59 research outputs found


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    The principles of comunication in the Qur’an are interesting to examine, even the comunications thinkers have found there are six principles of comunication in al qur’an such as qawlan sadidan, qawlan balighan, qawlan maysura, qawlan layyinan, qawlan kariman and qawlan ma’rufan, but the opinion can be added again one principle that is qawlan tsaqila principle that is a weighted communication, then what and how qawlan tsaqila ?, this paper will explain briefly iti is in addition to the six principles of comunication in al Qur’an put forward by the communications leaders muslim Indonesia

    Peran Pelatihan Program Kartu Prakerja Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kota Langsa Penerima Bantuan Program Kartu Prakerja)

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of the Pre-Employment Card Program and the role of the Pre-Employment Card Program training in community empowerment in Langsa City. The research method used is field research using a qualitative research approach using descriptive methods. Based on the results of research in the implementation of the Pre-Employment Card Program, the steps that must be fulfilled are creating a Pre-Employment Card account, filling in personal data, taking tests, determining acceptance of Pre-Employment Cards, and buying and participating in the Pre-Employment Card Program training. And the role of the Pre-Employment Card Program training in Langsa City, when viewed from the main purpose of the Pre-Employment Card Program, which is competency development, not all respondents develop their competencies, only 6 respondents develop them, and other respondents do not develop them. Second, increasing productivity, that only two respondents developed their productivity by selling clothes online and applying for jobs using the Pre-Employment Card Program training certificate and none of the other respondents developed their productivity. And the third is developing entrepreneurship that there are no respondents who create something new and different, the respondents only sell clothes, sell pulses, and fried foods, none of the respondents create new things so that the role of the Pre-Employment Card Program training in community empowerment through community development is not any role

    Mesin Pencacah Limbah Kulit Kakao

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    Cocoa waste can still be used as something useful such as compost. The objective of this work is to make an organic waste crusher machine from cocoa waste. The method was the determination of systematic crushing, functional design, draw the crusher, making a prototype of the crusher machine, and performing functional test of the crusher. The crusher machine has been designed and provided. Functional tests conducted indicate that the machine can chop cocoa waste so that it can be further processed as compost


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    Contoh Antisopisme yang dikembangkan Socrates dalam dua bentuk yakni Gerakan Pemikiran dan Gerakan Pendidikan, dua hal yang sangat penting dalam melakukan pencerdasan terhadap masyarakat yang mengidap penyakit Nihilisme suatu bentuk yang bisa menghambat proses pencerdasan kehidupan suatu masyarakat

    Filosofi Dakwah Jama’ah

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    Dakwah Jama’ah is a continuation of the da’wah on yourself(nafsiyah) and preaching to others (fardiyah), so that the essence of its existence in the activity of the da’wah Islamiyah occupies an important position in building the foundation of a society that wants ti be built in groups that have a spiritual foundation working together in building a society that is able to be the primary environment for all mankind so that survivors of the world and the hereafter.Keywords: da’wa, human, worshipers, shared purposeDakwah Jama'ah merupakan kelanjutan dari dakwah pada diri sendiri (nafsiyah) dan berkhotbah kepada orang lain (fardiyah), sehingga esensi keberadaannya dalam aktivitas dakwah Islamiyah menempati posisi penting dalam membangun fondasi masyarakat yang ingin ti dibangun dalam kelompok-kelompok yang memiliki landasan spiritual bekerja sama dalam membangun masyarakat yang mampu menjadi lingkungan utama untuk seluruh umat manusia sehingga selamat di dunia dan akhirat.Kata kunci: dakwah, manusia, jamaah, tujuan bersam


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    The phenomenon of the use of Humor in Da'wah Bil Lisan is a sign that the attraction of da'wah objects to the exposure of oral offerings in da'wah is influenced by the presence of humorous insertions in each Dakwah Bil Lisan (  Da'wah Oral ) , but in reality the use of humor in Da'wah Bil Lisan has a very high level of complexity due to the ability of lecturers in producing very limited humorous offerings which are limited by the existence of values that must be brought as a manifestation of the purpose of Da'wah Islamiyah. Therefore, a philosophical understanding of humor is needed because of the harmony between the purpose of da'wah and the purpose of humor presented in lectures (Da'wah Bil Lisan )

    Filosofi Dakwah Nafsiyah

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    Dakwah Nafsiyah is the dakwah process that occurs in one's self. Dakwah Nafsiyah has personal dimension and should be discussed in the first place in the topics of dakwah. This paper attempts to perform parallelization and comparison briefly to the basic conception Dakwah Nafsiyah with the opinion of the philosophers, which is expected to add to the literature of dakwah studies. This article concludes that Dakwah Nafsiyah can be done with hierarchical, proportional dan eclectic patterns.Dakwah Nafsiyah adalah proses dakwah yang terjadi dalam diri pribadi seseorang. Dakwah Nafsiyah berdimensi personal dan harus menempati posisi awal dalam pembahasan dakwah Islamiyah. Tulisan ini mencoba melakukan paralelisasi, komparasi secara singkat terhadap konsepsi dasar Dakwah Nafsiyah dengan pendapat para filosuf, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat menambah khazanah keilmuan dakwah. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa dakwah nafsiyah dapat dilakukan dengan pola hierarki, proporsional dan eklektis

    Mesin Pencacah Limbah Kulit Kakao

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    Cocoa waste can still be used as something useful such as compost. The objective of this work is to make an organic waste crusher machine from cocoa waste. The method was the determination of systematic crushing, functional design, draw the crusher, making a prototype of the crusher machine, and performing functional test of the crusher. The crusher machine has been designed and provided. Functional tests conducted indicate that the machine can chop cocoa waste so that it can be further processed as compost
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