10 research outputs found

    Effect of rearing temperature on flesh quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

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    Currently, no information is available on the effect of progressively decreasing temperatures on the sensory quality of Arctic charr. The objective of this study was to investigate if and how different and progressively changing rearing temperatures affect the sensory quality of cooked and raw fillets of Arctic charr. The effects of rearing temperature on the sensory quality of Arctic charr (weight range 622–888 g) were investigated. Rearing temperature was changed during the experimental period as the fish were reared at constant or decreased temperature during October to April and subsequently reared at two constant temperatures from April to August establishing six different rearing temperature combinations. Significant differences were seen in all four main sensory attributes groups, that is odour, appearance, flavour and texture. Freshness characteristics such as sweet odour and flavour, and metallic odour and flavour increased with decreasing rearing temperature, whereas musty odour and flavour decreased. Rearing temperature had a clear effect on the colour of the fillets. Lower rearing temperature increased colour intensity substantially. Softness, juiciness and tenderness increased with decreased rearing temperature. A trend was seen towards more effect from final rearing temperature than initial temperature on the sensory attributes studied. Spoilage characteristics, that is, sour and rancid odour and flavour, and off-odour and flavour were either very weak or not noticeable in all sample groups.acceptedVersio

    Batnar fyrr og líður betur : meðferð sjúklinga sem fara í ristilskurðaðgerð

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenAð heyra sjúklinga sína segja: „Á nú að fleygja manni út?“ vekur alltaf umhugsun og tilfinningu um að umönnun þeirra hafi að einhverju leyti verið ábótavant. Á skurðlækningadeild 12G á Landspítala hefur verið tekin upp meðferð sem gerir það að verkum að sjúklingum batnar fyrr, líður betur og útskrifast þess vegna fyrr heim. Hér verður sagt frá undirbúningi og framkvæmd flýtibatameðferðar fyrir sjúklinga sem fara í ristilskurðaðgerð. Einnig verður greint frá niðurstöðum rannsóknar á líðan og endurbata sjúklinganna

    A Comparison of Fresh and Frozen Lamb Meat—Differences in Technological Meat Quality and Sensory Attributes

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by Agricultural Productivity Fund of Iceland, Nordic Native Meat and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Technological meat quality and sensory attributes of fresh and frozen lamb meat were compared. Samples were collected from two abattoirs (one small-scale, one large-scale) that use different slaughter methods in terms of chilling regime and electrical stimulation. The fresh and frozen meat samples included products from both slaughter systems. Ten twin pairs of ram lambs were used in the study, with one of each twin slaughtered at each abattoir. Fresh meat was analysed after chilling and frozen meat was stored frozen for three months and analysed after thawing. The Musculus longissimus thoracis et lumborum was analysed for colour, cooking loss, sensory attributes, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and distribution of water and lipid within each meat sample. Meat samples analysed after frozen storage were darker, less red and more yellow than the fresh meat. Freezing and frozen storage increased fluid loss and WBSF compared with the fresh meat, due to protein denaturation. Frozen storage affected sensory attributes by increasing fatty odour, frying flavour, sour flavour, fatty flavour and liver flavour, and by reducing juicy texture and mushy texture.Peer reviewe

    Greiðslur til eigenda einkahlutafélaga- og skattlagning slíkra úttekta.

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    Markmið þessarar ritgerðar er að fjalla um greiðslur úr einkahlutafélögum til eigenda þeirra. Með því að skoða hvaða skilyrði þurfa að vera uppfyllt svo úttekt úr félagi telst lögmæt samkvæmt reglum hlutafélagalöggjafarinnar og tekjuskattslaga. Umfjöllunarefninu er ætlað að veita innsýn í þær ströngu reglur sem gilda í félagarétti um úthlutun verðmæta úr einkahlutafélagi. Ásamt því að skoða hver grundvöllur slíkra úttekta er út frá hagnaðarhugtakinu. Reynt verður að skerpa á mikilvægi þess að öll úttekt verðmæta úr einkahlutafélögum til eigenda þeirra fari eftir reglum félagaréttar til að úthlutun sé lögleg og því reynt að gera þeim reglum góð skil. Þar sem skattskyldan er mismunandi eftir því hvort um löglega eða ólöglega úthlutun er að ræða og frádráttarheimildir tekjuskattslaga takmarkaðar við löglega úthlutun verður arðshugtakið skilgreint í skattalegum skilningi. Að þessu sögðu þá bera eigendur takmarkaða ábyrgð á skuldbindingum félagsins. Því eru að finna strangar reglur sem gilda þegar úthluta á verðmætum til eigenda. Tilgangur þeirra reglna er að vernda hagsmuni lánadrottna, með því að aðskilja fjármuni félagsins og eigin fjár ráðandi aðila. Að áliti höfundar eru reglurnar skýrar sem heimila úttekt verðmæta úr félagi samkvæmt 73. gr. og jafnframt í þeim skilyrðum sem er að finna í 74. gr. ehfl. Að öðru leyti er eigendum þröngur stakkur sniðinn þegar verðmæti eru tekin úr félagi svo ekki sé vegið að hagsmunum lánadrottna með því að ganga á fjármuni félagsins. Því þarf raunveruleg fjárhagsleg staða félagsins ávallt að vera skýr.This thesis aims to discuss payments from private limited companies to their owners. Examining what conditions must be met so that withdrawal of values from a company is legitimate according to the rules of the Companies Act and the Income Tax Act. The subject matter is intended to provide insight into the strict rules that apply in company law regarding the distribution of valuables from a private limited company. As well as examining the basis of such withdrawals based on the concept of profit. Emphasize the importance of all withdrawals of values from private limited companies to their owners following the rules of company law for the distribution to be legal. As the tax liability differs depending on whether it is a legal or illegal distribution and the deduction authority of the Income Tax Act is limited to a legal distribution, the concept of dividend will be defined in a tax sense. That said, the owners have limited liability for the company's obligations. Therefore, there are strict rules that apply when allocating valuables to owners. The purpose of these rules is to protect the interests of creditors, by separating the company's assets and the controlling shareholders' equity. In the author's opinion, the rules are clear which allow the withdrawal of valuables from a company according to article 73. and also in the conditions contained in article 74. of the Icelandic private limited companies Act. In other respects, the owners are hard-pressed when extracting values from a company so that the interests of creditors are not put at risk by encroaching on the company's assets. Therefore, the actual financial position of the company must always be clear.Afritun er óheimil að hluta eða í heild án leyfis höfundar hverju sinni

    Kjörþögli : upplýsingabæklingur fyrir starfsfólk leikskóla, foreldra og aðra uppalendur

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    Eftirfarandi greinargerð er lokaverkefni til B.Ed. prófs í leikskólakennarafræði frá Háskóla Íslands vorið 2020. Verkefnið fjallar um kjörþögli ungra barna og samanstendur af greinargerð og bæklingi. Kjörþögli er skilgreind sem kvíðaröskun og börn sem þjást af kjörþögli tala einungis í vissum félagslegum aðstæðum. Röskunin er afar sjaldgæf og þær fáu rannsóknir sem gerðar hafa verið benda til þess að tíðni hennar sé um 1%. Greining á kjörþögli er vandasöm, meðal annars vegna þess að uppalendum ber oft ekki saman um hvernig barnið lætur af sér í vissum aðstæðum. Heima talar barnið jafnvel reiprennandi en talar á sama tíma lítið og jafnvel ekkert í leikskólanum og umhverfi hans. Í ljósi þess er mikilvægt að leikskólakennarar og starfsfólk leikskóla sé meðvitað um kjörþögli og hvaða úrræði henta best fyrir börn sem þjást af henni. Upplýsingum um kjörþögli á íslensku er einnig ábótavant. Helstu niðurstöður greinargerðarinnar sýna fram á alvarleika röskunarinnar og hvernig líðan barn með kjörþögli upplifir í þeim félagslegu aðstæðum sem því líður verst í. Helstu rannsóknir á úrræðum fyrir börn með kjörþögli sýna að til eru margslungin og nytsamleg verkfæri sem uppalendur geta nýtt sér. Því til viðbótar þarf þekkingu á kjörþögli að vera til staðar til þess að foreldrar og aðrir geti nýtt sér úrræðin. Upplýsingabæklingurinn er ætlaður foreldrum og öðrum uppalendum barna á leikskólaaldri með kjörþögli. Meginmarkmiðið með gerð hans er að safna grunnupplýsingum og meðferðarúrræðum saman á einn stað svo foreldrar geti nálgast slíkar upplýsingar á auðveldan máta. Kjörþögli getur haft slæm langtímaáhrif á barn ef það fær ekki rétta aðstoð. Góður skilningur á henni er grundvallaratriði og getur ef til vill leitt af sér áhrifaríkari leiðir hvað varðar úrlausnir á vandanum. Því fyrr sem tekið er á kjörþögli, því betri eru horfurnar fyrir framtíð barnsins. Í bæklingnum, sem finna má í Skemmu, er vitnað í greinargerðina þar sem starfsfólk leikskóla, foreldrar og aðrir uppalendur geta fengið ítarlegri upplýsingar um kjörþögli

    Effect of rearing temperature on flesh quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

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    Currently, no information is available on the effect of progressively decreasing temperatures on the sensory quality of Arctic charr. The objective of this study was to investigate if and how different and progressively changing rearing temperatures affect the sensory quality of cooked and raw fillets of Arctic charr. The effects of rearing temperature on the sensory quality of Arctic charr (weight range 622–888 g) were investigated. Rearing temperature was changed during the experimental period as the fish were reared at constant or decreased temperature during October to April and subsequently reared at two constant temperatures from April to August establishing six different rearing temperature combinations. Significant differences were seen in all four main sensory attributes groups, that is odour, appearance, flavour and texture. Freshness characteristics such as sweet odour and flavour, and metallic odour and flavour increased with decreasing rearing temperature, whereas musty odour and flavour decreased. Rearing temperature had a clear effect on the colour of the fillets. Lower rearing temperature increased colour intensity substantially. Softness, juiciness and tenderness increased with decreased rearing temperature. A trend was seen towards more effect from final rearing temperature than initial temperature on the sensory attributes studied. Spoilage characteristics, that is, sour and rancid odour and flavour, and off-odour and flavour were either very weak or not noticeable in all sample groups

    Effects of drying on the nutrient content and physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the edible kelp Saccharina latissima

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    The effects of convective air-drying at 25, 40, and 70 °C and freeze-drying on the quality of the edible kelp Saccharina latissima to be used for food were investigated. Based on the analysis of the carbohydrate and amino acid profiles, as well as polyphenol, fucoxanthin, and ash contents, no significant differences were detected among sample groups, and air-drying up to 70 °C results in equally nutritious products at shorter processing times. Only the iodine content was found lower in freeze-dried compared to air-dried samples. The swelling capacity of the air-dried samples was significantly lower than in freeze-dried samples, particularly at high temperatures (40 and 70 °C), reflecting alteration of the physico-chemical properties of the seaweed during air-drying (attributed to product shrinkage) and reduced capacity of the final product to rehydrate. Structural differences between air-dried products at 25 and 70 °C may explain the differences in mouthfeel perception (dissolving rate) among the two sample groups observed during a sensory evaluation. Overall, the drying temperature within this range did not alter neither the aroma (i.e. odor) nor the flavor intensity of the product. In food applications where the product’s mechanical properties (e.g. porosity) are essential, freeze-drying, and to a lesser extent, air-drying at low temperatures, will result in higher quality products than air-drying at higher temperatures.acceptedVersio

    Valorisation of Frozen Cod (Gadus morhua) Heads, Captured by Trawl and Longline by the Oceanic Fleet, by Enzymatic Hydrolysis

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    In the Norwegian oceanic fleet, whitefish onboard processing creates a great amount of rest raw materials. Cod heads are nutritious and a good source for production of high-quality marine peptides. Frozen cod heads, captured by trawl or longline, were evaluated based on the lightness and redness in the neck cut to compare the quality in heads from the different fishing gears. The heads were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysates have been chemically and sensory characterized. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics based on type of fishing gear. The resulting hydrolysates were of high quality, although moderately bitter. The study demonstrates that frozen cod heads from the oceanic fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins for human consumption

    Valorisation of Frozen Cod (Gadus morhua) Heads, Captured by Trawl and Longline by the Oceanic Fleet, by Enzymatic Hydrolysis

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    In the Norwegian oceanic fleet, whitefish onboard processing creates a great amount of rest raw materials. Cod heads are nutritious and a good source for production of high-quality marine peptides. Frozen cod heads, captured by trawl or longline, were evaluated based on the lightness and redness in the neck cut to compare the quality in heads from the different fishing gears. The heads were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysates have been chemically and sensory characterized. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics based on type of fishing gear. The resulting hydrolysates were of high quality, although moderately bitter. The study demonstrates that frozen cod heads from the oceanic fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins for human consumption.publishedVersio