36 research outputs found
Investigating the expectations and experiences of young undergraduate students at Asian universities concerning community engagement field research activities
Undergraduate field research in the social sciences can enhance a student’s understanding of the research process, help improve their critical thinking and analytical skills and provide them with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Furthermore, it often allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations. This practical experience will generally include elements of problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, all highly valued by employers. However, research into producing a good basic model that will benefit all participants is essential to design projects and activities that fit well with the abilities and interests of various student types across different disciplines and often cultural divides. This paper describes a university-community engagement project involving 43 undergraduate students from five Asian universities, allowing them to conduct field research and interviews on various individuals and organizations working to solve problems in their community, with guidance from faculty advisors. Surveys aimed at understanding student expectations, perceptions, and experiences revealed largely positive outcomes, including enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation, along with a greater need for enhanced cross-cultural interaction. We analyze these results to suggest
improvements for future field research models.departmental bulletin pape
Urban pollution and ecosystem services
Urban pollutants can degrade and inhibit ecological functions and processes. Those natural processes provide vital benefits and services to humans. The ‘services’ range from food and water provision, to aesthetics, cultural benefits, health and recreation opportunities, and also climate regulation (including water and air quality regulation and flood regulation). These services are referred to collectively as ecosystem services (ES). To understand the impacts of urban pollution, and the opportunities for mitigating its effects, it is important to explore the relationship between pollution and ES. This can lead to better decision-making for urban infrastructure and spaces and can provide increased opportunities for gaining multiple ES from urban environments
Besiah, an Indian
28-1Public LandsOn the Relief of Besiah, an Indian. [447] Pottawatomie treaty of 27 Oct. 1832.1844-10
Sermones [Manuscrito] Liber Beati Bernardi De laude celle ad fratres cartuxienses. Sermones Sancti Augustin episcopi ad fratres heremitas. [De fide] / a fratre Alvaro Yspano. De heresilii et erroribus. Hereses et errores / Thomas Scotus
Ms. misceláneoCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2009Cuadernos de 8 h.; pautado a lápiz; caja de escr.: 20 x 14 cm; reclamos; carece de foliaciónLos Sermones de San Cesáreo ocupan de h. 1r.-22r.; De laude celle ocupa de h. 22r.-42r.; los Sermones de San Agustín de h. 42r.-80v.; el texto de Álvaro Hispano ocupa h. 81r.-106v.; el primer texto contra los herejes ocupa h. 106v.-127v. y el segundo (incompleto por la pérdida del final del volumen) h. 127v.-130vIniciales rojas y azules con rasgueos; se han añadido algunos dibujos en negro con motivos vegetale
Online Exchange Programによる多文化理解教育と学習者の変容 -- オンラインと対面のハイブリッド型プロジェクトの試み
急速なグローバル化やコミュニケーションツールの進化により、国を超えた活動の可能性が広がっている。コロナ禍を経て留学が難しい学生にもオンライン交流が広まり、異文化コミュニケーション能力の育成が可能になった。本実践では、COILをベースにしたハイブリッド型プログラムをカナダの姉妹大学と共同で行った。複数回のオンライン交流、1回の対面交流でプロジェクト学習を行った結果、英語でのコミュニケーションにおける不安の軽減が観察された。departmental bulletin pape
[Sermones et homiliae] [Manuscrito]
Ms. facticioContiene homilias y sermones, entre otros: Sermo [XVI] (h. 67v.-70r.) ; Sermo [LV, 4] (h. 70r.-72r.) / [ambas de Caesareus Arelatensis] ; Homilia (h. 72r.-75v.) / Augustinus [Hipponensis] ; Sermo [XVI, 5] (h. 75v.-87r.) ; Sermo [XIII] / [ambas de Caesareus Arelatensis] ; Sermo [LXXXI, 10-12] / Augustinus [Hipponensis] ; Sermo [CLXV] (h. 91r.-96v.) / [Caesareus Arelatensis]Tít. de los 3 marbetes: 4 ; XVI T ; Tratados místicos = el martirio de los santos Cosme y Damián, y la misaCopista: MunioCuadernos de 8 h. con algunas anomalías ; signatura en romanos acompañada de la letra Q ; foliación moderna a pluma y en arábigos ; caja de escr.: 15 x 10 cm o menores ; iniciales primarias sencillas ; rúbricas en minio y con algunas correcciones ; existen lagunas en el texto, que está incompletoIlustración de la Cruz de Oviedo (h. 50v.
Carex filifolia Nuttallthread-leaved sedge;sheep's-wool sedgeCarex filifoliaOil Basin end Mt. GalweyGrassy slopes, dry N.E. drainage basin6000Her