C-2, and O-3′ of each of the two sugars, resulting in a 3′-O-sulfated LacNAc analog having a Kd of 14.7 µM against human Gal-3 as measured by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). This represents a six-fold increase in affinity when compared to methyl β-D-lactoside having a Kd of 91 µM. The three best compounds contained sulfate groups at the O-3′ position of the galactoside moieties, which were perfectly in line with the observed highly cationic character of the human Gal-3 binding site shown by the co-crystal of one of the best candidates of the LacNAc series

    Neutronic model of a fusion neutron source

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    The MCNPX numerical code has been used to model a fusion neutron source based on a combined stellaratormirror trap. Calculation results for the neutron spectrum near the inner wall and radial leakage of neutrons through the mantle surface of the fusion neutron source are presented.С помощью программы MCNPX разработана концепция термоядерного источника нейтронов на основе открытой ловушки. Представлены спектры нейтронов вблизи первой стенки, а также результаты расчетов радиальной утечки нейтронных потоков за пределы моделируемой системы.За допомогою програми MCNPX розроблена концепція термоядерного джерела нейтронів на основі відкритої пастки. Представлені спектри нейтронів поблизу першої стінки, а також результати розрахунків радіального витоку нейтронних потоків за межі модельованої системи