49 research outputs found

    Design and Fabrication of Economic Motorized Wheelchair

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    Wheelchair is the device which is mainly used for physically challenged people. In the earlier day’s wheelchair were existed manually and dependent on other person for the mobility. In case a patient who has challenge in using their hands for mobility, then he/she needs another person help for mobility. In the world of Engineering, the Engineers play a vital role in the development of the society and provide comfort in their lifestyle. With this as primary objective our project had evolved the wheelchair with automatic control

    Metabolic engineering of Rhizopus oryzae for the production of platform chemicals

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    Rhizopus oryzae is a filamentous fungus belonging to the Zygomycetes. It is among others known for its ability to produce the sustainable platform chemicals l-(+)-lactic acid, fumaric acid, and ethanol. During glycolysis, all fermentable carbon sources are metabolized to pyruvate and subsequently distributed over the pathways leading to the formation of these products. These platform chemicals are produced in high yields on a wide range of carbon sources. The yields are in excess of 85 % of the theoretical yield for l-(+)-lactic acid and ethanol and over 65 % for fumaric acid. The study and optimization of the metabolic pathways involved in the production of these compounds requires well-developed metabolic engineering tools and knowledge of the genetic makeup of this organism. This review focuses on the current metabolic engineering techniques available for R. oryzae and their application on the metabolic pathways of the main fermentation products

    Enhancing English Vocabulary Using Clt Method Toward Slb D Students Via Zoom Application AS Interactive Learning Media

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    The research aims to know-how is the implementation of the CLT method towards English vocabulary. The research objects are special needs students of English Club SLB-D YPAC Semarang. Researchers apply the Communicative Language Teaching method to the students via zoom application. The research objects are six students, applying six materials on seven meetings. The research method used in the research is a descriptive qualitative method. There are four stages of techniques that are used, those are the observation, planning, action, and reflection stages. The results of the study are the students can practice English actively, and gaining new vocabularies during the learning process

    Transformasi Pitch Suara Manusia Menggunakan Metode PSOLA

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    ABSTRAKKemampuan pengubahan suara yang dilakukan Dubber untuk beragam bentuk suara menjadi perhatian khusus dengan melakukan rekayasa suara, di dalam perkembangan teknologi di kenal sebuah teknikpitch shifting yang digunakan untuk mengubah suara manusia di bagian timbre dan pitch. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodepitch shifting PSOLA (Pitch Synchronous Overlap Add) untuk merubah pitch sekaligus timbre suara. Proses yang dilakukan meliputi perekaman suara sehingga didapatkan sinyal suara. Sinyal hasil perekaman kemudian diolah untuk menemukan posisi pitch dari sinyal pada domain waktu. Setelah posisi pitch diketahui, jarak antar pitch akan dikalikan dengan bilangan skala pergeseran yang sudah ditentukan. Hasil dari perkalian tersebut adalah perubahan pada pitch suara, sehingga menghasilkan suara yang lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah. Perubahan juga terjadi pada timbre sehingga menghasilkan karakter suara yang berbeda dengan suara aselinya.Hasil pengujian pitch dan timbre dengan menggunakan metode PSOLA menunjukkan keberhasilan mencapai 98% berdasarkan sinyal sinus. Kata kunci: Pitch, Timbre,Pitch Shifting, PSOLA. ABSTRACTThe ability of converts sound done in various forms of a dubber sound, becomes a special attention in doing an engineering design sound. In the development of technology the pitch of shifting know a technique that is used to turn the human voice in the timbre and  pitch. This study using methods  pitch  shifting psola (pitch synchronous overlap add) to change the pitch as well as the timbre sound. The process was about recording a sound so obtained up a noise. Recording signals then processed the results to find the position of the pitch signals on the domain of time. After the position of the pitch known, the distance between the pitch will be multiplied by the number of the scale of a shift that had been determined. The result of the multiplication of the sound is a change in pitch , so producing a higher or lower, Also happens to change the timbre that produces characters a different voice with the original sound. The examination result of pitch and timbre using PSOLA method shows the success as big as 98% for signal sinus examination. Keywords: Pitch, Timbre, Pitch Shifting, PSOLA

    Transformasi Pitch Suara Manusia Menggunakan Metode PSOLA

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    ABSTRAKKemampuan pengubahan suara yang dilakukan Dubber untuk beragam bentuk suara menjadi perhatian khusus dengan melakukan rekayasa suara, di dalam perkembangan teknologi di kenal sebuah teknikpitch shifting yang digunakan untuk mengubah suara manusia di bagian timbre dan pitch. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodepitch shifting PSOLA (Pitch Synchronous Overlap Add) untuk merubah pitch sekaligus timbre suara. Proses yang dilakukan meliputi perekaman suara sehingga didapatkan sinyal suara. Sinyal hasil perekaman kemudian diolah untuk menemukan posisi pitch dari sinyal pada domain waktu. Setelah posisi pitch diketahui, jarak antar pitch akan dikalikan dengan bilangan skala pergeseran yang sudah ditentukan. Hasil dari perkalian tersebut adalah perubahan pada pitch suara, sehingga menghasilkan suara yang lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah. Perubahan juga terjadi pada timbre sehingga menghasilkan karakter suara yang berbeda dengan suara aselinya.Hasil pengujian pitch dan timbre dengan menggunakan metode PSOLA menunjukkan keberhasilan mencapai 98% berdasarkan sinyal sinus. Kata kunci: Pitch, Timbre,Pitch Shifting, PSOLA. ABSTRACTThe ability of converts sound done in various forms of a dubber sound, becomes a special attention in doing an engineering design sound. In the development of technology the pitch of shifting know a technique that is used to turn the human voice in the timbre and  pitch. This study using methods  pitch  shifting psola (pitch synchronous overlap add) to change the pitch as well as the timbre sound. The process was about recording a sound so obtained up a noise. Recording signals then processed the results to find the position of the pitch signals on the domain of time. After the position of the pitch known, the distance between the pitch will be multiplied by the number of the scale of a shift that had been determined. The result of the multiplication of the sound is a change in pitch , so producing a higher or lower, Also happens to change the timbre that produces characters a different voice with the original sound. The examination result of pitch and timbre using PSOLA method shows the success as big as 98% for signal sinus examination. Keywords: Pitch, Timbre, Pitch Shifting, PSOLA

    Synthesis, structure, growth and physical properties of a novel organic NLO crystal: 1,3-Dimethylurea dimethylammonium picrate

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    A novel noncentrosymmetric crystal was prepared from 1,3-dimethylurea dimethylammonium picrate, C(11)H(18)N(6)O(8) (DMUP), which was designed for second harmonic generation. DMUP crystals exist in noncentro symmetric space group Cmc2(1) with unit cell dimensions a = 14.288(4) angstrom, b = 17.023(5)angstrom, c = 6.8268(13) angstrom, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees and volume = 1660.5(8) angstrom(3). The crystal structure of DMUP has been determined using single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The single crystals of DMUP were successfully grown by the slow evaporation method with dimensions 10 mm x 4 mm x 3 mm using dimethylformamide as solvent. The structural perfection of the grown crystals has been analysed by High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) rocking curve measurements. Powder test with Neodymium-doped Yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser radiation shows a high second harmonic generation (SHG). The laser induced surface damage threshold for the grown crystal was measured using Nd:YAG laser. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Pelatihan Internet Sehat sebagai Antisipasi Cyber Bullying Anak Remaja di Panti Asuhan “Kemala Puji” Bandar Lampung

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    The background of foster children in Kemala Puji orphanage are mostly from poor families, orphans, neglected, and homeless child. The institution have been serve, nurture, and empower by providing them a sufficient living. Hence, it still needs a better improvement. This is because these children deserve to be made for the next generation. This activity aims to rise of social care between humanity in adolescents, especially for children in the orphanage. This have been done by imparting knowledge to them about healthy internet. Moreover, its increases understanding how to use the internet more healthily, properly and to anticipate of cyber bullying against them. The outcome of training activities are the youth children have been understood how to use a healthy internet, and they have been sufficient skills how to use internet which was given during the training