20 research outputs found

    The Role of Instituations in the Development of Fine Arts in Pasuruan Raya

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    Pasuruan is one of the cities in East Java that is very well known for its fine arts. It is unique compared to other cities in East Java, having adapted fine arts as an important part of their flourishing community. Tere have been seven art exhibitions by the Pasuruan Artists Organization or Fine Arts Teachers Community and Pasuruan Artists Association (KGSP). In every exhibition in Pasuruan Raya there are parties or institutions that are actively participating in it. This research is intended to identify which art institutions support the development of fine arts in Pasuruan Raya. Keywords: Supportive Institutions, Fine Arts, Appreciation of Ar


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    Kafe Rumah Akasha merupakan salah satu kafe di kota Malang mengangkat tema retro. Gaya yang Populer pada tahun 1980-an. Penataan desain interior ruangan serta aksesoris yang berkaitan dengan tema menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi desain interior yang sesuai dengan fungsi dan kebutuhan, serta mengetahui visualisasi interior bergaya retro Rumah Akasha di jalan Hassanudin No.35F Klojen Malang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif yang mana peneliti menjelaskan fenomena yang diteliti, dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi mengenai penataan interior ruangan dan aksesoris yang menonjolkan gaya retro pada kafe Rumah Akasha. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan ada beberapa elemen pembentuk ruang, furniture, serta aksesoris yang bertema retro, yang terlihat pada meja, kursi dan aksesoris pada lampu, lukisan mobil tua, televisi. Dan ada beberapa bagian furniture dan aksesoris yang tidak termasuk kedalam gaya retro

    MEMAKNAI BUNGA DI ATAS BATU Patung Karya Anusapati

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    Sculpture is an iconic sign to convey a message or something that can be used to represent a state (context), events of the past, or those in the future. Sculpture consists of iconic signs that work together systemically to achieve certain goals. This study aims to (1) describe the meaning of denotation, and (2) interpret the connotative meaning of Anusapati’s work entitled “Bunga di Atas Batu” (Flower on a Stone), a bronze statue created in 2004, by employing the connotative semiotics approach of Roland Barthes. The sculpture portrays a monument, which invites everyone to see that ‘flower’ as the connotation of the forest has been elevated, not to be given a respectable position, but just to be remembered. Forests as valuable assets owned by the Indonesians and even the world are seen metaphorically as ‘the flower’ which is gradually disappearing, (almost) becoming a memory. In some areas in Indonesia, forests have even completely disappeared and only left memories behin


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    Developing Digital Storytelling of Wayang Topeng Malang As Platform for Cultural Literacy for Students

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    Digital storytelling has been a popular part of education used as a medium for telling stories. A digital storytelling platform can facilitate the development of collaborative stories. If the storytelling process is facilitated properly, it will lead to the creation of stories that enhance the relationship between the players. Wayang Topeng is one of the traditional performing arts in Indonesia that needs to be told digitally so that students become more interested in and understand the stories about Wayang Topeng Malang. This is an R&D research that has used the modified Borg and Gall concept. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documents. The result of this study was the development of a digital introduction of the characters of Wayang Topeng Malang in the form of 2D animation. The digital storytelling application was uploaded on YouTube, making the content accessible to everyone. Keywords: digital storytelling, Wayang Topen

    Lampion Hias Bernilai Estetika untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Karang Taruna

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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini diperuntukkan bagi karang taruna dikawasan wisata Kampung Heritage Kajoetangan Kota Malang. Bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas peserta, potensi diri dibidang kreatif, menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman artistik melalui pembuatan lampion hias. Kebutuhan akan pencahayaan dilokasi kawasan wisata bukan hanya untuk keindahan tetapi memeriahkan tampilan permukiman khususnya di malam hari. Pembekalan keterampilan bagi karang taruna sangat diharapkan dan dipastikan untuk kurun waktu tertentu, secara berkesinambungan kawasan ini menjadi sentra industri kreatif berbasis budaya lokal yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Masalahnya aktivitas karang taruna sangat kurang dibidang kreatif, belum memiliki kompetensi mengembangkan potensi kreatif berolah seni rupa dan kerajinan untuk memperindah lingkungan yang menjadi objek kunjungan wisata sehingga perlu dilatih. Metode yang digunakan diantaranya  pengayaan, metode pembelajaran, metode partisipatif, dan metode evaluasi untuk mengetahui perubahan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan wawasan/perilaku khalayak sasaran. Manfaat dari kegiatan pelatihan penting untuk meningkatkan kreativitas peserta, mampu berwirausaha, memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk mengembangkan potensi diri, dan menggunakan keterampilan yang dimiliki untuk memperindah, memelihara, dan melestarikan  lingkungan kawasan kampung wisata Kajoetangan.  Kata kunci— lampion hias, kreativitas, Kampung Heritage Kajoetangan Malang. Abstract Community service activity is for young people in the tourism area of Kajoetangan Heritage Village, Malang. Aiming to increase participant's creativity, self potential in the creative field, increase knowledge and artistic experience through making decorative lanterns. The need for lighting in the tourist area is not just for beauty but enliven the appearance of settlements, especially at night. Provision of skills for youth is highly expected and ensured for a certain period of time, this area will continuously become a center for creative industries based on local culture that has a high economic value. The problem is that the activities of the youth group are very lacking in the creative field, and do not yet have the competence to develop the creative potential to work in the arts and crafts to beautify the environment that is the object of a tourist visit so they need to be trained. The methods used include enrichment, learning methods, participatory methods, and evaluation methods to determine changes in knowledge, skills, and insights/behavior of the target audience. The benefits of the training activities are important to increase the creativity of the participants, being able to become entrepreneurs, have high motivation to develop their potential, and use their skills to beautify, maintain, and preserve the environment of the Kajoetangan tourist village. Keywords— ornamental lanterns, creativity, Kampung Heritage Kajoetangan Malan

    Oglek Tempe Dance as an Attraction to Support Cultural-Based Village Tourism in Sanan, Malang

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    Sanan village is one of the designated tourist areas in Malang, and it has a special ceremony in welcoming their guests. The tour guide team picks up groups of tourists who enter the Sanan village area and escorts them to see the making of tempeh chips. However, the ceremony itself is rather bland as there is no artistic attraction in its process. Thus, in this community service activity, we packaged art tourism attractions with local characteristics, namely the welcoming dance of Oglek Tempe, to brand Sanan village as a culture-based tourism village. Nine female dancers perform the Oglek Tempe dance from the village of Sanan, following the concept of ‘babahan hawa sanga’. The dance reminds people to maintain honor and not to indulge in lust. The form of dance presentation demonstrates the style of movement, costumes, property, and musical arrangements typical of Malangan within six minutes’ duration. This is a spectacle dance. It also provides opportunities for tourists who want to dance along with the dancers by following the rules and protocols and not making disrespectful moves. The dance ends with the giving of souvenirs typical of Sanan village, namely decorations made of coral. Keywords: Oglek Tempe, Dance, Attraction, Tourism, Sana

    Strengthening the Tempe Souvenir Packaging Design in Sanan Village, Malang

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    Sanan village is an area in Malang city that is strong in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and its economy is growing because of the Tempe chips business. In the world of marketing, competition is normal and natural. In this regard, various efforts have been made on the part of Sanan village to get ahead of the competition. One of these has been to make an interesting product packaging design to attract potential consumers. With a large industrial scale, packaging is one of the important factors that must be considered to grab consumers’ attention. Packaging can be an effective strategy in product marketing to attract consumer buying interest. Packaging can also give an overview of the product, both in terms of quality and value offered by the manufacturer. However, in the Tempe industry in the Sanan area, the researchers found that much of the packaging lacks any unique characteristics. Unattractive packaging will make this product less well-known, especially in terms of souvenir packaging. Based on these findings, the implementation team of the Sanan souvenir packaging design program carried out an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach, which consisted of the steps of discovery, brainstorm, design, define, and implement, to provide effective packaging for the regional industry. Keywords: Sanan, packaging, design, featured product

    Afrofuturism in Black Panther Superhero Costume as Culture Sustainability Media (Charles Sanders Pierce Semiotic Analysist)

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    Black Panther is a successful film with various awards and a large revenue. One factor that received attention from the global community was the hidden message contained in the film. The costuming in Black Panther was one of the most important message media. This study determines the various meanings contained in the costume using Charles Sanders Pierce’s semiotics theory, which connects representamen, object and interpretant. Pierce’s semiotics theory is classified as a communication semiotics theory, which communicates a thought with new thoughts. Semiosis in communication semiotics occurs continuously or in a rolling manner. Semiosis will be stopped if the researcher has found meaning. Communication semiotics is considered relevant to this research, because the Black Panther costume can be analyzed from various aspects, so the meaning found will be varied, unlimited and profound. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to the stages of determining the problem, determining the type of data, determining the method of data collection, determining analysis techniques, and making conclusions. The data obtained were analyzed using Pierce’s semiotic trichotomy table. Data analysis was also strengthened with relevant bibliography, so that contextual meaning was found. The results of semiosis in this study indicate that the Black Phanter costume represents the existence of the black race through physical form, color and symbols. The costume is a product of the afrofuturism movement, a movement that aims to campaign for African culture. The Black Panther costume represents that Africa has a rich and competitive culture. Through the Black Panther character, black people are imaged as a virtuous, civilized, advanced, intellectual, artistic and warrior-spirited nation. The image is an attempt to sensitize the public about human rights equality and tolerance between groups. Keywords: Black Panther, Kostum, Semiotika, Afrofuturisme

    Stone Tiles: Unique Souvenirs for the Sanan Malang Educational Tourism Destination

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    Malang has several thematic tourist destinations, one of which is the village of Sanan. Sanan is known as an educational tourism destination. As the center of the tempe industry, the people of Sanan are able to process tempe into 50 types of preparations, such as tempeh chips with various flavors, tempeh satay, mendol sticks, tempeh brownies, dry tempeh, and nata de soya. Some Sanan people also use the soybean waste to feed their cattle. Many local tourists visit Sanan Village, including school students, university students, employees from government and private agencies, civilian officials, military officers and businessmen. Unfortunately, this tourist destination does not yet have any unique souvenirs which represent the identity of Sanan, and can be used for promotion and as keepsakes for tourists. Because of this, a group of mothers who are members of the Sanan community were given training to make special souvenirs in the form of decorative stones or painting stones with the medium of andesite stone tiles. Keywords: souvenirs, Sanan, decorative stone