396 research outputs found

    Analisis Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Telutu Jaya Kecamatan Tinanggea Kabupaten Konawe Selatan

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    This research was conducted on March-April 2017, it aims to: 1) knowing the factors that affect rice production. 2) knowing the efficiency level of using production factors in rice farming. The method of this research is using the survey method, and the method of sample is using simple random sampling methods by as much as 36 people. The analysis tool that used is a function of the Cobb Douglas production and efficiency analysis of rice farming. The results showed that: 1) commodious area variables, seed, and urea fertilizer is real influential toward rice farming production, whereas the factors of production on using KCl fertilizer, SP 36 fertilizer, pesticides, and labor real has no effect toward rice production. 2) the use of production factors on rice farming (seed, and urea fertilizer) are on a condition that is not efficient. The use of inefficient production factors can cause low productivity so that rice farming production levels become low

    Water Quality of Krueng Balee in Lafarge Cement Indonesia Factory in Lhoknga Aceh Besar According to Benthos Biodiversity

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    The study of the quality of water of Krueng (River) Bale in Factory Environment Lafarge Cement Indonesia (LCI) in Lhoknga Aceh Besar according to benthos biodiversity was aimed to determine the species of benthos and water quality of Krueng Bale according to benthos diversity. The study area was divided into four locations that were the upstream of the tunnel (Location 1), bridge area at the south (Location 2), branch of the river area (Location 3), and the downstream of the two creeks. The study was done from April to June 2012. The method was survey and destructive sampling. The species of benthos was analysed descriptivelly and the diversity was analysed by diversity index formula (H). The results showed that there were 20 species of benthos found in the area and the index of diversity was between 1.996 and 2.652. In brief, River Bale is still suitable as the habitat of aquatic organisms


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the payroll information system in Sinar Mas Ende Department Store. The data analysis technique used is descriptive by using a qualitative approach, where the data collected takes the form of words and pictures rather than numbers. The results of the analysis of the internal control system on payroll at the Sinar Mas Ende Department Store show that there are weaknesses caused by the double duty manager and manual attendance record that has the potential to cause irregularities. Companies are advised to add one more function, namely the financial function and use fingerscan to record employee attendance lists

    Lipidoptera Morphological Structure as a Basic of Toxonomy in the Area of Lafarge Cement Indonesia Plant in Lhoknga, Aceh Besar Distric, Indonesia

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    . The study of Lepidoptera that took place around the factory of Lafarge Cement Indonesia (LCI) was aimed to determine the structure of dominance of Lepidoptera and morphological structure as basic determination of taxonomy chategory of LCI plant Lhoknga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. The study was conducted from April to June 2012. The area of the study was divided into four locations; Gunung Bale Area (location I), Gunung Badak Area (Location II), LCI factory (Location III) and Gunung Oshing (location IV). The methods were survey and capture. The structure of the dominance was analysed by dominance formula and the species was analysed descriptivelly. The findings showed that there were 13 species and 1 species with dominance index (ID) were 0.0-0.25 and 0.26-0.50 respectivelly, and none of them with ID ˃ 0.50. The species can be potentially used as the learning media of the course were 13 species, including the morphology and anatomy of each species. The parts of the body of Lepidoptera comprising of podos, chephal, torax, abdomen, and ptera are the basic determination of the taxonomy. In brief, it was found that Lepidoptera with categories were sub-dominant and not dominant. Determination of the taxonomy relied on the various structure of morphology of each members of Lepidoptera according to examinated level of taxonomy

    Sistem Clustering Untuk Efisiensi Energi Pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel

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    Saat ini, penelitian tentang jaringan sensor nirkabel menerima banyak perhatian karena menawarkan keuntugan dari pemantauan berbagai macam linkungan dengan mendeteksi fenomena fisik. Jaringan sensor nirkabel terdiri atas sejumlah besar sensor node dimana setiap sensor node memiliki kemampuan untuk mengirim, menerima dan mendeteksi (melakukan proses sensor). Di sisi lain, sensor node memiliki kemampuan terbatas dalam hal kapasitas memori, bandwidth dan daya. Di antara berbagai isu, konsumsi energi menjadi perhatian banyak peneliti dikarenakan sensor node menggunakan baterei sebagai konsumsi dayanya. Pada penelitan ini dibandingkan kinerja protokol LEACH (distributed) dan LEACH-C (centralized), kedua protokol tersebut mendukung konsep clustering untuk menghemat daya baterei. Dari hasil pengujian, didapat bahwa unjuk kerja protokol LEACH-C lebih baik dari LEACH. Selain itu juga dilakukan pengujian dengan perangkat hardware yang sementara masih dilakukan proses kekuatan penyebaran daya dari sebuah sensor node hardware

    Bahasa Arab untuk Ekonomi Islam

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    Bahasa Arab adalah bahasa Agama dan bahasa resmi PBB. Dalam perkembangannya bahasa Arab selalu memperbaharui kosakata yang seiring dengan berbagai tujuan belajar dari bahasa Arab itu sendiri. Buku ini hadir dalam rangka mengisi langkanya buku ajar bahasa Arab untuk ekonomi Islam. Bagi mahasiswa atau umum yang ingin belajar bahasa Arab dasar dan tentang ekonomi Islam maka buku ini adalah solusinya. Sistem pengajaran buku ii diawali dengan pembelajaran kalam, diteruskan dengan nahwu qur'any. Untuk mengasah kemampuan membaca, mereka bisa lanjut ke bahasan selanjutnya yakni qiro'ah, dan diakhiri dengan kemampuan menulis kitabah. Mereka yang sabar dan tekun dalam mempelajari buku ini akan berhasil menguasai bahasa Arab serta implementasinya dalam membaca alqur'an, karena sebagian besar contoh tatabahasa yang ada di buku ini diambilkan dari alqur'an. Mari belajar bahasa Arab beserta Alqur'an di dalamnya

    Model Peramalan Inflasi Bahan Makanan Primer dengan Pendekatan Box-Jenkins: Studi kasus di Kota Palu

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    Inflasi merupakan naiknya harga barang dan jasa secara umum dan berkelanjutan pada periode tertentu. Inflasi pada umumnya disebabkan oleh peningkatan permintaan agregat, kenaikan biaya produksi serta perkiraan nilai inflasi pada masa yang akan datang. Inflasi merupakan data deret waktu yang sulit diprediksi karena mengandung komponen tren, musiman, siklus, dan acak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari model terbaik inflasi bahan makanan primer, menggunakan model ARIMA. Model terbaik yang diperoleh berdasarkan subkelompok bahan makanan adalah padi-padian, umbi-umbian, dan hasil-hasilnya (25,0,4): daging dan hasil-hasilnya (2,0,10): ikan segar (2,0,8): ikan diawetkan (2,0,8): telur, susu, dan hasil-hasilnya (12,0,20): sayur-sayuran (12,0,12): kacang-kacangan (14,0,13): buah-buahan (8,0,1): bumbu-bumbuan (1,0,1): lemak dan minyak (19,0,0) dan bahan makanan lainnya (25,0,3)
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