93 research outputs found

    The twistor spinors of generic 2- and 3-distributions

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    Generic distributions on 5- and 6-manifolds give rise to conformal structures that were discovered by P. Nurowski resp. R. Bryant. We describe both as Fefferman-type constructions and show that for orientable distributions one obtains conformal spin structures. The resulting conformal spin geometries are then characterized by their conformal holonomy and equivalently by the existence of a twistor spinor which satisfies a genericity condition. Moreover, we show that given such a twistor spinor we can decompose a conformal Killing field of the structure. We obtain explicit formulas relating conformal Killing fields, almost Einstein structures and twistor spinors.Comment: 26 page

    A holonomy characterisation of Fefferman spaces

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    We prove that Fefferman spaces, associated to non--degenerate CR structures of hypersurface type, are characterised, up to local conformal isometry, by the existence of a parallel orthogonal complex structure on the standard tractor bundle. This condition can be equivalently expressed in terms of conformal holonomy. Extracting from this picture the essential consequences at the level of tensor bundles yields an improved, conformally invariant analogue of Sparling's characterisation of Fefferman spaces.Comment: AMSLaTeX, 15 page

    Einstein metrics in projective geometry

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    It is well known that pseudo-Riemannian metrics in the projective class of a given torsion free affine connection can be obtained from (and are equivalent to) the solutions of a certain overdetermined projectively invariant differential equation. This equation is a special case of a so-called first BGG equation. The general theory of such equations singles out a subclass of so-called normal solutions. We prove that non-degerate normal solutions are equivalent to pseudo-Riemannian Einstein metrics in the projective class and observe that this connects to natural projective extensions of the Einstein condition.Comment: 10 pages. Adapted to published version. In addition corrected a minor sign erro

    The conformal Killing equation on forms -- prolongations and applications

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    We construct a conformally invariant vector bundle connection such that its equation of parallel transport is a first order system that gives a prolongation of the conformal Killing equation on differential forms. Parallel sections of this connection are related bijectively to solutions of the conformal Killing equation. We construct other conformally invariant connections, also giving prolongations of the conformal Killing equation, that bijectively relate solutions of the conformal Killing equation on kk-forms to a twisting of the conformal Killing equation on (k - l)-forms for various integers l. These tools are used to develop a helicity raising and lowering construction in the general setting and on conformally Einstein manifolds.Comment: 37 page

    Free CR distributions

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    There are only some exceptional CR dimensions and codimensions such that the geometries enjoy a discrete classification of the pointwise types of the homogeneous models. The cases of CR dimensions nn and codimensions n2n^2 are among the very few possibilities of the so called parabolic geometries. Indeed, the homogeneous model turns out to be \PSU(n+1,n)/P with a suitable parabolic subgroup PP. We study the geometric properties of such real (2n+n2)(2n+n^2)-dimensional submanifolds in Cn+n2\mathbb C^{n+n^2} for all n>1n>1. In particular we show that the fundamental invariant is of torsion type, we provide its explicit computation, and we discuss an analogy to the Fefferman construction of a circle bundle in the hypersurface type CR geometry

    Ambient connections realising conformal Tractor holonomy

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    For a conformal manifold we introduce the notion of an ambient connection, an affine connection on an ambient manifold of the conformal manifold, possibly with torsion, and with conditions relating it to the conformal structure. The purpose of this construction is to realise the normal conformal tractor holonomy as affine holonomy of such a connection. We give an example of an ambient connection for which this is the case, and which is torsion free if we start the construction with a C-space, and in addition Ricci-flat if we start with an Einstein manifold. Thus for a CC-space this example leads to an ambient metric in the weaker sense of \v{C}ap and Gover, and for an Einstein space to a Ricci-flat ambient metric in the sense of Fefferman and Graham.Comment: 17 page

    Prolongations of Geometric Overdetermined Systems

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    We show that a wide class of geometrically defined overdetermined semilinear partial differential equations may be explicitly prolonged to obtain closed systems. As a consequence, in the case of linear equations we extract sharp bounds on the dimension of the solution space.Comment: 22 pages. In the second version, a comparison with the classical theory of prolongations was added. In this third version more details were added concerning our construction and especially the use of Kostant's computation of Lie algebra cohomolog

    k-Dirac operator and parabolic geometries

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    The principal group of a Klein geometry has canonical left action on the homogeneous space of the geometry and this action induces action on the spaces of sections of vector bundles over the homogeneous space. This paper is about construction of differential operators invariant with respect to the induced action of the principal group of a particular type of parabolic geometry. These operators form sequences which are related to the minimal resolutions of the k-Dirac operators studied in Clifford analysis

    Weyl's Gauge Invariance: Conformal Geometry, Spinors, Supersymmetry, and Interactions

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    We extend our program, of coupling theories to scale in order to make their Weyl invariance manifest, to include interacting theories, fermions and supersymmetric theories. The results produce mass terms coinciding with the standard ones for universes that are Einstein, but are novel in general backgrounds. They are generalizations of the gravitational couplings of a conformally improved scalar to fields with general scaling and tensor properties. The couplings we find are more general than just trivial ones following from the conformal compensating mechanisms. In particular, in the setting where a scale gauge field (or dilaton) is included, masses correspond to Weyl weights of fields organized in ``tractor'' multiplets. Breitenlohner--Freedman bounds follow directly from reality of these weights. Moreover, massive, massless and partially massless theories are handled in a uniform framework. Also, bona fide Weyl invariant theories (invariant without coupling to scale) can be directly derived in this approach. The results are based on the tractor calculus approach to conformal geometry, in particular we show how to handle fermi fields, supersymmetry and Killing spinors using tractor techniques. Another useful consequence of the construction is that it automatically produces the (anti) de Sitter theories obtained by log-radial reduction of Minkowski theories in one higher dimension. Theories presented in detail include interacting scalars, spinors, Rarita--Schwinger fields, and the interacting Wess--Zumino model.Comment: 31 pages, LaTe

    Smooth metric measure spaces, quasi-Einstein metrics, and tractors

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    We introduce the tractor formalism from conformal geometry to the study of smooth metric measure spaces. In particular, this gives rise to a correspondence between quasi-Einstein metrics and parallel sections of certain tractor bundles. We use this formulation to give a sharp upper bound on the dimension of the vector space of quasi-Einstein metrics, providing a different perspective on some recent results of He, Petersen and Wylie.Comment: 33 pages; final versio