16 research outputs found

    Paleogeografia zlodowacenia Warty i powstanie moren czołowych na północnych stokach wału śląskiego, południowo-zachodnia Polska

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    There is evidence, hitherto often denied, for the ice marginal features, including the end moraine hills along the Silesian Rampart, SW Poland. These end moraines are attributed to the regional advance of the Wartanian ice sheet into its maximum position, which is also marked by subglacial till bed. The end moraine hills are located on the northern slopes of the Silesian Rampart and they are very rare, partly due to subsequent erosion, but mainly due to conditions not favourable for a remarkable proglacial accumulation. The Wartanian end moraines of southwestern Poland possess several features that suggest that they are end moraines with dominant waterlain, stratified sediments. They are interpreted as alluvial fans, where the ice margin is represented by a 'scarp'. They have semi-conical form, often plano-convex geometry and an average distal slope of 2-25°. These fans are equivalent to sheetflow-dominated or 'humid' alluvial fans in non-glacial environments. Sedimentary sequences of the end moraines consist mainly of coarse-grained material, with boulders up to 1.8 m in diameter, with typical sediments of 'proximal fan' with a highly pulsatory water discharge. The formation of the end moraine followed the formation of a proglacial lake and strong erosion after its drainage. The end moraine was formed during oscillation of the ice margin that resulted in local glaciotectonic deformation of the end moraine fan sediments (push) and a set of parallel hills, with successive younger alluvial fans (retreat)

    Meteorological conditions at the Arctowski Station (King George Island, Antarctic) in 2012

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    W artykule przedstawiono przebieg warunków meteorologicznych na Stacji H. Arctowskiego (Wyspa Króla Jerzego, Szetlandy Pd., Antarktyka) w 2012 roku. Pomiary prowadzono za pomocą automatycznej stacji meteorologicznej Davis Vantage Pro+ w interwale godzinnym. Przeanalizowano zmienność ciśnienia atmosferycznego, promieniowania słonecznego, temperatury i wilgotności powietrza oraz kierunku i prędkości wiatru w cyklu rocznym i dobowym. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z dłuższym okresem pomiarowym (1977-1999) oraz z równoległymi danymi z innych stacji prowadzących pomiary meteorologiczne na Wyspie Króla Jerzego.This paper presents the meteorological conditions at the Arctowski Station (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) in 2012. Measurements were carried out using an automatic weather station Davis Vantage Pro+. At the Arctowski Station the global solar radiation in the period from January 19 to December 31, 2012 amounted to 2985.3 MJ.m-2 (8.60 MJ.m-2.day-1). Taking into account the full year from 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013, this totaled to 2909.6 MJ.m-2 (7.97 MJ.m-2.day-1). The highest monthly value of solar radiation occurred in December, 567.8 MJ.m-2 (18.32 MJ.m-2.day-1) and the lowest in June, 10.4 MJ.m-2 (0.35 MJ.m-2.day-1). The average annual air temperature was –1.5°C, with the highest monthly average in January (2.4°C) and lowest in June (–5.6°C). The maximum of air temperature was 9.6°C, and the minimum –17.2°C. In 2012 the average atmospheric pressure at sea level was 989.0 hPa, with a characteristic semi-annual oscillation of pressure with two minima: in summer (January 985.3 hPa) and winter (June 979.4 hPa) and two maxima: in autumn (April 996.7 hPa) and spring (September 994.9 hPa). The lowest pressure was 946.8 hPa and the highest 1020.7 hPa. At the Arctowski Station SW, NE, E and SE winds dominate in accordance with gradient of air pressure and the local orography. The average wind speed at 2 m above the ground was 4.8 ms-1, with maximum in winter (June 6.1 ms-1) and minimum in summer (December 3.1 ms-1). The maximum wind speed exceeded 40 ms-1. Relative air humidity was 83%. There is less humidity in summer (January 78%) than in winter (July, 87%). In the course of humidity indicate the day with low humidity during foehn winds. Arctowski Station area is warmer to other regions of King George Island (about 1°C in summer and 1.5°C in winter). On the King George Island and Antarctic Peninsula area occurred increase of air temperature. At the neighboring station Bellingshausen in the years 1968-2012 air temperature rise by 0.17°C/10 years

    Model systemu Smart Grid zarządzania dystrybucją energii elektrycznej

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    This paper presents issues concerning the implementation of Smart Grid solutions in a real distribution network. The main components possible to quick implementation were presented. Realization of these ideas should bring tangible benefi ts to both customers and distribution system operators. Moreover the paper shows selected research results which examine proposed solutions in area of improving supply reliability and reducing energy losses in analysed network.W  artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące wdrażania rozwiązań typu Smart Grid w  konkretnej sieci rozdzielczej. Omówiono główne systemy, możliwe do szybkiego wdrożenia, których zastosowanie przyniesie wymierne korzyści zarówno odbiorcom energii elektrycznej, jak i operatorowi sieci. Przedstawiono też wybrane wyniki badań, których celem było sprawdzenie proponowanych rozwiązań pod kątem możliwości osiągnięcia założonych celów, a w szczególności poprawy pewności zasilania oraz ograniczenia strat energii w analizowanej sieci

    Multi-domain utilization by TUT4 and TUT7 in control of let-7 biogenesis

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    The uridyl transferases TUT4 and TUT7 (collectively called TUT4(7)) switch between two modes of activity, either promoting expression of let-7 microRNA (monoU) or marking it for degradation (oligoU). Lin28 modulates the switch via recruitment of TUT4(7) to the precursor pre-let-7 in stem cells and human cancers. We found that TUT4(7) utilize two multidomain functional modules during the switch from monoU to oligoU. The catalytic module (CM) is essential for both activities, while the Lin28-interacting module (LIM) is indispensable for oligoU. A TUT7 CM structure trapped in the monoU activity staterevealed a duplex-RNA-binding pocket that orients group II pre-let-7 hairpins to favor monoU addition. Conversely, the switch to oligoU requires the ZK domain of Lin28 to drive the formation of a stable ternary complex between pre-let-7 and the inactive LIM. Finally, ZK2 of TUT4(7) aids oligoU addition by engaging the growing oligoU tail through uracil-specific interactions