23,079 research outputs found

    Confirmation of the detection of B-modes in the Planck polarization maps

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    One of the main problems for extracting the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from submm/mm observations is to correct for the Galactic components, mainly synchrotron, free - free and thermal dust emission with the required accuracy. Through a series of papers, it has been demonstrated that this task can be fulfilled by means of simple neural networks with high confidence. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the CMB BB power spectrum detected in the Planck 2015 polarization maps is present in the improved Planck 2017 maps with higher signal-to-noise ratio. Two features have been detected in the EB power spectrum in the new data set, both with S/N ∼\sim4 . The origin of these features is most likely leakage from E to B with a level of about 1 per cent. This leakage gives no significant contribution to the detected BB power spectrum. The TB power spectrum is consistent with a zero signal. Altogether, the BB power spectrum is not consistent with the 'canonical' tensor-to-scalar models combined with gravitational lensing spectra. These results will give additional strong arguments for support to the proposed polarization satellite projects to follow up on the Planck mission .Comment: accepted for puplication in Astronomical Note

    Conference Committee

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    Honorary CommitteProf. Ir. Joni Hermana, M.Sc.Es, Ph.D,                                    Rector of Institut Teknologi SepuluhNopember Surabaya (ITS)General ChairmanProf. Dr. Ir. Adi Soeprijanto, M.T.,                                            Director of PostgraduateProgramme ITSSteering CommitteeProf. Dr. Ir. Sekartedjo Koentjoro,                                          Department of Engineering Physics,ITS (Chair)Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, M.S., Ph.D.,                                        Department of Civil Engineering, ITSProf. Ir. Ontoseno Penangsang, M.Sc., Ph.D.,                       Department of ElectricalEngineering, ITSProf. Ir. Eddy Yahya, M.Sc., Ph.D.,                                           Department of Physics, ITSProf. Dr. Ir. Happy Ratna Santosa, M.Sc.,                              Department of Architecture, ITSProf. Ir. Renanto Handogo, M.S., Ph.D.,                                  Department of ChemicalEngineering, ITSProf. Dr. Ir. Bangun Muljo Sukojo, DEA, DESS,                  Department of GeomaticsEngineering, ITSProf. Ir. Eko Budi Djatmiko, M.Sc., Ph.D.,                             Department of Ocean Engineering,ITSProf. Ir. Arif Djunaidy, M.Sc., Ph.D.,                                        Department of Information System,ITSProf. Dr. Yulinah Trihadiningrum, M.App.Sc,                     Department of EnvironmentalEngineering, ITSProf. Dr. Udi Subakti Ciptomulyono, M.Eng.Sc.,                Department of IndustrialEngineering, ITSProf. Ir. IK Aria Pria Utama, M.Sc., Ph.D.,                             Department of Naval Architecture,ITSProf. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.,                                Department of Marine Engineering,ITSProf. Drs. Mardi Santoso, Ph.D.,                                                Department of Chemistry, ITSProf. Ir. Sutardi, M.Eng., Ph.D.,                                                  Department of MechanicalEngineering, ITSProf. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng, Ph.D.,                          Department of IndustrialEngineering, ITSProf. Ir. Joko Lianto Buliali, M.Sc., Ph.D.,                              Department of InformaticsEngineering, ITSDr. Subchan, S.Si, M.Sc.,                                                                Department of Mathematics, ITSDr.rer.nat. Ir. Maya Shovitri, M.Si,                                           Department of Biology, ITSDr. Sungging Pintowantoro, S.T., M.T.,                                  Department of Material andMetallurgical Engineering, ITSDr. Imam Baihaqi, S.T., M.Sc.,                                                    Department of IndustrialEngineering, ITSDr.rer.pol. Heri Kuswanto, S.Si., M.Si.,                                    Department of Statistics, ITSScientific Committee:Dr.rer.nat Aulia MT Nasution.,                                                  Department of Engineering Physics,ITS (Chair)Prof. J.C. Liu,                                                                                      NTUST TaiwanRozalina binti Zakaria, PhD.,                                                      University of MalayaDr. Iwan Halim Sahputra.,                                                           Texas A&M Univ. at QatarProf. Heru Setyawan.,                                                                   Department of ChemicalEngineering, ITSDr. Totok Soehartanto, DEA,                                                     Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDr. Suhartono,                                                                                  Department of Statistics, ITSDr. Subiono,                                                                                       Department of Mathematics, ITSDr. Djoko Purwanto,                                                                     Department of ElectricalEngineering, ITSDr. Harus Laksana Guntur,                                                          Department of MechanicalEngineering, ITSDr. Nani Kurniati,                                                                            Department of IndustrialEngineering, ITSDr. Eng. Hosta Ardhyananta, S.T., M.Sc.,                                Department of Material andMetallurgical Engineering, ITSDr. Dyah Susanti,                                                                             Department of Material andMetallurgical Engineering, ITSDr. Murni Rachmawati,                                                                Department of Architecture, ITSEndah Wahyuni, PhD.,                                                                  Department of CivilEngineering, ITSDr. –Ing Teguh Harijanto,                                                            Department of GeomaticsEngineering, ITSDr. Eng. Rudi Walujo Pratianto,                                               Department of Ocean Engineering,ITSWaskitho Wibisono, PhD.,                                                          Department of InformaticsEngineering, ITSDr. Apol Pribadi Subriadi,                                                           Department of Informatics System,ITSDr. Mat Syaiin,                                                                                  Shipbuilding Institute of PolytechnicSurabayaDr. Ali Musyafa’,                                                                              Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDr. Ridho Hantoro,                                                                         Department of Engineering Physics,ITSOrganizing Committee :Dr. Ir. Aulia Siti Aisjah, M.T.,                                                       Department of Engineering Physics,ITS (Chair)Dr. Ir. Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro, M.Eng,                               Department of Civil Engineering, ITSAgus Muhammad Hatta, S.T., M.Si., Ph.D.,                            Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDetak Yan Pratama, S.T., M.Sc.,                                                 Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDr. Dhany Arifianto, S.T., M.Eng.,                                             Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDr.-Ing. Doty Dewi Risanti, S.T., M.T.,                                    Department of Engineering Physics,ITSGunawan Nugroho, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.,                                       Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDr. Purwadi Agus Darwito, S.T., M.Sc.,                                  Department of Engineering Physics,ITSTotok Ruki Biyanto, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.,                                     Department of Engineering Physics,ITSDyah Sawitri, S.T., M.T.,                                                                Department of Engineering Physics,ITSBagus Tri Atmaja, S.T., M.T.,                                                       Department of Engineering Physics,ITSArief Abdurrakhman, S.T., M.T.,                                               Department of Engineering Physics,ITSLizda Johar Mawarani, S.T., M.T.,                                             Department of Engineering Physics,ITSWahyu, SSi, MT.,                                                                              Department of ChemicalEngineering, ITSNur Endah Nuffida, ST, MT.,                                                       Department of Architecture, ITSIpung Fitri Purwanti, ST, MT.,                                                   Department of EnvironmentalEngineering, IT

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    First-Year Papers Cover Page and Editorial Board

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    THE FIRST-YEAR PAPERS Volume 20, 2015 – 2016 EDITORS (in alphabetical order) Haley Dougherty Justin Fortier Lydia Herndon Caroline Howell Dylan Ingram Lilla Kis Mathilde Sauquet Emily Turner Editors were drawn from the Class of 2019 Deans’ Scholars Editing, Layout, and Publishing Tennyson O’Donnell, Director, Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric, and Allan K. Smith Lecturer in English Composition Dania Field, Coordinator of First-Year Academic Experiences Amy Harrell, Librarian, Digital Projects The First-Year Papers were established in 1996-1997 to recognize the excellent written work of the first-year students at Trinity College. Each year, submissions are drawn from First-Year Seminars and from courses associated with the Cities, Guided Studies, InterArts, and Interdisciplinary Science Programs. The First-Year Papers Volume 20, 2015 – 2016 Published by Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut, September 201

    Jigsaw 2015 Complete Volume

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    The Trinity Papers 2016 Editorial Board

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    Welcoming Speech from Director of Post Graduate ITS

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    Welcoming Speech from Director of Post Graduate IT

    List of Keynote Speaker

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