2,338 research outputs found

    Prototype Palang Pintu Otomatis pada Jalur Lintasan KeretaApi Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Pengontrolan berbasis mikrokontroler merupakan suatu teknologi elektronika yang memungkinkan suatu sistem dapat dikontrol secara otomatis. Semakin meningkatkannya manusia dalam melakukan perjalanan, terutama dengan menggunakan transportasi darat berupa kereta api. Maka tingkat keselamatan dalam perjalanan perlu diperhatikan. Pada model transportasi kereta api, tingat kecelakaan di palang pintu perlintasan sangat tinggi, disebabkan tidak adanya palang pintu atau palang pintu masih dioperasikan secara manual. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mikrokontroler, dibuat suatu prototype pada palang pintu perlintasan kereta api yang akan menutup dan membuka secara otomatis. Prototype ini ditempatkan di pinggir rel kereta api, jika kereta api akan melewati perlintasan maka sensor suara akan medeteksi dan mengirimkan sinyal ke kendali mikrokontroler untuk menutup palang pintu dan menyalakan indikator merah. Jika sensor suara mengalami kegagalan, maka sensor infra merah yang difungsikan sebagai cadangan akan menggantikan fungsi dari sensor suara. Setelah kereta api melewati pintu perlintasan, sensor ketiga yaitu sensor infra merah aktif untuk mengirim sinyal ke kendali mikrokontroler untuk membuka palang pintu dan menyalakan indikator hijau pada traffic light

    Distributed Estimation of a Parametric Field Using Sparse Noisy Data

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    The problem of distributed estimation of a parametric physical field is stated as a maximum likelihood estimation problem. Sensor observations are distorted by additive white Gaussian noise. Prior to data transmission, each sensor quantizes its observation to MM levels. The quantized data are then communicated over parallel additive white Gaussian channels to a fusion center for a joint estimation. An iterative expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the unknown parameter is formulated, and its linearized version is adopted for numerical analysis. The numerical examples are provided for the case of the field modeled as a Gaussian bell. The dependence of the integrated mean-square error on the number of quantization levels, the number of sensors in the network and the SNR in observation and transmission channels is analyzed.Comment: to appear at Milcom-201

    The Assessment of English Teachers' Ability to Write a Scientific Article in English

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    This article presented results of a study investigating several English teachers' ability to write a scientific article. This was a qualitative research seeking to assess the scientific articles written by many English teachers. 25 English teachers who were currently pursuing the masters of education study at a university in Kalimantan were invited to become the research participants. The data were collected through the analysis of teachers' articles and interviews with some of the teachers. The results reveal majority of the English teachers experienced difficulties producing articles ready to be published in good scholarly journals. Lack of scientific article writing experiences or practices and teachers' English writing competence have been the major contributors of their inability to write good articles. This study, therefore, recommends the provision of relevant professional developments for English teachers to further improve their scientific article writing competence

    Changing Policy of English Teaching Approach at Indonesian Secondary Schools

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    The objective of the research is to identify the causes of secondary school students\u27 failure to acquire English effectively. This qualitative research involves a number of students, teachers from lower and upper secondary schools, lecturers and English department students. Findings of this research reveal issues such as English teacher quality, English study program graduates quality, lack of English learning hours at school, the absence of extra-curricular activities for English exposure and English speaking environment, English national exam, the underuse and inexistence of facilities and ineffective monitoring system as the major contributors of students\u27 English learning ineffectiveness. This study, therefore, recommends the relevant ministries to cope with these issues urgently or else this unfavorable situation will remain unchanged in future years

    Investigation of Buried Tank by Using Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) at Perta Arun Gas (PAG) Lhokseumawe

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    Investigasi keberadaan tank/bunker yang tertimbun telah dilakukan dibagian area PT Perta Arun Gas (PAG) Lhokseumawe dengan menggunakan metode Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) yang dilengkapi dengan satu set alat CMD. Enam buah lintasan pengukuran yang memiliki panjang 66 m dan memiliki spasi diantaranya 1 m telah didesain untuk mecakup area dugaan target. Hasil investigasi menunjukkan bahwa adanya keberadaan tangki/bunker. Keberadaan tangki/bunker tersebut sebagai hasil interpretasi nilai-nilai konduktivitas listrik yang bervariasi mulai dari 1210-1320 mS.m-1 atau setara dengan -227,26 sampai dengan -227,82 ppt. Dari variasi nilai konduktivitas listrik, maka dapat disketsa dimensi dari tangki/bunker dimana tangki tersebut terdiri dari 3 bagian dengan ukuran yang berbeda. Bagian pertama memiliki diameter 1 m dan panjang 8 m. Bagian kedua memiliki diameter 2,8 m dan panjang 11 m, sedangkan bagian terakhir memiliki diameter 2,5 m dan panjannya 19 m, sehingga panjang keseluruhan tangki adalah 38 m. Kedalaman tangki tersebut dari bagian yang paling kecil ke besar secara berturut-turut adalah 1 m, 3 m dan 4 m. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa metode ini berhasil diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi benda-benda logam yang tertanam. The investigation of buried tank was performed at the part of PT. Perta Arun Gas (PAG) area, Lhokseumawe by using the Conductivity Multi Depth (CMD) method and equipped by one-set of the apparatus. The six spreads of data acquisition whose 66 m long for every spread and 1 m spacing between them were set intending to cover the subsurface target and get a good resolution of its image. The result shows that there is an exsisted tank. This finding was derived according to electrical conductivity values where generally they vary from 1210 to 1320 mS.m-1 or equivalent to -227,26 until -227,82 ppt. From this various electrical conductivity the image of tank/bunker was sketched. The tank is consisted of three different sizes where the first part has the diameter 1 m in length and 8 m long. The second part is 2,8 m in diameter and has 11 m long, while the last part has a dimension 2,5 m in diameter and 19 m long. So that the total length of the tank is 38 m. Furthermore the depth of every part from the smallest to biggest is in average 1 m, 3 m dan 4 m respectively. In conclude it can be said this method proved that its application in detecting the burried metal objects is effectively successful

    The Effects of Verbalizable Features on Category Learning Strategies

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    The present study investigated the effects of how verbalizable features (easy vs not-easily) are on category learning strategies with respect to the COVIS model, which states there are two competing systems (verbal and implicit) that operate simultaneously when making categorization decisions. A total of 102 undergraduate students took part in the experiment, which was an A-B categorization task conducted in a video game setting. A rule-based approach reflected the verbal system whereas a family resemblance approach reflected the implicit system. The findings partially support the hypothesis and COVIS model in that participants in the easily verbalizable condition were more likely to use a rule-based approach, but no clear evidence was found to support the notion that participants would be more likely to use a family resemblance approach if the features were difficult to verbalize

    Investigating Saudi tertiary teachers’ and learners’ attitudes toward communicative language teaching : a mixed-methods approach

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate both Saudi tertiary teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Moreover, the study also explored the factors that promote or hinder the implementation of the CLT approach in English language classrooms from their point of view. Ajzen’s (2005) theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the cultural dimensions framework developed by Hofstede (1980, 2001) and Hofstede et al. (2010) provided a theoretical foundation on which this study was based. The TPB was used to understand teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward the CLT approach in Saudi context. A mixed-method research approach was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The sample of this study included students and teachers from the English Language Department of the College of Arts and Sciences at a Saudi University in Saudi Arabia. The results showed that there is a mismatch between the expressed attitudes (teachers) and the actual behaviour in classrooms. For example, teachers showed awareness of the importance of the CLT approach and development of learners’ communicative ability. However, their actual classroom practice did not include sufficient communicative activities if any and their focus was merely on grammar, error correction, and vocabulary memorisation. These mismatches could be caused by the influence of hierarchical Saudi culture on the classroom practice, for example, high power distance between students and teachers. Also, students were reserved in their classroom interactions. Students, on the other hand, showed a positive attitude toward the CLT activities and suggested that teachers should create a comfortable atmosphere in classrooms to encourage interaction. Students believed that a wide range of activities should be used (i.e. pair and group work) to provide real-world situations for practising meaningful communication in classrooms. The findings also highlighted factors that inhibited effective CLT, such as the paucity of resources and teachers’ lack of training in implementing the CLT approach appropriately. Other highlighted barriers include large class size and the prevalence of grammar-based examinations. The Saudi culture is very collectivistic, with several features of significant power distance society that has resulted in pair and group work becoming problematic to be considered as an effective classroom activity


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan Hukum Perbankan tentang kegiatan menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan bagaimana pertanggungjawaban korporasi menurut PERMA No. 13 Tahun 2016, yang dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Menghimpun dana dari masyarakat tanpa izin tindak pidana yang banyak terjadi dalam masyarakat, yang umumnya dengan menggunakan badan usaha baik berbadan hukum maupun tidak berbadan hukum. Kegiatan menghimpun dana tersebut beroperasi layaknya bank, padahal harus memenuhi persyaratan seperti adanya izin usaha dari instansi yang berwenang, dan merupakan kegiatan investasi bodong. 2. Pertanggungjawaban pidana Korporasi belum sepenuhnya diterapkan di dalam penegakan hukum, oleh karena aparat penegak hukum diliputi kebimbangan dalam menerapkannya. Kehadiran PERMA No. 13 Tahun 2016 adalah upaya mengisi kekosongan dan memberikan pedoman bagi aparat penegak hukum menggunakan dan meminta pertanggungjawaban pidana Korporasi.Kata kunci: dana dari masyarakat, korporas
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