1,817 research outputs found

    A Contribution to the Embryology of Dilleniaceae

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    Dilleniaceae is chiefly an australasian and tropical american family with herbs, shrubs and trees. The two arborascent genera like Dillenia and Wormia are present in South India and Ceylon respectively. The former is very common in the western ghats of Mysore State, India, well represented by D. pentagyna and D. indica. Many species of Wormia are present in Ceylon. Gilg and Werdermann (1925) include both the genera under the fourth sub-order of the family Dillenieae, in \u27Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien\u27. The earlier literature on the embryology of this family shows that three genera have been investigated so far; Schnarf (1924) on Hibbertia dentata, Paetow (1931) on Wormia Suffruticosa, and Swamy and Periasamy (1955) on Acrotrema arnottianum. The present investigation deals with the gametophyte development of Wormia burbidgei Hook, and Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. About the latter a brief note has already been published by Nagaraja Rao (1955)

    Impact of radio Siddhartha community radiostation on the integrated development of Tumkur taluk - A Sociological study

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    In the Indian context community radio has great possibilities of creatingimpact on society. India being a country of villages,rural populationbeing predominantly engaged in different categories of employment,find it convenient to listen to the radio for both information andentertainment. Such a need can be effectively satisfied by the communityradio stations. Our study focuses on understanding how the programmesare designed and their impact on the community of Tumkur taluk. Thestudy was conducted in Tumkur taluk of Tumkur district in Karnatakastate. Tumkur was selected because the community radio station servicesare reaching the people through direct broadcasting, narrowcastingand web streaming in this taluk. 80 respondents were selectedpurposively for the study through non-probability sampling technique.Questionnaire and interview schedules were used for data collection.The overall impact of community radio indicated that more changeshave occurred in lifestyle and local culture of the respondents. Thiskind of research would help the researchers to understand howcommunity radio plays an important role in integrated development


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    In exploring the epitome of Physiology, we come across a multitude of disciplines. The history of human Physiology can be traced back to 435 BC. Now, Physiology has become an integral part of our life. Physiology and Medicine are like two faces of the same coin. While swimming through the ocean of Physiology we discover many natal systems. Physiology forms the ground on which the study of Medicine works like our laptop. Forming substratum in the arch of medical and surgical knowledge, Physiology is gaining vanity. The relevance of Physiological ideas is just like the cherry on the cake. This review is a general topic of interest and discusses the history of Physiology and the importance of Physiology beyond academics in the epoch of translational research


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    In exploring the epitome of Physiology, we come across a multitude of disciplines. The history of human Physiology can be traced back to 435 BC. Now, Physiology has become an integral part of our life. Physiology and Medicine are like two faces of the same coin. While swimming through the ocean of Physiology we discover many natal systems. Physiology forms the ground on which the study of Medicine works like our laptop. Forming substratum in the arch of medical and surgical knowledge, Physiology is gaining vanity. The relevance of Physiological ideas is just like the cherry on the cake. This review is a general topic of interest and discusses the history of Physiology and the importance of Physiology beyond academics in the epoch of translational research

    Urban Expansion and Loss of Agriculture Land-A Case of Bengaluru City

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    The cultivated land across India has fragmented significantly resulting in change in landuse. The agricultural land has continued to shrink due to rapid urbanization. Nearly 45% land across India is cultivated area and 22% of the landuse area is forestland. The study using Remote Sensing data for the metropolitan fringe of Bengaluru reveals the expansion of built up to 446.55 sq. km by 2014. The increase in built up has reduced the agriculture land by 212.49 square kilometers. The agriculture land comprised of 27.57 square kilometers of agriculture plantation and 184.91 square kilometers of cropland. 96.29 square kilometers of agriculture land has been converted to “to-be built up” area. The 50.57% of the combined land area of built up and to-be built up is from agriculture land and the rest 49.43% from other land category. Over the years, the urban expansion to the fringes has declined the agricultural land by 16.31%. With the increase in requirement of both land and food security, it becomes imperative to protect and conserve the farmlands by policy and guidelines

    Flower Development and Gametogenesis in Oenothera laciniata Hill

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    Calyx, carpels, stamens, and corolla arise in acropetal succession. The wall of the anther has four layers of cells. The tapetum is binucleate and is of glandular type. Tricolpate pollen grains are triangular in outline and are binucleate at the time of shedding. The cells of the endothecium have spiral thickenings. Development of the ovule is described. The synergids have filiform apparatus with prominent hooks. Pollen tube enters porogamously and destroys one of the synergids during its entry. A hypostase is organized at the chalazal end of the ovule. The present observations are discussed in relation to the previous literature

    Automated Repair of Resource Leaks in Android Applications

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    Resource leaks -- a program does not release resources it previously acquired -- are a common kind of bug in Android applications. Even with the help of existing techniques to automatically detect leaks, writing a leak-free program remains tricky. One of the reasons is Android's event-driven programming model, which complicates the understanding of an application's overall control flow. In this paper, we present PlumbDroid: a technique to automatically detect and fix resource leaks in Android applications. PlumbDroid uses static analysis to find execution traces that may leak a resource. The information built for detection also undergirds automatically building a fix -- consisting of release operations performed at appropriate locations -- that removes the leak and does not otherwise affect the application's usage of the resource. An empirical evaluation on resource leaks from the DroidLeaks curated collection demonstrates that PlumbDroid's approach is scalable and produces correct fixes for a variety of resource leak bugs. This indicates it can provide valuable support to enhance the quality of Android applications in practice

    Research Performance of Engineering Colleges in Karnataka as reflected in the Scopus Database

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    This paper intends to assess the growth of research publications and citations of engineering colleges affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi based on Scopus database. It is attempted to analyze parameters like the growth of research output among rural and city colleges i.e. geographical distribution of publications, pattern of research communication, share of national and international collaboration across Karnataka and high productivity institutions and top highly published journals and cited papers


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    This paper proposes three Carrier Overlapping PWM (COPWM) methods that utilize the (CFD) control freedom degree of vertical offsets among carriers. They are: COPWM-A, COPWM-B, COPWM-C these three methods are simulated . This paper presents a comparative study of diode clamped and cascaded three phase five-level inverters based on sinusoidal PWM& modified space vector PWM control techniques. Performance analysis is based on the results of simulation study conducted on the operation of the multilevel inverters using MATLAB/ SIMULINK. For comparison purposes, non-overlapping phase disposition PWM (PD PWM) using SPWM and modified space vector PWM is also presented. The performance parameters chosen the work included fundamental output voltage and total harmonic distortion. . A hardware set up was developed for a single-phase 5-level cascaded inverter topology using constant pulses

    Use of protein A gene fusions for the analysis of structure-function relationship of the transactivator protein C of bacteriophage Mu

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    A sensitive dimerization assay for DNA binding proteins has been developed using gene fusion technology. For this purpose, we have engineered a gene fusion using protein A gene of Staphylococcus aureus and C gene, the late gene transactivator of bacteriophage Mu. The C gene was fused to the 3' end of the gene for protein A to generate an A-C fusion. The overexpressed fusion protein was purified in a single step using immunoglobulin affinity chromatography. Purified fusion protein exhibits DNA binding activity as demonstrated by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. When the fusion protein A-C was mixed with C and analyzed for DNA binding, in addition to C and A-C specific complexes, a single intermediate complex comprising of a heterodimer of C and A-C fusion proteins was observed. Further, the protein A moiety in the fusion protein A-C does not contribute to DNA binding as demonstrated by proteolytic cleavage and circular dichroism (CD) analysis. The assay has also been applied to analyze the DNA binding domain of C protein by generating fusions between protein A and N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of C. The results indicate a role for the region towards the carboxy terminal of the protein in DNA binding. The general applicability of this method is discussed