2,274 research outputs found

    Risk aversion and embedding bias

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    In Selten (1967) “Strategy Method,” the second mover in the game submits a complete strategy. This basic idea has been exported to nonstrategic experiments, where a participant reports a complete list of contingent decisions, one for each situation or state in a given sequence, out of which one and only one state, randomly selected, will be implemented. In general, the method raises the following concern. If S0 and S1 are two different sequences of states, and state s is in both S0 and S1, would the participant make the same decision in state s when confronted with S0 as when confronted with S1? If not, the experimental results are suspect of suffering from an “embedding bias.” We check for embedding biases in elicitation methods of Charles Holt and Susan Laury (Laury and Holt, 2000, and Holt and Laury, 2002), and of the present authors (Bosch-Domènech and Silvestre, 1999, 2002, 2006a, b) by appropriately chosen replications of the original experiments. We find no evidence of embedding bias in our work. But in Holt and Laury’s method participants tend to switch earlier to the riskier option when later pairs of lotteries are eliminated from the sequence, suggesting the presence of some embedding bias.Embedding bias, strategy method, Holt, Laury, Risk Attraction, Risk Aversion, Experiments, Leex

    Double Poisson Cohomology of Path Algebras of Quivers

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    In this note, we give a description of the graded Lie algebra of double derivations of a path algebra as a graded version of the necklace Lie algebra equipped with the Kontsevich bracket. Furthermore, we formally introduce the notion of double Poisson-Lichnerowicz cohomology for double Poisson algebras, and give some elementary properties. We introduce the notion of a linear double Poisson tensor on a quiver and show that it induces the structure of a finite dimensional algebra on the vector spaces V_v generated by the loops in the vertex v. We show that the Hochschild cohomology of the associative algebra can be recovered from the double Poisson cohomology. Then, we use the description of the graded necklace Lie algebra to determine the low-dimensional double Poisson-Lichnerowicz cohomology groups for three types of (linear and non-linear) double Poisson brackets on the free algebra in two variables. This allows us to develop some useful techniques for the computation of the double Poisson-Lichnerowicz cohomology.Comment: 42 pages. Final version, to appear in Journal of Algebr

    Ultrazvučno praćenje uspješnosti rehabilitacije mišića natkoljenice nakon ozljede koljenskog zgloba

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    The ultimate goal of successful rehabilitation of the knee joint is to achieve normal movement of the knee joint and to re-establish active muscle control in the shortest time possible. The knee joint movement during rehabilitation can be objectively measured by using a goniometer. The recovery of femoral muscles after a knee joint injury can be accurately and precisely monitored by ultrasonic measurement of the muscular volume. The aim of this longitudinal study was to standardize and evaluate the method of ultrasonographic measurement of muscular volume itself, and practical applicability of the method, in order to reach a general conclusion on the femoral muscle rehabilitation. The measurements were performed at equal intervals in 30 subjects with a history of knee joint injury, and in 30 asymptomatic subjects as a control group. The results showed that the ultrasound method could precisely and accurately monitor the process of muscular atrophy that develops during immobilization, as well as the course of muscular restitution during physical therapy. Full recovery of the rectus femoris muscle was achieved in more than a half of the patients, i.e. 54.4 per cent of women and 53.8 per cent of men. Vastus intermedius muscle responded less readily to physical therapy. Full recovery was achieved in 22.2 per cent of female and28.6 per cent of male patients. Within the same intervals, no muscular mass changes were recorded in the control group. Prior to implementation, it is necessary to precisely determine the reproducibility of the method and measurement errors. The ultrasound method has good reproducibility because the error does not exceed 2 per cent of the measurement value. However, practical application of ultrasonic measurement is not simple, because it requires experience and procedure standardization.Krajnji cilj uspješne rehabilitacije nakon ozljede koljena je postizanje normalnog opsega pokreta zgloba i uspostavljanje aktivne mišićne kontrole u što kraćem razdoblju. Mjerenje opsega pokreta zgloba može se u tijeku rehabilitacije provoditi objektivno pomoću goniometra. Točno i precizno praćenje oporavka natkoljeničnih mišića nakon ozljede zgloba koljena moguće je metodom ultrazvučnog mjerenja volumena mišića. Cilj ove longitudinalne studije bio je standardizirati i vrednovati metodu ultrazvučnog mjerenja volumena mišića i prikladnost primjene ove metode u praksi radi objektivizacije rehabilitacije četveroglavog mišića natkoljenice. Mjerenje je bilo provedeno u istim vremenskim razmacima u 30 ispitanika koji su u anamnezi imali ozljedu zgloba koljena te u 30 asimptomatskih ispitanika koji su činili kontrolnu skupinu. Rezultati su pokazali da se ehosonografijom može točno i precizno pratiti tijek promjene volumena mišića pri procesu atrofije koja nastaje za vrijeme imobilizacije i tijek restitucije mišića za vrijeme provođenja fizikalne terapije. Prije primjene treba točno odrediti ponovljivost metode i pogreške mjerenja. Ultrazvučna metoda ima dobru ponovljivost, jer pogreška ne prelazi 2% vrijednosti mjerenja

    Complementary Communication Path for Energy Efficient On-Chip Optical Interconnects

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    International audienceOptical interconnects are considered to be one of the key solutions for future generation on-chip interconnects. However, energy efficiency is mainly limited by the losses incurred by the optical signals, which considerably reduces the optical power received by the photodetectors. In this paper we propose a differential transmission of the modulated signals, which contributes to improve the transmission of the optical signal power on the receiver side. With this approach, it is possible to reduce the input laser power and increase the energy efficiency of the optical communication. The approach is generic and can be applied to SWSR-, MWSR-, SWMR- and MWMR-like architectures

    Crop Identification Technology Assessment for Remote Sensing (CITARS)

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    The results of classifications and experiments performed for the Crop Identification Technology Assessment for Remote Sensing (CITARS) project are summarized. Fifteen data sets were classified using two analysis procedures. One procedure used class weights while the other assumed equal probabilities of occurrence for all classes. In addition, 20 data sets were classified using training statistics from another segment or date. The results of both the local and non-local classifications in terms of classification and proportion estimation are presented. Several additional experiments are described which were performed to provide additional understanding of the CITARS results. These experiments investigated alternative analysis procedures, training set selection and size, effects of multitemporal registration, the spectral discriminability of corn, soybeans, and other, and analysis of aircraft multispectral data

    Spreadsheet Logology: Letter-Shifts

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    This article describes a personal computer spreadsheet model (template) that aids in searching for alphabetical letter-shift word-pairs (e.g., cheer-jolly, shift-value 7). It complements my November 1988 Word Ways article demonstrating how non-computer-experts can tap the computer\u27s power for logological studies by using commercially-available, inexpensive spreadsheet applications programs like Lotus 1-2-3. A motivated novice with little experience using personal computers can learn to use a spreadsheet application program in a few hours
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